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Everything posted by Kalopin

  1. Phaulty fysics, shock dynamics, impact mechanics, devolution,... {Mediterranean sea, Hudson bay, Mississippi embayment}Published on December 16, 2016 What do the Mediterranean sea, the Hudson bay and the Mississippi embayment have in common? It is my intention to convince that the formation process for these three geological features originates from an extraterrestrial source and that they are, in fact, impact craters, three of the world's largest astroblemes...Studying this from a geological perspective, the features, historical accounts, all the available scientific and observational data and once every detail has been understood, it appears that there is plenty of evidence to give proof to each scenario... It is my belief that approx. 13kya [YDB] the Moon impacted where the Mediterranean sea now exists, ending the Pleistocene and that this was the Gothenburg geomagnetic excursion, the "great deluge", some of the science behind the Bible and the reason for the mass extinctions, the instant loss of megaflora and megafauna... The proof for this event lay in the ejecta blanket strewn field, covering over four continents and containing nanodiamonds which formed at temps exceeding 2200*C. That, and the fact that there are pyramids and temples, which were built on top of Chicxulub crater that are now buried beneath the ejecta blanket of limestone melt rock, the same limestone which formed the Ozarks and was ejected from beneath the Mediterranean sea... When the Moon impacted it slowed the outer plates and mantle in relation to the faster spinning, crystalized iron inner core, increasing electromagnetism, gravity and the length of Earth's day, forcing plants and animals to grow more compact, smaller and to live much shorter lives, causing devolution and the birth of a much more primitive Clovis culture... About 2500yrs after the Moon had impacted, a comet struck the Hudson bay, emptying out lake Agassiz, causing more extinctions, more loss of history and technologies and ended the Clovis period. As all this is written in the geography, sedimentary layers, ice core data and there is a magnetic anomaly directly in the middle... I believe this loss of magnetism may be from the cometary nucleus still attached, welded and magnetically to the mantle. The "shatter" effect of the islands and how Greenland was pushed upward to the northeast argue this point as well... The former two impacts were discovered after an investigation into the formation of the Mississippi embayment and the shockwave pattern throughout the upper lithosphere... This research intends to prove that a meteor from the debris trail leftover from a sungrazer comet [C/1811 F1] impacted northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi on December 16, 1811 and was the actual cause of what is known as the historic New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812...The close passing of this comet produced a serialimpact, the mini ice age from 1811-1817, many eruptions, earthquakes, strange weather patterns, [wars, plagues] eventually causing the eruption of Mt. Tambora and "the year without a summer 1816". This was a global catastrophe... I have just had a paper published entitled "An extraterrestrial origin for the upland formation of the Mississippi embayment and would like to invite you all to give it your review, as I am very interested in your opinion/s... I would like to recommend a great book- "Travels to the equinoctial regions of America" by Alexander Von Humboldt. In chapter 14 he has recorded many of the disasters which occurred at this same moment and in this area. At this same time, in December of 1811, Caracas Venezuela also had a major "earthquake" killing many thousands... Please go over all the details, the satellite views, geography, geology, historical accounts, scientific and observational data, study the rocks [impactites]... as, it is my belief that the evidence will speak for itself and is written within the geography of this planet, I am hoping these findings will [eventually] be verified, to correct a great deal of misunderstood science and lost history and to hopefully have this put in curriculum... ...more evidence... Mediterranean- https://media.licdn.com/...GM5ZS04ZmRiLWM4MjBiYWIwZTc0Mw.jpg -this image shows the YDB strewn field. Notice there are no samples taken beneath the Atlantic ocean? The north and south American plates were on top of this area before the Moon impacted 13kya and is what split the oceans forming the Pacific and is the main force to produce the "ring of fire"... Notice the ejecta blanket could not have covered such a vast distance, as all the way across the Atlantic...https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3677428/ abstract- "...Airbursts/impacts by a fragmented comet or asteroid have been proposed at the Younger Dryas onset (12.80 ± 0.15 ka) based on identification of an assemblage of impact-related proxies, including microspherules, nanodiamonds, and iridium. Distributed across four continents at the Younger Dryas boundary (YDB), spherule peaks have been independently confirmed in eight studies, but unconfirmed in two others, resulting in continued dispute about their occurrence, distribution, and origin. To further address this dispute and better identify YDB spherules, we present results from one of the largest spherule investigations ever undertaken regarding spherule geochemistry,morphologies, origins, and processes of formation. We investigated 18 sites across North America, Europe, and the Middle East, performing nearly 700 analyses on spherules using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for geochemical analyses and scanning electron microscopy for surface microstructural characterization. Twelve locations rank among the world’s premier end-Pleistocene archaeological sites, where the YDB marks a hiatus in human occupation or major changes in site use. Our results are consistent with melting of sediments to temperatures >2,200 °C by the thermal radiation and air shocks produced by passage of an extraterrestrial object through the atmosphere; they are inconsistent with volcanic, cosmic, anthropogenic, lightning, or authigenic sources. We also produced spherules from wood in the laboratory at >1,730 °C, indicating that impact-related incineration of biomass may have contributed to spherule production. At 12.8 ka, an estimated 10 million tonnes of spherules were distributed across ∼50 million square kilometers, similar to well-known impact strewnfields and consistent with a majorcosmic impact event...." 10 million tons over so many millions of square kilometers? 2200*C? What force could create such destruction? This impact basically sterilized the entire north American continent... [13kya] Hudson bay- http://ottawa-rasc.ca/wiki/index.php?title=Odale_articles... http://ottawa-rasc.ca/...Odale_articles_hudsonbayarc_Arc.jpg As there has been some excellent research concerning the formation of the Hudson bay, I would like to refer you all to some work on the Nastapoka arc, though it is my contention the entire bay was formed from an impact and, if the plate had just entered near this position from a previous, much more catastrophic impact, the timing would be right for the Clovis period and the emptying out of lake Agassiz, as the rise in sea levels, sedimentary layers, ice core data [flooding of the English channel, covering of Beringia,...] would all coincide with this event and would make sense to be the result of a [small?] cometary impact, around 10.5kya... abstract- "... The Nastapoka Arc, on the east coast of Hudson Bay, is almost perfectly circular and closely follows the unconformable contact between Archean Superior province gneisses and shallowly seaward dipping early Proterozoic Nastapoka Group supracrustals. Its form may be explained by flexing of the lithosphere due to loading by thrust sheets from the Trans-Hudson orogen to the west. Such flexing produces a peripheral bulge east of the coast which should be reflected in a positive gravity anomaly there. Gravity data averaged around the arc show such a positive anomaly, although its precise amplitude is uncertain because of local variation in the gravity field. Lithospheric flexure of the arc due to loading can