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Everything posted by john5746

  1. I don't think either or our remarks were "witty". I understand your post now - As I compared bigotry towards homosexuals to that of racism, you compared it to bigotry towards the mentally ill, so you also agree that homosexuals, like the mentally ill, should enjoy the same freedom to pursue happiness like everyone else, as long as they pose no danger to themselves or society. That's nice.
  2. Maybe the result of Neanderthal/sapian coupling would be sterile. This would be difficult to find in the fossil record...
  3. This is what the US does now. We bomb the enemy into the Stone Age, then we rebuild them. Blike brought up most of the points I was thinking. I too favor some torture, where the line crosses is a fuzzy one. I would do anything to save my family, but a government can't be run like a vigilante.
  4. Good One! I was getting too preachy.
  5. Maybe in the space-time dimensions > c isn't possible.
  6. I saw the answer, so it was easy after that. natural inclination is to think of one variable at first.
  7. OK, so if all people can only marry within their race(religion) and adopt children only within their race(religion) then everyone has the same "rights". That might be fair, but it is wrong IMO. If people of two different races(religions) love each other and want to be married, let them be married.
  8. Obama Dean would be better... I think a moderate republican not in the mainstream currently will come out of the woodwork. I think that will be appealing in 08' Arnold fits that bill, but he has the birthright problem.
  9. As Phi eluded, I was thinking about a major marrying a minor, but while on the subject: (1) two 25 year old men married (2) two 12 year olds married which bothers you more? ALSO (A) telling (1) they can never be married (B) telling (2) to wait 6 years I guess the definition of a minor is a problem, since I think some 17 year olds are capable of handling marriage. In fact, my parents were both this age when they were married. Although in all cases it is better to grow up some first. In any case, making a 17 year old wait one year before getting married is a far cry from telling someone they can never be married or never adopt a child.
  10. interspecies marriage - WRONG marriage to a minor - WRONG - if pregnant, I guess too late then. OK. So my previous point regarding interracial, etc is valid. These situations also can "scar" the child, or make that person better for it. You are concerned with feedback from society. Well, you can get bigotry for all kinds of things - obesity, race, religion, wealth, etc. As you mature, you will worry less and less about what other people think - its true! You sound like a very mature and intelligent person for your age. As far as new feelings - well you seem to handle discussion and criticism from different viewpoints well. That's good - people will talk to you if you are open to discussion.
  11. Ha! yes. SUPERHOLY = vagina -> vagina !!
  12. You need to seperate morality from legality. Some people might think it morally wrong to marry outside of their religion or marry a person of another race. That is their deal. But don't try to make it illegal. Now, with polygamy, I don't have a problem with that morally, but it would get messy in practice, so I would be against it legally. HOLY = penis -> vagina UNHOLY = penis -> anus is that the definition?
  13. I am an unbeliever. I live in South Carolina. You would consider me "old" What I said seems rash I guess. Let me put it in context. You are a girl who feels unloved by her mother. You have a problem with gays apparently. So, if you had a gay child, how would you react? Would you love him/her? If they wanted to raise a child would you be happy for him/her? I find it helpful to personalize things.. For example, war in Iraq. Would I fight in that war? Would I want my son to do so? If some other country bombed my house, would I find that liberating? If the President was Islamic and thought all Christians were destined for hell, how would I feel about that. Have I helped?
  14. Is this overblown or what? What's the list of costumes that you can't wear at costume parties? I guess this is one of the cons of being royalty.
  15. With elections that close, many things probably could have changed it. If the CBS(Rather) report had been true or not have happened at all, the swift boaters, Kerry's statement about Cheney's daughter bothered me.
  16. Actually, it shows that small states have more power electorally per capita. The conservatives do the exact same thing as the dems. One of the biggest complaints is that dems have no principles(morals). If one of them is equal rights, shouldn't they stand for that even when unpopular? It has been done before.
  17. democracy != liberty. Also, everyone being a politician? How about everyone being their own doctor? We elect representatives who supposedly have the time and ability to review topics and vote on them, usually with the welfare of his(her) voters in mind. The people have the power to remove those they dislike - and guess what? Most of them(especially young ones) don't vote. Apathy. And this is for leaders of the country. Can you imagine small little referendums - 5 a day, etc. 10% of the population if your lucky would decide. Start small - family, dorm, class, etc. See what happens. Or do as Marx - write a book and get some other idiot to try it.
  18. I thought the whole point of politics was to dehuminize the opponent so the simple-minded electorate can easily make a black and white decision? Is it different in other countries?
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