I thought I said that we are trying to prove that Q(x) has at least one critical point, where Q(x) is the Generalize Rayleigh Quotient (Ax dot x)/(Bx dot x). And it is an undergraduate homework problem, it's just the weekend so the teacher doesn't have office hours... The homework is for a multivariable calculus class. This is only the first part of the problem too.
The given information is that A and B are real symmetric n x n matrices, and B is positive definite.
(a) I first need to prove Q has at least one critical point. (b) Then I need to prove that x is a CP of Q iff Ax = (lambda)Bx where lambda is a real eigenvalue. © Next I need to prove that lambda from b satisfies lambda = Q(x). (D) Finally, I need to prove that in part, det(A-(lambda)B) = 0.
I have no idea where to start, our teacher has a habit of giving us extremely difficult homework problems, but she usually has office hours so we may get help.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!