be modeled by superposition of discshaped loads centered on the arc. For a lithospheric Young's modulus of 1.0 × 1011 N m−2 and Poisson's ratio 0.25, the present geometry of the arc can be reproduced only by reducing the elastic thickness to 20±2 km. The peripheral bulge predicted for the model yields a gravity anomaly very similar to that observed if it is fully imaged at the Moho. The absence of a regional negative gravity anomaly over the arc, despite a great thickness of transported rocks present at its center, requires that the crust in the region was unusually thin before thrust emplacement. The unusually low elastic thickness required for the model may reflect highly fractured crust. Both features are consistent with the former presence of a rifted continental margin in the region, as predicted for many models of the Trans-Hudson orogen..." Mississippi embayment- There is a central, semi-circular structure in northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi, extending partly into Tennessee, which every line in the topography emanates out from in a shockwave pattern. On the northwest face and near mid-basin, there is a central rebound peak where numerous unusual rocks were found with all aspects of impactites and meteorites with fusion crust, the appearance of nanodiamonds and shocked quartz. Currently the evidence consists of the original accounts, newspaper articles, astronomers observations, impactites [rocks], dendrology, scientific data, immediate topography and satellite views. On satellite, with the upper embayment in view, draw a line down the middle of the New Madrid bend to where the impactites were found in North Slayden, Mississippi. Notice thedesign in the terrain showing angle, direction and force of impact. Coordinates : 34* 58’ 31.38” x 89* 24”17.15”... should take you to a small field near mid-basin. From this point pan out to Mill Pond and Mill Pond Road, just where it meets with Early Grove Road follows the circular terrain of the inner basin. Just to the east of Early Grove rd. is a white sand creek [Early Grove creek]. Follow this northward, over the Tennessee state line, upward passed the Wolf river bottoms, through a tree line to the west and back down, to the other side and passed the western side of the impression. This is the first in a series of shockwaves, reverberates out many times to the edge of, and shows the same design as the outer shape of the embayment. Pan out, following each river to the north, [the Hatchie River, Wolf River, Loosahathie River,…] shows the larger waves from a shock pattern that extends out to The Tennessee River on the east passed The St. Francis River on the west. Below this structure the terrain runs from east to west and is where the land was pulled northward to produce large chasms that were laterblocked by earthen dams to form lakes, [such as Arkabutla, Sardis and Enid]. All the semi-circular fractures throughout Eastern Arkansas and sand blows encircle this structure. The crater has been subjected to extensive amounts of erosion, foliage growth and development, mostly because of being in such a fertile river valley. Once this is removed, all lines in the topography surround and point to this central location. Reading the original accounts gives better understanding of what was actually witnessed. There were many to see meteoric lights before, during and after the first earthquake as far as Savannah Georgia, [way too far to be any naturally occurring earthquake lights]. Many to believe the comet had went down in the Ohio river or had touched the mountains of California. Lights were seen so bright that, at two-thirty in the morning a needle could be seen on the floor… The astronomers observations agree. The comet was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun in October of 1811 and William Herschel reported the comet’s tail becoming significantly shorter in November as it was coming toward him. Comet C/1811 F1 must have been a Sungrazer comet as it wasn’t seen from mid-June 1811 until the latter part of August 1811, which gives it the approximate amount of time for it to travel around the Sun, breaking it apart and then to pass in front of Earth, leaving a trail of debris and, as the planet revolved through a meteoroid filled dust tail for over a month caused several meteors to impact, one large enough to reshape the entire Mississippi river valley. On this same day, December 16, 1811, Caracas, Venezuela was also destroyed. Find accounts of the many disasters associated with the close passing of a comet at “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, chapter 14, by Alexander Von Humboldt, as this was more than seismic activity throughout the central United States but was a global catastrophe.ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: http://www.researchpublish.com Crater coordinates: Northern rim- 35* 00’ 17.25”N x 89* 24’ 27.52”W Southern rim- 34* 58’ 3.25”N x 89* 24’ 22.25”W Eastern rim- 34* 59’ 11.27”N x 89* 22’ 55.96”W Western rim- 34* 59’ 15.18”N x 89* 25’ 45.75”W White sand creek [first in a series of shock waves]- West- 34* 58’ 28.86”N x 89* 26’ 16.50”W Northwest- 35* 01’ 59.99”N x 89* 24’ 25.09”W Northeast- 35* 01’ 05.53”N x 89* 22’ 37.80”W East- 34* 58’ 17.95”N x 89* 22’ 37.80”W Approximate crater diameter- 4.25 kilometers or 2.64 miles REFERENCES [1] “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, Alexander Von Humboldt, Chapter 14 https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/h/humbol ... ter14.html [2] “1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes, a NEO Connection” http://www.datasync.com/~rsf1/1811.htm [3] “A detailed narrative of the earthquakes which occurred on the 16th day of December, 1811”Samuel L. Mitchill , transcriptions and notes Susan E. Hough http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/hough/mitchill.html [4] New Madrid newspapers, The Messenger, February 28, 1811 http://www.hsv.com [1] “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, Alexander Von Humboldt, Chapter 14 https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/h/humbol ... ter14.html [2] “1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes, a NEO Connection” http://www.datasync.com/~rsf1/1811.htm [3] “A detailed narrative of the earthquakes which occurred on the 16th day of December, 1811”Samuel L. Mitchill , transcriptions and notes Susan E. Hough http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/hough/mitchill.html [4] New Madrid newspapers, The Messenger, February 28, 1811 http://www.hsv.com/genlintr/newmadrd/newspapers/The_Messenger-Feb_28_1811.jpg fourth column near the top “…the comet appeared hazy an dim…” [5] Eyewitnesses to Mississippi river earthquake terror, Susan E. Hough http://www.showme.net /~ fkeller/quake/lib/eyewitness1.htm [6] C/1811 F1 [Great Comet], Gary W. Kronk’s Cometography http://www.cometography.com/lcomets/1811f1.html [7] “Panther across the sky- Tecumseh and the New Madrid earthquake”, David Yarrow http://www.ratical.org/ratville/Tecumseh.html [8] “New Madrid, first steamboat, quakes, comet”, William L. Pierce http://www.showme.net /~fkeller /quake/lib/roosevelt.htm [9] “Newspaper accounts of the new Madrid earthquakes”, Rootsweb, Don E. Wright http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~monewmad/nm-history/paper-5.htm [10] Charleston S.C. Courier newspaper, Dec. 29-30, 1811 http://www.showme.net/~fkeller/quake/savannah.htm [11] USGS, Historic earthquakes, “New Madrid 1811-1812 earthquakes” U.S. Geological Survey http:// earthquake.usgs.gov /earthquakes/states/events/1811_overview.php [12] “Model for the tectonic evolution of the Mississippi embayment and its contemporary seismicity” M.F. Kane, T.G. HildenbrandJ.D.Hendrickhttp://geology.geoscienceworld. ... http:/ www.sciencedirect.com /science/article/pii/S0264370702000194 ISSN 2348-1218 (print)International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online)Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: http://www.researchpublish.com This is just a start, there is plenty more and there are a lot of good scientists coming to these same conclusions... [...today, December 16th, 2016, is the 205th anniversary of when a meteor impact to the lives of many thousands throughout the Mississippi river valley, and this has yet to be recognized...]
