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Everything posted by question451

  1. For that I meant the suns rays were not blocking your sight of the stick. I see the errors of my thinking now, thanks anyway Yes. But if light takes different lengths of time along the stick to reach earth, the stick would appear bendy wouldn't it?
  2. Ah of course. So it would just be a bendy stick? Clearly I didn't think this through
  3. Hi guys, I've been thinking about this for a while, and can't find any answers. It's probably something simple and I'm over thinking it. My question is this: Say you have a very long stick, that stretched out from your hand to just left of the Sun. The stick is unbreakable and completely straight. You also have unlimited strength. You can also see the stick perfectly. If you were then to drive the stick into the sun, from the side, and the stick was able to destroy the sun (I know this sounds childish and crazy) What would you see immediately? At this point the stick has already destroyed the sun, but it takes around 8 minutes for that light to reach earth from where you are holding the stick. Would you simply see a stick pointing into the middle of the sun? Even though it's actually been destroyed? I Hope somebody can answer this question, as crazy as it may sound. Thanks!
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