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  1. Alright i am not entirely sure i am in the right place for this. Im like science but i am pretty much a hobbyistmore than anything. Recently i came into posession of a lot of old computers. I have been taking the boards fromt he computers and cutting them up to remove any peices that have gold plateng on them. I understand that thisis not pure gold and i also understand how very leittle gold is actually on these computers, But it adds up. Anyways, I have been following a very strict set of instructions using Hydrochloric Acid and Subzero (Nitric Acid Subsitute) to disolved the metals of the boards. This works out perfectly every time. However, Once done I add Urea to the solution untill the acid stops reacting to it. Ones this is done i weigh whats left of the boards and figure out hom much metal was disolved and from ehre i add the recomended amount of Storm precipitent ( 2 table spoons for every one ounce of disolved gold) This reacts Foams up gets very pungent and then finally settles and after a few moments at the bottom of the beaker i am working with i have brown mud. From my understanding this mud is suppose to be gold, hoever the Aqua Regia needs to be cleaned from the mud. This is where I come to a Wall. I have tried two differant methods for cleaning the mud. 1. Decant the spent acid, Wash mud with amonia, Decant Amonia, Wash with Tap water Repeat ammonia and water wash till the mud is clean. Rinse the mud one last time with distilled water. Heat on a hot plate untill you have a sand. 2 Decant acid, Rinse mud wit tap water and let settle (repeat 3-4 times) Rinse with amonia, Rinse with Distilled water, Heat until you have sand. With both of these processes i come up with a sand that is either, white-ish, Green, Grey, or Rust colored. When I go to melt the sand down it does not liquify, instead it lupmps up as black slag.. As i saif before i may not be in the right place for this, but I am hitting this wall and it is becoming very depressing how many faliures I have had. If anyone has any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong, i would be greatly appreciative. Thank you, Render
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