  2. Concerning the source of climate change from 1811-1817 and the formation process for the upper lithosphere of the Mississippi embayment... http://researchpublish.com/journal/IJIRI/Issue-3-July-2016-September-2016/0 AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN FOR THE UPLAND FORMATION OF THE MISSISSIPPI EMBAYMENT Vol. 4, Issue 3, July 2016 – September 2016 Tony Hood Download Complete Paper Title: AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN FOR THE UPLAND FORMATION OF THE MISSISSIPPI EMBAYMENT Author: Tony Hood International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Research Publish Journals ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (65-70), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 65 Research Publish Journals AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN FOR THE UPLAND FORMATION OF THE MISSISSIPPI EMBAYMENT Tony Hood This is an investigation into findings that suggest a meteor from a serial impact off the dust tail of Comet C/1811 F1 was the initial mechanism to cause the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812. There is a central, semi-circular structure in northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi, extending partly into Tennessee, which every line in the topography emanates out from in a shockwave pattern. On the northwest face and near mid-basin, there is a central rebound peak where numerous unusual rocks were found with all aspects of impactites and meteorites with fusion crust, the appearance of nanodiamonds and shocked quartz. Currently the evidence consists of the original accounts, newspaper articles, astronomers observations, impactites [rocks], dendrology, scientific data, immediate topography and satellite views. On satellite, with the upper embayment in view, draw a line down the middle of the New Madrid bend to where the impactites were found in North Slayden, Mississippi. Notice the design in the terrain showing angle, direction and force of impact. ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 66 Research Publish Journals Coordinates : 34* 58’ 31.38” x 89* 24”17.15”... should take you to a small field near mid-basin. From this point pan out to Mill Pond and Mill Pond Road, just where it meets with Early Grove Road follows the circular terrain of the inner basin. Just to the east of Early Grove rd. is a white sand creek [Early Grove creek]. Follow this northward, over the Tennessee state line, upward passed the Wolf river bottoms, through a tree line to the west and back down, to the other side and passed the western side of the impression. This is the first in a series of shockwaves, reverberates out many times to the edge of, and shows the same design as the outer shape of the embayment. Pan out, following each river to the north, [the Hatchie River, Wolf River, Loosahathie River,…] shows the larger waves from a shock pattern that extends out to The Tennessee River on the east passed The St. Francis River on the west. Below this structure the terrain runs from east to west and is where the land was pulled northward to produce large chasms that were later blocked by earthen dams to form lakes, [such as Arkabutla, Sardis and Enid]. All the semi-circular fractures throughout Eastern Arkansas and sand blows encircle this structure. The crater has been subjected to extensive amounts of erosion, foliage growth and development, mostly because of being in such a fertile river valley. Once this is removed, all lines in the topography surround and point to this central location. Reading the original accounts gives better understanding of what was actually witnessed. There were many to see meteoric lights before, during and after the first earthquake as far as Savannah Georgia, [way too far to be any naturally occurring earthquake lights]. Many to believe the comet had went down in the Ohio river or had touched the mountains of California. Lights were seen so bright that, at two-thirty in the morning a needle could be seen on the floor… The astronomers observations agree. The comet was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun in October of 1811 and William Herschel reported the comet’s tail becoming significantly shorter in November as it was coming toward him. Comet C/1811 F1 must have been a Sungrazer comet as it wasn’t seen from mid-June 1811 until the latter part of August 1811, which gives it the approximate amount of time for it to travel around the Sun, breaking it apart and then to pass in front of Earth, leaving a trail of debris and, as the planet revolved through a meteoroid filled dust tail for over a month caused several meteors to impact, one large enough to reshape the entire Mississippi river valley. On this same day, December 16, 1811, Caracas, Venezuela was also destroyed. Find accounts of the many disasters associated with the close passing of a comet at “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, chapter 14, by Alexander Von Humboldt, as this was more than seismic activity throughout the central United States but was a global catastrophe. ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 67 Research Publish Journals Crater coordinates: Northern rim- 35* 00’ 17.25”N x 89* 24’ 27.52”W Southern rim- 34* 58’ 3.25”N x 89* 24’ 22.25”W Eastern rim- 34* 59’ 11.27”N x 89* 22’ 55.96”W Western rim- 34* 59’ 15.18”N x 89* 25’ 45.75”W White sand creek [first in a series of shock waves]- West- 34* 58’ 28.86”N x 89* 26’ 16.50”W Northwest- 35* 01’ 59.99”N x 89* 24’ 25.09”W Northeast- 35* 01’ 05.53”N x 89* 22’ 37.80”W East- 34* 58’ 17.95”N x 89* 22’ 37.80”W Approximate crater diameter- 4.25 kilometers or 2.64 miles REFERENCES [1] “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, Alexander Von Humboldt, Chapter 14 https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/h/humboldt/alexander/travels/chapter14.html [2] “1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes, a NEO Connection” http://www.datasync.com/~rsf1/1811.htm [3] “A detailed narrative of the earthquakes which occurred on the 16th day of December, 1811” Samuel L. Mitchill , transcriptions and notes Susan E. Hough http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/hough/mitchill.html [4] New Madrid newspapers, The Messenger, February 28, 1811 http://www.hsv.com /genlintr/newmadrd /newspapers/The_Messenger-Feb_28_1811.jpg fourth column near the top “…the comet appeared hazy an dim…” [5] Eyewitnesses to Mississippi river earthquake terror, Susan E. Hough http://www.showme.net /~ fkeller /quake/lib/eyewitness1.htm [6] C/1811 F1 [Great Comet], Gary W. Kronk’s Cometography http://www.cometography.com/lcomets/1811f1.html ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 68 Research Publish Journals [7] “Panther across the sky- Tecumseh and the New Madrid earthquake”, David Yarrow http://www.ratical.org /ratville/Tecumseh.html [8] “New Madrid, first steamboat, quakes, comet”, William L. Pierce http://www.showme.net /~fkeller /quake /lib/roosevelt.htm [9] “Newspaper accounts of the new Madrid earthquakes”, Rootsweb, Don E. Wright http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com /~monewmad/nm-history/paper-5.htm [10] Charleston S.C. Courier newspaper, Dec. 29-30, 1811 www.showme.net/~fkeller/quake/savannah.htm [11] USGS, Historic earthquakes, “New Madrid 1811-1812 earthquakes” U.S. Geological Survey http:// earthquake .usgs.gov /earthquakes/states/events/1811_overview.php [12] “Model for the tectonic evolution of the Mississippi embayment and its contemporary seismicity” M.F. Kane, T.G. HildenbrandJ.D.Hendrickhttp://geology.geoscienceworld.org/content/9/12/563.abstracthttp:/www.s cience direct. Com /science/article/pii/S0264370702000194 APPENDIX - A List of figures: ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 69 Research Publish Journals ISSN 2348-1218 (print) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 70 Research Publish Journals □□□ Published today! [finally! :-] Please help spread the word!...
