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Lepton (1/13)



  1. So lets say that a person is going closer and closer to the speed of light. Chemical reaction are based upon electrons, and they revolve around the nucleus of an atom. The closer the person is going to the speed of light electrons are going slower relative to the nucleus because electrons cannot go faster than light. And when the person is going the speed of light electrons cannot move in the same direction of motion so the cannot revolve around the nucleus effecting the rate of chemical reactions. And when said person is nearing a single black hole electrons cannot move the speed of light relative to the nucleus in direction opposite of gravitational effect changing the rate of chemical reactions. So my idea is that this explains the time dilation effect and basically says "time" dilation is questionable.
  2. Lets say we have Hydrogen and Oxygen. When they combine, electrons are shared between the atoms. Do electrons lose energy when this happens?
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