Parents don't always know what is right. Teenagers should not be spanked for example. Too late for that. It can be difficult though. Discipline should fit the transgression.
I would like to purchase one of the hybrids. I might do it, but cost of ownership is also a concern. Parts, maintenance, etc. should all be higher. Toyota is the best car company overall, so you can bet on them for reliability.
Your posts are begging for abuse.
Discipline is not abuse. A parent should only discipline, never abuse. Spanking is not abuse. It should not lead to bruises or even any pain that is more than momentary.
Calling names like stupid, loser, etc. is abuse. This is not discipline.
Discipline stops unwanted behaviour and teaches good behaviour. Abuse teaches more bad behaviour
I don't see why not. He could travel in any x,y direction. Describing a 3rd spacial dimension to a 2-dimension being would be like trying to understand a 4th spacial dimension.
For someone to go into the 3rd dimension would be magic. They would just disappear!
In my earlier post, I was going to say, if you were my daughter... but I didn't want to be condecending. Coquina is an adult.
I'm not trying to alarm you, just giving fatherly advice. Your friends are those that you know and see face to face. People on the net are just fragments.
I voted yes, but I think affirmitive action should be geared toward the economically disadvantaged, not by race. A middle class black person doesn't need any help compared to a poor white person, IMO.
We do have an interest in improving our 'weakest link', which are the poor.
No, don't trust strangers. Even family and friends can be suspect.
If I were you, I would reveal as little information about yourself as possible online - where you live, name, pictures. It just isn't necessary and could cause problems.
I agree.
Punishment is also applied.
Limited resources. This is the best "cut" in expenses I can think of.
Two eyes for an eye is better - the criminal is more guilty than his victim?
I think it is pretty good. If you won't kill waste like this, who would you kill?
You made Pangloss's point: Since you apparently hate Americans, you assume that since he is American, he must support Bush and think the woman deserved to be shot because she is liberal - thus your reaction.
His point was that since the lady is Anti-American occupation, her recounting of the events are biased. Just as you reaction to his post. This seems to be a habit of yours.
Yes, I think coutries that are wealthy and free have a duty to help less fortunate citizens of other countries. I also think it isn't irresponsible to take into account the interests of said nation and the risks involved to consider if and what actions to take.
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. I think working within the UN framework is a good start, although if national security is really an issue, that must take precedence.
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