  3. ...most of the anorthosite is from impacts- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anorthosite ...the inner layers are solid iron and most of the mantle, quote- "...samples of the flood lavas erupted in the surface from partial melting in the mantle confirm the mafic mantle composition, which is more iron rich than that of Earth..." ...and would you have an example of two objects of this size impacting?...or is this another assumption with no basis in real science? where are the experiments and how could you have such an experiment? have you taken into consideration that objects of this size would have a repulsion effect or that such an impact may induce a rebound effect? Now consider all the geological formations, study the satellite views... Go to Google Earth, notice all the scarring and scraping across the seafloor, from the American plates "drifting" to the west. Would this still be so apparent in millions of years? Do you see where the scraping ends, directly over the mantle plume, known as the Bermuda hotspot? this is the point where the north American plate was lifted [similar to a air-hockey table]. This forced pressure down off the coast of Belize, releasing Cuba, Puerto Rico,... forming the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and ripping in, pushing down to form the Cayman trench... Have you heard of any other scenario to describe so many details within the geography of this planet? The Maria on the Moon are from this impact 13kya. [Yes, the evidence is clearly staring everyone in the face... :-]
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediterranean_Sea- the average depth of the Mediterranean is nearly a mile and "the deepest recorded point" is 17,280ft., 5267m or over 3miles deep and keep in mind, this hypothesis claims the African plate has rebounded into the Eurasian plate, [as this is what is occurring...] filling in the crater as it moves northward, so the original depth after impact could, very well, have been "several miles". That said, you must take into effect all the details with such an impact. An object in orbit comes in at a lesser velocity and the Moon has its own magnetosphere which will produce a repulsion effect. I have considered many different scenarios for the geography seen and so, this is one most considered: The moon has impacted this planet on several occasion. The first was the most catastrophic, as the Moon, in this theory, is the crystalized iron inner core from a once habitable planet from a now defunct nearby solar system who's star had went supernova. This is commonplace throughout galaxies and these inner cores have strong attractions to stars and inner solar systems... Please see some details about our Moon- [this was the original link- http://home1.gte.net/poofalow/moon11.htm "eleven things that NASA discovered about the Moon that you never knew" but, since it appears that link was removed?Here are a few more- https://shanepedia.wordpress.com/out-of-the-world/eleven-things-that-nasa-discovered-about-the-moon-that-you-never-knew/ http://www.nairaland.com/1859143/11-things-nasa-discovered-moon http://drowninginabsurdity.org/2012/09/13/odd-things-nasa-knows-about-the-moon/ ...and please go through and read this discussion in its entirety to find out how much evidence points to these events- http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=14992NASA's findings of the Moon will be found on page 2... Also- http://clivebest.com/blog/?p=5886has more info. During the late Pleistocene the Moon was in a much closer an unstable orbit, as the land masses had once again congealed through spin force causing planetary imbalance, producing excessive wobble effect. As the Moon became closer, blocking the Sun on daytime passes, this caused great cooling in temperatures and is the reason for the mid-Pleistocene ice age. As the Moon became extremely close it produced massive amounts of convection, loosening and cracking up Pangaea, causing major volcanic activity. all this is written within ice core data... Because there was such an imbalance, the Moon impacted, first releasing its plasma, major bolts of lightning and skipping to form the Black sea. The electromagnetic repulsion further slowed the force as it hit the Tethys sea, where the Mediterranean now exists. The Moon, being made of iron, received little punishment form the much softer outer plates of Earth and the fact it hit water. At this moment, massive amounts of limestone was ejected into the atmosphere. rock was pushed into a pile to form the Appalachian mountain range and,after pinching the plate to form the Mississippi embayment, it exhumed mass amounts of solid limestone, thrust upward to form the Ozark mountain range. As the shock wave moved westward, flattening out the Plains, it pushed downward on the eastern end of the now broken shelf and lifted the entire north and south American plates on the western end, ripping it from the mantle to form the Marianas trench. At this moment, as the western side of the entire shelf lifted, a huge slab of plate broke away, now known as the Farallon plate- http://www.livescience.com/27994-lost-tectonic-plate-california.htmland was engulfed beneath north and south America forming the Rockies and the Andes ranges. This left the mid-Atlantic ridge. At this point, as the Moon rebounded off of its self-made springboard, from where it had pinched in the plate, [leaving the NMSZ, Wabash, Big Creek faults,...] sending it out to a much more stable orbit, leaving a better balanced planet, massive amounts of water and sediment were sent down to form the Grand canyon, as well as several other. This then left a small part of the Tethys- lake Agassiz, which still covered most of the top part of north America... all this occurred while the African plate swiveled out at the Arabian plate, opening up and pushing the Indian plate upward into the Eurasian plate forming the Himalayas. This sent Australia off to the southeast and Antarctica down to the south pole. this was very helpful to give better balance, safer orbital elements and to terraform much of the planet, giving a new world. it appears that these events take place on a regular basis throughout the universe, within the habitable zone of stars and that