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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. A fascinating book for anyone that might have questions on religion and arguments pertaining to theism and deism.
  2. Hey all, There is an ample amount of metaphor being used in the forum threads, which is not a problem, I think there is a problem when you try to use the title of a theory, say, paired with something that has nothing to do with the original theory in order to get a point across. For example: "...whilst the evolution of history is...." since this is a scientific community, it is ambiguous whether the author is trying to use structure of evolution to describe the events in history or if history itself has genetic code and 'survival of the fittest' is an accurate method to describe how history survives. As you can see this is a simple case and most people can see right through the ambiguity; however, in research this is a no no. I propose we all try not to get into this bad habit now as it doesn't help when trying to write research. Jonas
  3. Hey All, At first watch I was at a loss of how they developed such creative mathematics and architecture. After no sleep I came with this conclusion, if you would be so kind as to scrutinize: In the development of mathematics the progression could be described as having evolutionary traits. As much as we love to learn just for the sake of sating a ferocious curiosity we unfortunately would not get as many grants as the people claiming that their math/physics can better mankind. So our math tends to follow the needs of the time. In the case of western civilization you see an abundance of grid/simple geometric systems from street layout to pipeline. In the case of "backwards" third world communities in Africa, you are given these fractal patters as seen readily in nature. Given enough time, this "norm" of mathematics will "evolve" into Architecture, games, religion, etc. Any thoughts? Cheers Jonas
  4. A debate of whether or not the human body has a "spirit" eventually brought up the idea (pro-spirit) that the human body loses a small amount of weight (assuming it doesn't telport away from the earth, mass too) when/slightly after the person dies. The proposed argument was that this was the spirit leaving the body. After the initial shock of spirits having mass (not the Catholic kind) I tried to reason out why, assuming this was true. Is it because of deflation of the skin? discharge of fecal matter/other bodily fluids? Proof by contradiction or lack of soundness in the assumption? Cheers Jonas
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