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Everything posted by HuMoDz

  1. Our yes can only capture a 2-dimensional perspective of the world, like a photo. Since the light is projected into a 2-dimensional surface inside our eyes, it is impossible to see a 3-dimensional image.
  2. "4x" (x = a random number) comes from "xxxx". "xxxx" means there was a x number of x's, and then a x number of x's again, which means there was a 2x number of x's. (xxxx = x.x + x.x = 2x.x) Therefore, the next step shoud've been written as (2x)x. Higher numbers won't show up neither, because they'll be made by "xxxx" + "nx". Since "xxxx" can't happen, higher numbers can't appear neither
  3. Vertexes: A(5,6) B(-1,-2) C(unknown) Orthocenter: H(-1,2) I've though this: Find the line AB that crosses A and B -> Line HC that crosses H and C are perpendicular to it; use H to find its c (ax + by + c = 0) or q (y = mx + q) But still, i don't know how to find C, only a line that passes through it Help?:\
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=798HhYw1TQs Nash Sovetskiy Soyuz pokareat ves' mir ot Evropy k Neve na vosto-ok Nadzemleoy vezde budut pet: stolica, vodka, sovetskiy medved' nash! Vse narody zdes' stoyat togo, Chto my vse voplotili na svet, Blagodarnyy nizkiy poklon ot samoy moguschestvennoy v mire!
  5. The laser dot isn't a physical object or particle. The laser pointer constantly shoots electromagnetic waves at the red dot. You aren't seeing a laser particle, but a "line" of waves that goes from the point to the dot, and then reflects to your eye. It's similar to a cartoon the drawn figures are't really moving objects, so they can seem to travel faster than light.
  6. It's not religion; it's the ideals. It doesn't need to be a religion, any kind of ideal can be used as an excuse for mass murder. Stalin killed in the name of atheism. Lots of people would kill or die for their country, whatever the reason would be. My reason for not believing in certain religions is: how a omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent, "omni-omnic" god would allow suffering to exist? This argument cannot "disprove" certain religions, though. Lots of them do not have these kinds of deities.
  7. What are you defining as a "dimension", another universe?
  8. There's me, my letter-writing friend and a personal courier I hired. The farther my friend is, the more time the courier takes to bring his letters to me, and so I get older and older letters. If he is too far away, those letters would be from a distant past, and so my friend would be on the past too. Me: Observer Friend: object that travels aways from the observer Courier: Photons You're receiving light that interacted with the moving object far ago, but this doesn't mean the object is going "paster". Just like the stars we see at night, most of them already collapsed, but their light is still coming to us. Just because we see them, doesn't mean they are still there
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grating These?
  10. Well, then air conditioners are pointless too, there are a lot of people that live well in places much hotter than that badly-ventilated office. The humanity as a whole can survive on a wide range of humidity levels, but the specific individuals can't, or at least don't like it. The same way an Egyptian would say Chile is too cold for him, even on summer.
  11. Well, i think it is possible for human hormones to affect plants. I've read about a man poisoned by a certain plant hormone, i'll see if iI can find the book i read that.
  12. What kind of trait is that, exactly?No, Darwinian evolution isn't based on acquired traits, that's Lamarckism.Imagine a savanna populated by primitive giraffes, with shorter necks than the modern ones. Then, some catastrophe happens and the giraffes can only eat from tall trees, that not every giraffe can reach. According to darwinism, shorter necked giraffes die, longer necked giraffes survive and repopulate the dead giraffes, now almost every giraffe can reach those trees. According to lamarckism, the shorter necked giraffe's neck will grow until they reach the leaves, and their offsprings will inhert longer necks. We consider darwinism correct and lamarckism wrong nowadays. The living creatures with the required traits survive, the others die. The survivors procreate, and now only there's predominantly this kind of creature. The did not acquire that trait along their life, at least if the trait is an organ
  13. HuMoDz


    I've read the original SOPA text, the parts that describes some terms used and foreign infringing websites. As far as i could understand, the attourney would "ask" the website's owner to remove the content, and 5 days later the website would be "boycotted"; paypal, google, content hoster, etc would have to stop serving that site, for instance. Like what happened with wikileaks (paypal, amazon, visa) I didn't read the section about domestic (US) websites, though. Also, it seems that there under certain conditions a website can be immune to that, but i don't remember them well.
  14. What does that mean, "double helix", is it the dna?
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