these leftover iron inner cores are an important ingredient in the formation process to bring in a habitable planet. Earth's moon is a terraforming, harmonic balancer. I would like to propose that this cycle was what the ancient civilizations were mapping. That, before this event, during the Pleistocene, the planet made 360 revolutions in a year. That this impact, not only slowed the outer plates and mantle down in relation to the faster spinning, crystalized inner core to produce more gravity and electromagnetism, making it impossible for plants and animals to grow as large or to live as long, it lengthened Earth's day by about 34minutes. this will explain every detail and the reason that the younger dryas now grows so much smaller that the older dryas. i invite you to go over all this information, determine its accuracy. Ask the questions- What force could have brought in so much excessively cold air to instantaneously freeze almost all the life in the northern arctic regions? What would have caused "the great die off" basically sterilizing the whole of north America and ridding the horses? Why did all the plants and animals instantly stop growing as large or living as long at the start of the Holocene? What caused such a mass extinction and the loss of all the megaflora and megafauna? Why is their 360* degrees in a circle? [sumerians? Anunnaki?] Why would there be mountains piled with so much coal, a deep crease, embayment and then mountains of almost pure limestone? Why does the entire north American continent arc out from the east to the west? Why do all the mountains to the west of the Mediterranean show the same westerly projection?... there are so many more, please consider and ask them... If you push the Ozarks back to the rock of Gibraltar and to the Betic Cordilleras, opening the strait of Gibraltar, pushing Africa out to open the Mediterranean, making it almost round, they will align almost perfectly. This will push the Arabian plate back into Asia and Africa. replace south America, Antarctica to south Africa, Australia, Madagascar and India to eastern Africa. this will form Pangaea and will explain all of what had occurred with the Holocene impact 12,980 years ago... Notice the two pivot points at impact- at Iceland for the north American plate and at southwestern edge of the Arabian plate for Africa and the southern hemisphere... There is so much more that can only be explained using this impact scenario, much of which is written in our history. These events are the reason for so much of our loss of history and the technologies that had existed during the Pleistocene, some of which was left over in ancient Egypt, the central Americas and the Clovis culture... [for Plato-] I hope you may take some time to look into findings to consider that the ruins of Atlantis stretch from Xibalba, the Yucatan peninsula to out passed the Bimini road... If you have any questions, and/or if their may be anything you would like to further discuss, I will be more than happy to better explain... Thanks for giving this the study, that I believe, it deserves...
  5. ...and this is the phaulty fisics I speak of! No, it does not work that way. Science is based on the tangible, not someone's belief... One of my favorite quotes- "Individuals are entitled to beliefs, scientists are obligated to examine the percentage of possibility" This research will prove that impact physics and the dating process need revision. As I am sure you understand, all the effects that occurred have to find an explanation. Once you go through and study the satellite views, historical accounts, scientific and observational data and the "mountains" of evidence, I believe, you will come to this same conclusion, as there is no other mechanism available to create the geography that is easily viewed. Please give me some of the current beliefs for the formation processes for any of the existing anomalies. Maybe let's start with the Kasha-Ketuwe Tent rocks- http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/content/nm/en/prog/NLCS/KKTR_NM.html "volcanic"? they are limestone. Yes, all this rock fell out of the sky, from the ejecta blanket approx. 13kya! There is no other option, no other believable explanation. There is no volcano near and the rock is sedimentary, not some extrusive igneous...and study their appearance, as if they were wet sand on a beach... This is but one, I can go through every detail, every mountain across several continents... The Indian plate was pushed upward by the African plate instantly at impact to form the Himalayas- http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/himalaya.html See what is currently believed? But the plate did not follow any ocean currents or the Earth's rotation. In fact it went against these forces and would have no other option but to have been pushed upward by the African plate... [do you see yet, where this is going?;-] No, the papers have been written using science- tangible evidence that can be felt, seen, cut into thin sections, examined under spectrometers,... Unlike the dating and physics, that is based with faulty math- , http://www.udri.udayton.edu/AerospaceMechanics/ImpactPhysics/Pages/home.aspx as there is no way to take into account all the varying effects from every impact. they are all different... the belief that rubidium-strontium or uranium-lead decays at a certain rate- http://www.iem-inc.com/information/radioactivity-basics/decay-half-life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium%E2%80%93lead_dating ...with way too many intricacies and variables... This does not stand up to what is being seen, studied and read,... http://www.sci-news.com/space/science-libyan-desert-glass-diamond-bearing-pebble-evidence-comet-01446.html [what formed all the Libyan glass?] Oh,so close! no, not a comet- the Moon!...and it was 13kya-the YDB...
  6. what "science"?- the "dating" process? "impact physics"? Conjecture with no substance is not science... so, what are the papers about? what process would have such an outcome? There is no other option available...and there is no doubt that there has to be an explanation for all these events, historical accounts, all the geography, all this scientific data,... [...though I welcome your assumptions...]
