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Everything posted by john5746

  1. Assembly was used to write the BIOS probably not anymore. Probably still used in some eproms for other devices. Useful to learn about computer hardware at the chip level.
  2. Not necessarily greed, although that is prevalent. Just reaping what you sow and passing it on to your kids. This is almost instinct I would think.
  3. Forced being a key word. Communism is based on the restriction of individual liberty, so it must be forced onto the citizen. This is why it is doomed to failure.
  4. Democracy and liberty are two different things. Complete majority rule will eventually lead to the loss of liberty to the minority. It is also inefficient to rule day by day based on popular opinion.
  5. All men are dogs - that is a worse defense All Things being equal means, that if there is no deciding factor to determine who should be the parent, and assuming the child can't be shoved back and forth between each parent 50% of the time, the tie should goto the women IMO. Did I say she should be pampered? If the child support is too much in some cases, that should be reduced. That doesn't mean ALL men shouldn't have to pay ANY support.
  6. Yes, I wonder how long a baby without a brain can live without any extraneous help. Still, I think it more humane to kill than to allow someone to suffer.
  7. Only 600 worldwide - seems to be a very narrow application, but it does open the door... Baby with no brain - what do they do, keep it plugged up to a machine so that it can suffer? Seems like you would end the suffering quickly. Seems like a no brainer to me.
  8. yang du: I understand where your coming from, most people, when pressed will defend their country, even if they have many complaints about it. When I defend the US, I do not imply that the PEOPLE are better, or even the curre nt administration is better. I feel that the US system of government is better, because it at least allows the people to have a say in their government. If you are happy with yours, you can have the same opinion, and I am glad you are happy with it. But, If any government silences critics through jail, or death - that I cannot support.
  9. Well, Japan and Germany are doing well aren't they? And Chinese aren't speaking Japanese, French and British aren't speaking German. South Korea is doing much better than North Korea. America gives aid to Africa, and helps other third world countries. Its citizens also freely participate in charity. Many countries don't need to spend nearly as much on a military due to big brother being around. If China could have defeated Japan, I don't think they would have let them be a sovereign country afterwards... I obviously don't know as much about China or chinese as you, only the ones I have met here and the media. I have a deep respect for Chinese and asian culture. If the Chinese people had a say as to the leadership of their country, then I would have more respect for the Chinese government. As with the US, this wouldn't guarantee perfection, but I think it would help.
  10. The women has the right to abort ONLY because the fetus is inside her body. So, the man has no say in the matter, legally. Custody should be determined for the welfare of the child, not to punish anyone. Both parents should have financial obligations for their children. In the US, women are increasingly earning money on par with men. They should be treated the same as men when child support is rendered. All things being equal, I think the women should get custody. She carried the child and delivered. She will more likely be the best parent, at least in the first years(Again, if all things are equal).
  11. EricScrewLoose: What the heck is your main point? Is a supreme being orchestrating bad things to happen in 11's or is the "New World Order" or the US? It was entertaining at first, now its psychotic.
  12. I'm from America, and feel very fortunate to be here. Many Americans freely admit our government's mistakes and are the first to complain about them. But, America does many good things also. Do you see China helping alot of countries?
  13. Good Questions: 1) Life isn't invaluable, it is to the person in question or their loved ones, but not society in general. 2) Punishment fitting the crime? Well, how about someone who kills 10 people vs a person who kills 1? Also, intent has something to do with it also, because a soldier can drop a bomb on civilians killing thousands and is celebrated - that doesn't mean those civilians were worthless. A doctor commits malpractice, resulting in someone's death - he doesn't get killed, his insurance pays people, and I think you want this price to be limited to what value? To me, if someone steals my car, I would much rather them work and give me a new car than to spend 10 years in jail. In fact, they should all work and make cars, or something to be given to the poor. In these cases, rehabing the person is just as important as making them repay society. In the case of murder, in many cases we are not worried about rehab, because they are a lost cause. They should at least work to pay for their keep, if not and they are guilty beyond any doubt, then get rid of them. Scott Peterson will not be killed. He will spend his life in death row. That's good enough for me.
  14. I think you could add India. Do you live in China? If not, can this website be accessed in China? Not trying to make a point, just wondering.
  15. Yes, the devil is in the details as always. Not all murderers are equally deserving of the same punishment. If we had an Australia where these convicts could be sent with no cost to society, all is well. The problem for me is that life is not free. So, maybe I don't have the right to sentence someone to death, but maybe they don't have the right to any food, shelter, or medical care. Where to you stop with medical care? Do you deny a surgery they may need? Do you give it to them at the expense of someone else?
  16. Passion isn't necessary to kill someone. If I am absolutely positive that someone is guilty of certain crimes, I believe I could kill them without any emotions involved. Now, to feed them or perform surgery on them(if I were a surgeon), while poor people in this world go without, I would have a harder time doing. The problem for me is making sure the person is guilty. This costs too much to be practical in most cases. For me, I could care less one way or the other from a moral or emotional point. I want the least amount of money spent on the person as possible, because his life is worthless to society.
  17. I think the number "9" has a greater significance in the events of the 20th century. It is contained in EVERY date!
  18. I guess the ACLU doesn't have enough to do - good!
  19. I would think it would be easier to wire the UK or Japan than a country like the US. Porn comes in many flavors, some more disturbing than others. I personally don't care - its better than violent stuff.
  20. I watched this movie last night. Pretty good, but very predictable. I realize the jury of peers makes the decision, but the state provides the prosecution and means to perform the execution. They have an interest in making sure the accused is convicted and then executed. Very easy to hide or taint evidence in an atmosphere like that.
  21. Maybe you could try the death penalty, and then let us know how it is.
  22. I tend to agree with the opinion that we along with a warmer climate brought disease. I wonder if they only mated once a year, or their children developed slower. This would explain the lower numbers.
  23. john5746


    I think rights begin at conception, but they can be superseded by the mother, or to save the mother. Phi's solution sounds good. I think doctors or helpers should be held to a different standard than the mother though. In other words, if the mother were to abort the child in the third trimester, I wouldn't consider her a murderer. Maybe in need of psychological therapy, but not prison.
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