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  1. i am also new memeber of this forum and i have lots of stuck with the mathematics problems so please will you please help me????
  2. getting lots of stuck from this algebraic expression ?? 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data (4x−1)1/2−1/3(4x−1)3/2 2. Relevant equations 3. The attempt at a solution I think the GCF is (4x−1)1/2 . So, I get (4x−1)1/2(1+(−1/3(4x−1))) = (4x−1)1/2(−4/3x+4/3) = −4/3(4x−1)1/2(x−1) However, the answer in the book is 4/3(4x−1)1/2(x−1) . I've done it several ways, and I either get a minus sign on the 4/3 , or the (x−1) becomes (x+1) . What am I missing?
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