  7. [actually,-] As far as the Moon impacting where the Mediterranean is, this has already been proven, it is just waiting to be understood- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3677428/ http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.1086/677046.pdf?acceptTC=true&jpdConfirm=true ...as there are more than ten million tonnes of impact spherules covering over four continents containing nanodiamonds which formed at temperatures exceeding 2200*C. This is way too high a temperature for any airburst or serial impact. Once this has been understood fully, then it will be found that the only object with enough mass, weight, volume, density, electromagnetic repulsion and in orbit, to cause this outcome, would be the Moon. [...but-] The "smoking gun" are the pyramids and temples buried by the ejecta blanket, which consists mainly of limestone. Limestone forms beneath water, deep in seas- http://geology.com/rocks/limestone.shtml So how were the pyramids, that were built on top of Chicxulub crater- [Xibalba- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-mayans-idUSN1442474520080817] covered by sedimentary deposits? ...and how does this compare to present beliefs in impact physics? How big of an impact would this take? ...even if you want to believe [the stupidity] that these temples were somehow built in the caves and beneath water, the limestone still exists. So how did it get there? Please go through this research- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/moment-space-anthropocene-rock-tony-hood ...and even this form [trajectory, angle, rate, force,...] of impact from the Moon, as massive as it was, would not have sent tons of spherules across such a vast amount of ocean. The Atlantic ocean did not exist, but was formed by this impact. This can be the only explanation for these findings ;[...just waiting to be understood...] want to help? ;-]
  8. Nice read, I offer you another option, I hope you may take the time to go over every detail and study the satellite views closely. Although convection and other forces may help to induce movement- It is my contention that most of the tectonic displacement has been the result from extraterrestrial influences- that the Moon had impacted the Tethys sea, where the Mediterranean sea now exists, approx.13kya, [YDB] to cause the Gothenburg geomagnetic excursion, breaking up the super-continent of Pangaea, causing mass extinctions [megaflora, megafauna,...] and ending the Pleistocene era... [Notice that every tectonic interaction, [with the exception of the African plate trying to fill in the crater from the rebound effect as well as spin force,] emanates out from this central location, at the Mediterranean sea...] ...and that approximately 2500 years after this, [approx. 10.5kya] a comet hit where the Hudson bay is, emptying out lake Agassiz, causing further extinction, loss of history and ending the Clovis culture... [notice the design of the bay, Nastapoka arc, the magnetic anomaly, the shatter effect of the islands, how Greenland was pushed to the northeast,..] All this information is written in the geography of this planet, historical accounts, scientific and observational data, ice cores, sedimentary layers,... and is readily available on satellite view... Here is just one discussion on this matter and is located at this site- http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/27514-mediterranean-appalachian-pangaea-impact-crater/ further information- http://archaeologica.boardbot.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3427 I invite any rebuttal, [except for the current dating process and present understandings within impact physics, as I strongly disagree with the accuracy of either.] Yes, this is a major discovery, being misunderstood, with very little help [or it seems, concern] and, so I am hoping to get your attention, as students pay so much for a decent education and should be allowed to learn the most likely scenario. I feel strongly that these hypotheses merit further investigation. This evidence doesn't necessarily negate most other research but, in fact, compliments it... After you have given this study, please let me know what you think thanks
  9. That's not a measurement of disturbed pressure, but an average or normal pressure... No, I claim that Comet C/1811 F1 was much closer than the suggested orbital elements, as it was seen as one and a half times the size of the Sun [that's not a measurement, it's an observation!]... Yes, I have evidence and just gave you plenty [shoemaker/Levy, Siding Spring] Did you not see the effects from the close passing of these comets? [i would think- wouldn't take a "Sherlock", uh Watson? ;-] Dendrochronologist Mike Baillie's work- http://www.sott.net/article/145683-New-Light-on-the-Black-Death-The-Cosmic-Connection https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Baillie ...see what the findings are from the close passing of comets and tree ring data and how they coincide with so many socioeconomic and environmental downturns... "...the odd thing is, even though Bailie points out that many high level scientists and government agencies are taking these things very seriously,...it is still ignored, marginalized and ridiculed to the general public via the mainstream media! Baillie writes-..." Please read its entirety... thanks {one for you Strange- http://cosmoquest.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-130354.html;-]
  10. "Solar radiation pressure is a source of orbital perturbations...", "...Spacecraft are affected along with natural bodies [comets, asteroids, dust grains, gas molecules]..."- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_pressure ...at 1AU Earth has solar pressure at the average level of .9.08 Pa A large enough comet, coming in at enough velocity and on a trajectory crossing Earth's path will perturb its orbit and send out vibrations through its lithosphere and outer plates. This will produce tectonic activity on such habitable worlds... Where did you come up with "a few nanopascals"? [...and this motion in space has little to do with the amount of Earth's atmospheric pressure, other than when the shock wave comes in through it...] The shock wave is coming from the comet as it passes through Earth's orbital path... Read up on the effects on the atmosphere from Comet Siding Spring as it passed close by Mars and how NASA had to "hide" their probes from the comets path- http://mars.nasa.gov/comets/sidingspring/ "...added a temporary and very strong layer of ions to the ionosphere..."- observations from MAVEN, MRO and ESA probes, see- http://mars.nasa.gov/news/whatsnew/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=1749 [This, pretty much, proves my point, no?] [of interest-] the effect of sonic booms from a [tiny] F-4 aircraft- http://scrippsscholars.ucsd.edu/jahildebrand/content/field-measurements-sonic-boom-penetration-ocean-0 "...into the ambient noise field by 30-50 m, depending on the strength of the boom..." [comets send out much lower frequencies with much higher intensities]
  11. Comets are not small rocks! McNaught was estimated at 25km! Please read this in its entirety- http://www.space.com/8201-stunning-comet-size-shocks-scientists.html quote-"...scientists found evidence of a decayed shock wave which was created when ionized gas emitted from the comet's nucleus joined the fast-flowing particles of the solar wind..." further down-?...it was truly an immense obstacle to the solar wind..." If this comet were to pass close enough within Earth's orbit it would send a shock wave through the outer crust, vibrations within tectonic plates causing earthquakes and eruptions... This is what had occurred in early 1811 through 1813... It may be true that much of what I am discussing is not yet fully understood... Any rough estimate on such a scale is unworthy of calculations and doubtfully would be "good to a factor of 10"... Any star puts out massive amounts of pressure, known as solar wind. This pressure contains massive amounts of particles, known as cosmic radiation or cosmic rays. Our Sun produces this same effect. High energy cosmic rays can come from the remnants of a supernova. hypernova or quasars and, if one would be close enough, could easily bake this planet...- http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/science/cosmic_rays.html
  12. Study the accounts, the satellite views, the impactites, scientific and observational data, dendrology,...-put all this together- the rocks were found at the center of all the strata within the embayment, the sights, sounds, descriptions,... all coincide. as I have cited a few, here is some more- http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/hough/mitchill.html -go down to the bottom and read the effects caused by a meteor impact- "...hot water ejected with considerable force..." "...Light in some cases was extricated..." "...the gas and the hot water and the coal lead conclusively to subterranean fire and the light and sound induce the same belief..." http://www.showme.net/~fkeller/quake/lib/roosevelt.htm Really like this story. go to the bottom of this one, as well- "...Burning mountain, up the Wichita river had been rent to its base..." Not sure if you are aware- There were two volcanoes in central Mississippi, left over from "the ring of fire" that existed from eastern Texas around through Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and to northwestern Florida, more than likely from the north American plate drifting over the Bermuda hotspot, the mantle plume from the thin lithosphere off the eastern coast of the United States... These two volcanoes had nicknames, one named "Midnight" was in Humphreys county, the other was nicknamed "Burning mountain" and is now referred to as "The Jackson Dome" which sat on an island named "Jackson Island" - https://productforums.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!msg/gec-nature-science-moderated/8K5-wkyqfqI/l9h8Bqw2vykJ as the Choctaw had named it that in honor of Andrew Jackson when they had fought against the Creeks- http://mshistorynow.mdah.state.ms.us/articles/14/pushmataha-choctaw-warrior-diplomat-and-chief -about three quarters down] Jackson dome now sits 2900 feet directly below the Jackson colosseum- http://www.howderfamily.com/blog/jackson-volcano/ [and is where we get much of our carbonated water from]. These two volcanoes have always been referred to as standing volcanoes, never as calderas, even though they are now flat. They have nicknmaes, stories, legends behind them, conflicting discovery dates- 1809 and 1860, no ground penetrating radar at the time [not until the 1960's when they were confirmed to have been there] and one of the last stories was when some natives, "from the country adjacent to the Washita" met some settlers in Natchez, Mississippi and told them that "Burning Mountain, up the Wichita river, had been rent to its base..." Currently it is being taught that these volcanoes fell 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous period! There are many places in central Mississippi that still have these native names. The Wichita river [named after the tall trees] was renamed the Pearl river by the French explorer de'Iberville when he saw all the pearls at the mouth... How would this be possible? [so, it is my contention that these two volcanoes fell into their own empty magma chambers during this meteor impact event on December 16, 1811, as this would explain all the details.] Jan. 1811 is when the first effects occurred in the form of Sabrina island, which suddenly appeared in the Azores on Jan, 30, 1811...- https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/h/humboldt/alexander/travels/chapter14.html [3/4 down] no, the comet was the cause of the weather, as it just passed in late 1811, causing the freezing temperatures in the winter of 1812 and destroying much of Napoleon's army... If you estimate the size, speed and distance, then how would it find any accuracy? ...again it's not the gravity or the electromagnetic effect, but the force from pressure, [and along with all the charged particles] as the comet disrupts the solar winds...
