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Everything posted by noz92

  1. After studying the functions on my scientific calculator, I came across sin and cos. I've heard people talking about them on NASA TV, but never learned what it was. Could somebody explain them to me?
  2. If I understand special theory of relativity right, than mass is not the amount of matter in an object, but rather the amount of energy in it. This question just came to me out of nowhere, but how much energy does it take to equal a gram?
  3. but you may wan't to talk to a psycyatrist about that (i actually enjoy seeing Ph.Ds in theropy) as far as the not seeing peoples heads i mean thats just kind of disturbing and creepy
  4. that's kind of strange, i don't think the mind is supposed to be able to tell if it's dreaming or not. as far seeing it as it's a movie, i think that's normal (i dream that way too), either that or were both mentally ill people who need to be put in a nut house
  5. i think the reason you all seam to be waking up when you discover that you're dreaming has to do with what a dream is. as i said in my previous post, dreams are just when the dreamer confuse there own thoughts with reality, and the dreamer forgets the laws of nature, but if the dreamer realises that they're dreaming they no longer confuse reality and impossible thoughts, resulting in the mind to stop thinking and (probobly, this part is my own guess) causing the brainwaves to relax a little bit, and cause the person to wake up. however, i don't think the dreams have to happen when you're asleep, i think they could happen any time you forget what can happen and what can't, and you're thoughts blend together, and you end up in a state of physical unawareness. but, i think it would just be esier to have a dream when you are asleep (i am aware that every time you fall asleep you have a dream) because you're not aware of what's going on around you, and so you have ablolutely no idea of reality, and all you can do is simply think, and let the mind run freely. i would assume that this is why you have a dream every night.
  6. i still am i child (age 12), and i can in a way countrol my dreams, but this is a skill i just recently learned to do. i can't nesseceraly countrol what's happening, but i can countrol when i wake up. all i do is simply focus my thought into a sort of point. when you're dreaming it kind of feels like your thought is pyhsical (which if you think about it, it sort of is, i mean, all a dream really is, is when a persons thoughts seem to blend into reality and the dreamer forgets the laws fo nature). but when i say thought, i mean you're actually thinking in your dream, and it feels like your thought is waying you down, (but you don't notice this because you feel exactly as you do when you're awake) but when you focus your thought it gives you kind of a feeling of being lifted up by nothing. and then you all of the sudden wake up.
  7. who wrote that?
  8. i just read in an encylopedia that quarks were only theoretical, but it may be out dated, although i wouldn't imagine it since it's a 1996 encylopedia, and wouldn't have many outdated information in it, but in 8 years a discovery could be made i guess?
  9. if you do manage to bring something back to life, i would imagine that it would be in a way not much unlike in the Frankenstein movies, the electricity should start up the brain, and when the brain is working, then the heart (if given some electricity of it's own) should be able to start up again, like what paramedics do with those metal electric things
  10. so it's not actualy criogenics, or bringing anything back to life.
  11. if some creatures see things at different speed, then we don't know that what we see is actually whats going on when we see it, or even withing the same small area of time, is that right?
  12. i don't think that we've proven the existance of quarks yet, so without actual proof that they exist, i don't think it would be possible to have a real idea of what an average speed is.
  13. what's a 3rd party scientist?
  14. but could the soul just sit there in an inanimate object for very long?
  15. when someone comes up with a scientific theory or discoverey, how do they publish it, i know they have to send it to a scientific journal, but what is that exactly?
  16. and where did you here this from?
  17. noz92

    Maths teaser

    40, unless decimals and fractions are counted into the weight.
  18. i believe perfectly in time travel, and i know that theres nothing in the laws of physics that go against it, but what about the law that says that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but rather changed from one state to a nother, and this combined withe the law stating that you can't occupy 2 spaces at the same time. with these two laws, how could you exist in the past or future?
  19. noz92


    yes, but unfortunatly, that would cost quite a bit of money, for example, criogenics, that cost so much money, and most people don't even believe it can happen, most people don't believe in how advanced our technology is
  20. noz92


    but what about bringing the dead back to life, that in a sense would be a form of imortality?
  21. but does time effect EM, or anything moving at that speed, light (i don't remember where i heard this from) never ages and is imortal?
  22. time must exist. no time, means no arrow of time. if you drop a wine glass from 6ft in the air, then it's going to break, and it's peices arn't going to just reform themselves like you can force them to on a vcr or dvd player. because time (and the laws of thermodynamics) forces things to happen in one order. let's suppose those of you who are saying that time doesn't exist are correct, and time really is man made. then there would be no official order that things happen, and the wine glass might break before it's dropped, or you may die before your'e even born. and the time tree thing, who ever asked where this time tree is, it wouldn't be an actual thing, it's more used to represent how the universe works. it would simply show that there is an infinite number of futures, and they all will happen. and if you travel back in time, i wouldn't think that time could be messed up, because time is written. i think that theres a physical time line, in which has the entire history of the universe, and everything that has happened and will happen. outside of these time lines would be an infinite nothing, and there would be no math, no motion, no existent universe. another argument is, if time doesn't exist, then we wouldn't exist. the laws of physics go completly against having more then one thing, in the exact same place at the exact same time (or what ever you want to call it), which forces us to believe in time.
  23. oh.
  24. i would think that if you somehow reached c, and then you turned on your head lights, i would think that you would use zeno's paradox for this. if you're traveling at c, and you turned on the head lights, then because the head lights are slightly in front of you, then you would simply be driving the lights foward, and you would stay the same distance away from the light for ever (unless you turn the lights of and turn away). but the above wouldn't matter, because by our modern scientific knowledge, you couldn't reach c (but then again, this may be wrong like many things in science, which is why i think science is so interesting).
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