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  1. i was wondering if you guys can give me a brief description of the the tongue detects taste...from the papillae to the taste buds and the nerves etc. thanks... or giving me an article is good enough.
  2. so we have a project called LTD (learning through discovery) and i have a question called how does the tongue connect with the brain and the nose? so far i have this: Even though we don’t knowthis (or maybe we do), the nose plays a major role when tasting food. our senseof smell is actually responsible for 80% of what we taste. Without our sense ofsmell, we are only limited to five distinct sensations which aresweet,salty,sour,bitter and the newly discovered “umami” or savory sensation. Allof the other flavours come from smell. When you eat food, some of the foodmolecules travel to the back of your throat which are then picked up by the nerve endings in your nose whichcontributes to the taste of food. but i don't really have an explanation how it "cultivates" the taste of food....so can you help me by telling me like chemical reactions, messages, how it picks up the food molecules etc. etc. im looking for more information because i've been searching everywhere in the internet but everything seems too complex for me since we didn't learn biography yet... so thanks in additional and also how is the tongue able to produce words? i can't seem to find it anywhere but i know that the tongue is just a part of how we produce words but i need information on like the tongue movements, etc etc. that helps produce words. thanks in advance!!
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