  13. Did you read any of the accounts? Yes, there were eruptions and quakes all over the globe from 1811-1813 in a much higher concentration than "normal", or in any later years... Read up on just one of the eruptions- Mount Tambora- http://minglombok.weebly.com/tambora-mount---sumbawa.html quote- "...The decade from 1811-1820 was marked by serious socioeconomic impacts resulting from this poor agricultural production, with malnutrition and epidemics in Europe and Mediterranean countries. Low temperatures and freezing temperatures in spring and heavy precipitation between 1816 and 1817 affected the growth of many crops very badly..." ...and all this began in 1811 just as the comet was first seen, [actually before the comet was seen in Janurary 1811] This comet caused extreme weather and is what took out much of Napoleon's army- http://www.history.com/news/napoleons-disastrous-invasion-of-russia-200-years-ago "...an unusually early winter set in, complete with high winds, sub-zero temperatures and lots of snow. On particularly bad nights, thousands of men AND HORSES succumbed to the exposure..." ...and read about the differences in temps of the extreme summer before and the instant drops in temps during the winter of 1812, [yes, perfect timing with the passing of the comet...] from 17 degrees below straight to over 28* below zero- http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/napoleonicwars/articles/soldiersoffortitude.aspx {about three- quarters down] So, most of the quakes, eruptions, and severe weather was caused by the effect from the bow shock of the comet, but direct impacts caused many as well, so both... ...and again the "data" is in the historical accounts. There were hundreds/thousands of earthquakes, all recorded in history. There were many hundred quakes just in the central U.S. in 1812, add that to the many hundreds around the world... Many were recorded by Von Humboldt, but besides Caracas, there were a couple/few recorded in California, [even at such an early date]- http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/states/events/1812_12_21.php http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/states/events/1812_12_08.php ...and some more info on the New Madrid quakes/meteor impact- http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/states/events/1811-1812.php#december_16 Really? do you know of anyone, [an astrophysicist maybe,] that would have such calculations; of the gravitational effect from a comet of unknown size, [other than description,] of an unknown velocity and of an unknown distance, [other than guesstimates] to any planet? Did they get these calculations with Shoemaker/Levy to break it apart and impact on Jupiter? Mainly the effects are produced from the bow-shock, as a large enough comet, with enough velocity and on the trajectory sends out pressure and particles on waves - pressure waves [sort of like a boat on a lake]. The gravitational and electromagnetic effects are mostly only produced within the limits of the magnetosphere within magnetopause... [-glad you asked, good question, can I see more like this one?] Why? What would be the present science [belief], on what would occur from the close passing of a large sungrazer comet? ...and how does this go against any of my "claims"? Please read the accounts, look closely at the rocks, study the satellite views-every line, understand the observations,... the "hard evidence" is all there, just needs to be studied. ...and, once again, it is all within the historical accounts and observations of the few scientists at the time, which is the only data that could possibly be available. Yes, there was an extreme amount of meteoric activity in late November/early December of 1811 ...and, believe it or not, in early December, every year since, there is quite a bit of meteoric activity still, from the close passing of this comet in 1811, left over from its debris trail. This meteor shower is known as the Geminids [and so, no], they are not from the break-up of some unknown asteroid, but from the close passing of Comet C/1811 F1. I feel sure that, [once all this evidence has been better studied,] this will be the conclusion- the Geminids meteor showers are from an 1811 sungrazer... [contemplate that one;-] maybe stop waiting and start looking? ;-]]]]]]]
  14. ...because the Richter scale and the seismograph were not invented until 1935- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richter_magnitude_scale The only recordings of past quakes are from historical accounts and any measurements of strengths are very rough estimates, assumptions and are not accurate. Von Humboldt did an excellent job, - http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/states/events/1811-1812.php I am hoping that you all will look much further into this research and understand its importance. Not only does this concern building codes and public safety but, most importantly, planetary defense... Seth Stein's research has found that the NMSZ has only moved within a few millimeters in over a years time- http://www.nature.com/news/seth-stein-the-quake-killer-1.9311. During this time, many earthquakes were recorded on the magnitudes of up to three and four on the Richter. What is occurring is that there are chasms within the embayment, left from when this meteor impact pushed the land to such a great degree northward. These chasms are steadily being filled in by the upper sediments. What is being recorded are internal landslides, producing the same effect as a fault slip but not tectonic activity. There is plenty proof for this. Not even just one hundred years ago it was possible for two riverboats to pass each other on the Loosahatchie river and now it is difficult, at best, to maneuver a bass boat up it... The land is steadily moving southward... The surface wave pattern has had plenty investigation, as well. Chuck Langston's research has found that it would not be possible for a fault lying beneath so much sediment, as more than three hundred feet, to create the "New Madrid lines"- the wave pattern so apparent and it has been suggested that it was a shock wave pattern from a large bolide, as the shock from a smaller one was was actually measured- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/253213039_Site_Reading_Blues_in_the_Mississippi_Embayment quote-"...indeed the universal character of near-surface velocity structure has been inferred from detailed modeling of ground motions from an extraterrestrial source- the atmospheric acoustic shock wave from a large bolide..." [...and he is correct, a bolide, except not just acoustic, it was an actual impact...] The Mississippi embayment has been researched well and, I believe, it is now time to put it all together and uncover the truth- That a meteor impact was the cause of the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812...
