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Everything posted by john5746

  1. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Robert Bennett (R-UT) Christopher Bond (R-MO) Jim Bunning (R-KY) Conrad Burns (R-MT) Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) Thad Cochran (R-MS) Kent Conrad (D-ND) John Cornyn (R-TX) Michael Crapo (R-ID) Michael Enzi (R-WY) Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Judd Gregg (R-NH) Orrin Hatch (R-UT) Trent Lott (R-MS) Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) Richard Shelby (R-AL) John Sununu (R-NH) Craig Thomas (R-WY) George Voinovich (R-OH) These are the 20 senators. Overwhelmingly republican, but not all from the "DEEP SOUTH". I have a hard time believing Orrin Hatch had a problem with it. Does every senator need to co-sponsor a bill? In any case, I bet they will wish they had. A bad move on their part.
  2. Ever heard of the Great Depression, or the Savings and Loan mess? Enron? The market goes in cycles, boom and bust. Government can smooth out those bumps and yes, it can make them worse.
  3. If they play this right, Apple could leverage Intel and XML to remove the OS dominance Microsoft has in business. If you can load Tiger on a Dell and use Mac products that transfer seamlessly to Office, why not use it? I doubt they will though. Still thinking hardware..., what's the next Ipod gizmo they can invent....
  4. I think many times, it just improves appearance. Maybe it improves the symmetry of their face, not sure. People do seem to be more confident with them. I am unsure if it is my perception that is distorted or thiers. Another experiment would have people looking at various faces with and without sunglasses. Describe the person behind the face.
  5. john5746


    If EVERYONE worked for the betterment of others instead of themselves, then we would be close to utopia. Politicians tend to reflect on their society. Even if they always do the "right" thing, they will probably get voted out. This is why in America, we continue to run up huge debts. Anyone who seriously tries to tackle the problem has no chance of election.
  6. The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), Notebook, 1935 I never dared to be radical when young For fear it would make me conservative when old. Robert Frost (1874 - 1963), 'Ten Mills,' A Further Range, 1936 I think these convey the same essential meaning.
  7. Hey, the SAT is biased. It needs to have references to NASCAR, country music and God in their questions to help us poor white trash! Anywhoo, I agree that Education is probably better overall in the Northeast as evidenced by SAT scores, but compared to other countries, I think Americans all look rather dim. I think the cultural differences have a larger impact. Does this mean you think Asians make better ethical decisions because they have the highest SAT scores?
  8. I think the parents of the embryos should have the final say as to what happens with them, either adopted or used for scientific research, if someone will not adopt them within a reasonable time, then they should be used for science.
  9. I think they should have added a question regarding how many planets or stars are contained in the universe. I think many people don't realize how huge the number is. Regarding intelligence, I think this is probably common, but species like ourselves might not be. We have no evidence that any other species has produced life that can wield technology, etc like ourselves. And within our own species, we probably helped stomp out any competition.
  10. How about Man's best friend, the dog? Although they don't kill often, they are around so many humans.
  11. I think I would try to help them help themselves: 1) Book on agriculture 2) Language - maybe spanish - english is messy 3) Math I think I could handle the philosophy/ethics enough to get them started.
  12. I remember reading that and it sounds very plausible. I guess the question would be when women began developing larger breasts. I just can't imagine men, especially cave men turning down any women based on breast size. And once they start, they are going to finish regardless of breast size. Also, I would think most breasts would be round and symmetrical and firm which is quite often not the case. I agree with Coral, I think it has more to do with suckling the baby. I would imagine that carrying a nursing baby upright while walking would be easier if you can hold your arms in a cradle position rather than always holding them up against your nipple. So I would also think that breasts developed when women began walking upright for long distances, but for a different reason. Sounds just as good to me.
  13. Stem Cell Passes in the House Bush hasn't vetoed anything yet. He will probably start with this one. He is in a no win situation, since I think most people favor it, but his evangelical base opposes it. We will have to wait until the next Pres, unless the Senate overrides the veto. You think Bush will actually veto this or let it go?
  14. As with any business, they can be dead wrong on perceived demand, produce a crappy product and have terrible QA. Hence the "patches" sent out from time to time to correct mistakes, etc.
  15. I was going to say the same. The media is a business. Religion has been a topic lately, so they will try to meet that perceived demand. I doubt if there are higher ratings for religious documentaries in the "red" states vs the "blue".
  16. He has no knowledge of what is in the bags or what he has pulled out of them. How easy would it be to pull 99 white swans out of a bag without getting the black one?
  17. I wonder how well the detectors work near the floor? Also, I wonder what penguin would taste like? Too much fat maybe.
  18. Do you have good policy ideas? Fiscal? Social? Education, Environment, I think so, incourage saving and investment(Tax Breaks), discourage consumption of vital resources - raise Taxes on gas. Foreign policy? Are you a talented public speaker? No Do you scare children? ( ) Sometimes Could you woo the voters? No. Do you cater to partisan interests? If I agree with them. Would you run a smear campaign against a competitor? Yes. I would run in the Reality party. Tell people they need to get up off their butt and work hard, improve their education and keep learning. Quit buying big, gas guzzling cars and running up debt. Cause the future ain't pretty.
  19. Coral, I knew what you meant, just wanted to point out some of the people who really 'screw' the system.
  20. I hope someday they can identify them at an early age and 'repair' them. Otherwise, castration seems in order. This would free them and the children from their torture. I was avoiding this thread because of the sick comments, but can't stand to let that crap stand. It is OK to be judgemental when someone thinks it is OK to hurt someone. Not acceptable.
  21. When a CEO drops on a company, cleans house and then parachutes out with millions. When wealthy stock holders buy and sell with insider information, to the detrement of the small fry. When the corporate execs get their healthcare at the same cost as the small fry, get additional percs on top of that and get greater increases in pay, then complain about higher taxes. It really sucks to be rich.
  22. Hey, I was thinking: Bush said he had political capital to spend and intended to spend it. Well, as with the taxpayer's capital, he has already spent it in his first year and is running a deficit!!
  23. So, rather than take one person's opinion, I prefer to take the stats as evidence, which show that more than likely, homeless people are not there because they are lazy or want to be in that condition. I agree that it shouldn't be a 'right' and that I am responsible for everyone having a home. But it is always interesting how much money we are willing to spend to create WMD's and go fight overseas, or lower estate taxes, etc. But, if we spend another dime on poor people, we will all go down in the sewer. That being said, help should come in the form of self-reliance whenever possible. Work is the best help to give these people.
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