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  1. HYPOTHESIS ABOUT STRUCTURE OF ELECTROFIELD ENGINES ON PULSE FIELDS (EDIP) THE PROJECT THE POSTMAN. INITIAL LEVEL. NEW CONCEPT SPACESHIP «SOLAR BIRD» Physical bases: The phenomenon of trim of decrease of the electric and a magnetic fields. The energy of magnetic and electric fields (really they are combined, but it is not usually taken into consideration) of the conductor with current with the increase of the distance decreases not symmetrically because of various е0 and м0 conductivity on linear unit (1м) of space in vacuum and various dependence of energy of these fields on distance and frequency of fields. Hereupon electric field round a conductor with current at low frequencies (for low frequencies for example 50 Hz) is situated inside isolation of the conductor, while the magnetic field extends for about ten meters under condition of absence of special screens/11/. Also it is interesting to consider in the context of the given phenomenon the model of an electromagnetic wave for various frequencies and environments (we are interested in vacuum) as in general the energy of electric and magnetic field spreading in the plane which is perpendicular to the line of course of the wave movements extends in space on different distances. In the given article the author makes an attempt on according to his understanding to formulate problems and their hypothetical decisions and to designate the field of necessary engineering in experimental, and theoretical plans, necessary for the creation of space vehicle suitable for the development of solar system and space by people. The majority of constructions offered in the given article as far as it is known to the author were not investigated experimentally and at a current condition of researches they are Hypotheses offered by the author. It would be desirable to add and express the hope that practice will show their validity and there will be researchers ready to check them up experimentally. At a current state of technologies it is quite realizable to be mounted and investigated.Energy and capacity of such SPACESHIP ENGINES ON PULSE FIELDS (EDIP) in the presence of the corresponding generator of the electric power will surpass engines on significantly chemical fuel. Time of work of engines will increase significantly the between weight of a payload and weight of the space vehicle with fuel will improve. Theoretically achievable speed is comparable with a velocity of light (i.e. with speed of distribution of a field). Also fast operated change of a vector of draught in a direction and capacity is probable. During flights in atmosphere the flight has a smoothly adjustable speed and is almost silent. High efficiency. Range of flight of space vehicles will increase significantly. The large supply on weight and traction effort will allow to create strong designs capable for long and almost continuous service. The author: Nikitin Sergey Alekseevich The Russian Federation, Republic Chuvashiya, Cheboksary Chuvashiya State University http://www.wuala.com/snik7000/Документы/PostmanProjecENGV0.67.pdf/ http://www.wuala.com/snik7000/Документы/postman2011v107.rar/ http://www.wuala.com/snik7000/Документы/literature.rar/ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37628841/PostmanProjecENGV0.67.pdf
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