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Everything posted by noz92

  1. one thing that i don't unerstand about this theory, is what kind of things can we really understand with it (in it's completed form)?
  2. quantum physisists are working on a theory of everything (unified theory), but are unable to create one so far. but they do have certain parts of this theory completed, does anybody know what those parts are?
  3. i don't know the name of the theory, i just breifly read about it in a magazine, so i just read the article and the theory itself... so, i don't really know what it was titled.
  4. ok then
  5. yah
  6. thank you
  7. (laghs)
  8. well, i don't know, i just read it in a magazine with an article aboute extra dimensions that we don't see or sense in any way, so it's probably just theoretical, but, when did you hear about 10 or 11, it may be an older idea. it might also just be another theory.
  9. i think it's about 3-4 months old
  10. no, it's been a couple of months since i read about them, but if you wish, i read about them in a past issue of the magazine scientific american.
  11. There are actually more than 9 or 12, the last I heard, there where arox. 26 known dimensions.
  12. no one knows for sure, but at the top of this page is see an advertisement thing that says that dark energy and dark matter explained by quantum physics theory. i have an idea of my own that says dark energy and matter are really just what matter and energy are actually the decay of regular matter and enery as we know them as. and that since matter is constantly growing older, and matter is constantly becoming dark matter, the universe is constantly expanding. dark energy and dark matter are what we think, to be what is causing the universe to expand, and what will eventually cause the universal implosion known as the big crunch, so its probably pretty massive.
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