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Everything posted by john5746

  1. You know IBM will try to make the OS for it - kick Microsoft to the curb. Maybe they could team with Linux?
  2. Doesn't apply in my situation. We each have attributes from both parents.
  3. Yay for you also, Hey, my Father, sister and myself cross our right leg onto our left knee and shake it. My two brothers and mother do not. Genetic? Environment?
  4. Of course, there may be a genetic component to it. I think certain people are predisposed to become addicted to whatever - drugs, religion, exercise, etc. I must add that any addiction is a complex thing. All people who are addicts were not necessarily predisposed to it, just as all addicts weren't necessarily influenced by their environment.
  5. A Deficient Environment can be blamed for anything genetic in regards to psychological disorders. I understand your worry that people will sit back and blame their genes. Well, people will try to blame anything - the environment, government, genes, America, terrorists, etc. Understanding ones strengths and weaknesses is ok in my book. That doesn't mean give up on the weaknesses, no you may need to work that much harder to overcome them. I fail to understand what is so magical about psychological issues that seperate them from physical issues. Of course on the aggregate, the environment rules but in regards to an individual, people respond differently to the same stimulus. This is one of the major failings of medicine I believe, to treat everyone with the "average" remedy.
  6. I agree, genes are meaningless. I'm sure I get burned at the Beach easier than dark-skinned people because my Mother didn't eat enough when she was pregnant.
  7. I like that he is looking at cutting spending. He should also repeal some of the Tax cuts also, though. He could easily say that sacrifices must be made, that the economy is coming back and therefore the tax cuts can be repealed. I doubt that he will fight hard for some of the cuts, like farms, etc.
  8. I agree, but in the bible belt, Halloween stirs up some problems. That does stink. I probably would have told my child to participate and explain that it is a different culture' date=' etc. I would expect christians to do the reverse, but they have the right not to participate without stress. Now, the next time someone complains, they may have to eliminate it altogether. I know people with all kinds of degrees. There are no guarantees. I think if you pick something you enjoy and are half good at, it will pay off. If not financially, you will at least enjoy doing it.
  9. I am glad because he acted like a jerk. Do you expect people to argue both sides? Sometimes I do this, but it isn't the usual case. Coral: I hope your daughter and you are doing well, and your Ex received justice. How do you feel about Christmas, Halloween or Valentine parties. If a child doesn't participate, is this fair? Concerning the teacher, that person needs therapy.
  10. Oh well, sounds like the shia theocracy crowd will be ruling Iraq. I wonder if they will support America's invasion of Iran?
  11. you want to teach bisexuality? - just kidding. Yes, we should teach ALL people the above.
  12. Sorry, Atheists are the minority, just as homosexuals. So, if you want to teach tolerance, teach religious folk that not all people believe in God, and that those that believe in God have a different interpretation.
  13. Well, technically Afganistan was being dominated by Al-Queda.
  14. john5746

    Homosexual Gene?

    There is your answer. You don't want to be "mastered". I wonder if this is a natural response. I feel the same way as you, but it is hard to tell if I learned it or not. It is so engrained in our society.
  15. As a consumer, my motto is to spend less and save more. Not sure if that helps.
  16. I didn't say they need to pay more.
  17. Yes, when I say "tackle" I mean the idea, not the people themselves. For one, the government should be talking about it as an issue, put pressure on Saudi Arabia. Has anyone asked them about making plans to move toward democratic rule? Do we only liberate the countries we deem enemies?
  18. Many foreign countries have factories in the US. I don't see German and Japanese companies paying sky high wages. Companies pay according to the market. It would be crazy to pay factory workers more than what doctors can make in a country. You can see some of the problems that might occur. Again, they could pay some sort of "tariff" that would go towards improving working conditions, etc.
  19. I can't claim to be an expert in Middle East religions, but seems to me Saudi Arabi and wahhabism is the heart of the current terrorist threat. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia after all. They continue to teach hate. Seems like this would be easier to tackle then invading all the countries over there. Don't you think?
  20. Oh! this damn Haiku. I can't get the syllables to come out just right!
  21. http://www.rose-hulman.edu/Class/CalculusProbs/Problems/ENGINE/ENGINE.html
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