  15. There would not be data, but a lack there-of, which is exactly what we have. When and where has there been so many quakes and eruptions recorded so close together in time and space? ...and why would there be a comet to appear fifty percent larger than the Sun at this same moment? ...and why so many reports of meteors and meteoric activity at this same moment? ...and why does the entire Mississippi embayment show a shockwave pattern? ,,,and why were so many unusual rocks, showing fusion crust, found at the center of this pattern? ...and why did the Chickasaw, that were ready to fight for their land in 1809, believe all this land was cursed and easily cede after these events? I believe that, if you further investigate, you will come to this same conclusion- the only explanation- it was a serial impact from the close passing of a sungrazer...,
  16. There has not been such a concentration of earthquakes in so many places and so near the same time period, as there was from 1811-1813. Hale-Bopp was never described as being one and a half times the size of the Sun. The measurement of its coma has nothing to do with how close it came. How large the comet appeared to witnesses is not a measurement of its size. The coma could be any size and still be distant or close- as was the case with C/1811 F1. It's appearance indicates it was close. It could not have been fifty percent larger than the Sun and be at a distance of 1.22AU, as it would have been so large, it would have sent Earth off its orbit. ...and what of all the descriptions of the comet? being believed to have "went down in the Ohio river" or to have "touched the mountain of California" at this same moment as the meteoric lights and the earthquakes? Follow the comet's trajectory. Study the observations. ...the historical accounts... Go over every detail and see how it all adds up. There should be no question- This was, in 1811, a global cometary catastrophe... the "citation"s are the historical accounts, as that is all that is available from such a primitive time as 1811. the "scientific data" are the satellite views, impactites, observations, eye-witness accounts,... that I am presenting [that you are either overlooking somehow or maybe purposely ignoring?] What people "think" is their prerogative, what a scientist studies are facts. I am presenting factual and tangible evidence. Study the stratigraphy of the embayment. Look at its design. Every single line in the topography centers at northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi, exactly where all the melt rock was found. This surface wave pattern could not have been created by any other means, than a meteor impact. [soon this will be understood, as there is no other choice.] I wonder why so many try so hard to dismiss all this evidence as coincidental, when it is all factual? Surely you do want to find out what had actually occurred in our past, right? [i hope your not just angry that some independent researcher discovered the truth?] you know, I do welcome any help with this.
  17. The calculations are later estimates and are null and void. The only real evidence are the observations at the time. There was no way to calculate any object in space with any accuracy in 1811. The comet was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun in October. There were many reports of meteors in late November/early December. There was a massive earthquake on December 16, 1811. Never has any object in space been described to be that large. Why would anyone believe that a fault lying beneath over 300 feet of soft sediments, and in the middle of a plate, could create an earthquake that could be felt as far away from New Madrid, Missouri all the way to Savannah, Georgia? ...and the sediments would damper the effect, not amplify it. ...and what of the appearance of the surface wave pattern? already determined to not have been from the retreat of an ice sheet- couldn't happen, inland seas over millions of years? where's the beach?, the sand? How would water create evenly spaced, rolling hills? ...and why do all the hills center at northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi? ...and why were so many rocks found with signs of extreme heat, right at the center? Why do all the historical accounts agree? Why does all the scientific data agree? Why do all the observations agree? Study all this for yourself, it's all there. I am only presenting the evidence that exists. Go through it all, every detail. Let me know what you think.
  18. where are there statistics for the frequency of earthquakes going back this far? ...and why would this be a reason to dismiss my claims? i would think that just because there are currently no peer reviews on the physics involved with a serial impact from the close passing of a comet, would not mean that it could not occur? The "apparent" size was what was described by the witnesses to the comet's passing and there has never been anything seen in space from Earth to appear that large, rather it was the nucleus or the tail. The comet had to have been close. The believed closest approach of C/1811 f1 was determined to be 1.22AU, which is a later estimate and could not be accurate. see the link previously posted- http://www.cometography.com/lcomets/1811f1.html on October 16, 1811. Though the comet had appeared to be fifty percent larger than the Sun and so, if it had actually been at this distance, it would have been so large that it would have disturbed the orbits of every planet in this solar system! Look at what William Herschel's observations say- Dec.9- "the branches were already so much scattered that observations of them could no longer be made with any accuracy..." indicating that the plasma tail appeared shorter and the comet had a large debris trail, as the comet became closer, the two tails appeared to rejoin, as that would be the effect from a close passing sungrazer... Dec. 14- Herschel wrote that the tail "...still remained as before, but the end of it was much fainter..." this appears to describe that the comet was coming toward and going over where Herschel was located... and you know of a comet that was a sungrazer, was large enough and passed close enough? ...and the Moon surely does cause continental drift, tectonic activity and earthquakes.. Although there is still quite an argument- http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/05/0523_050523_moonquake_2.html Wegener was correct on his assumptions "...that centrifugal and tidal forces were responsible for moving the continents..." [that is, along with massive impacts such as a direct hit from a comet, large enough asteroid or the Moon!]- http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/wegener.html [just below "modern reconstruction of Pangaea"] Just judging by appearance, the holes in the rocks you posted appear to be man-made? I invite you to look more closely at the rocks at my site- http://koolkreations.wix.com/kalopins-legacythat all show signs of extreme heat. look at the boulders I am pointing to, one showing a "swirl" design, apparently from a wind eddie as the rock was still molten and another where a couple slabs had been "welded" together. There are large boulders buried randomly on the northwest faces of the hills in the area, all showing signs of melt. if you were to take a tour, you would see the canyons and creeks containing these same similar rocks and be able to understand how all the hills pan out from this central location. i assure that you would be overwhelmed with the evidence of a meteor impact...
  19. well, for one, there's no book discussing a concentration of earthquakes in any other years, is there? after a google search, no, no peer reviewed papers on the physics from the close passing of a comet and/or a serial impact but, as I am sure you are aware, that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be physics involved, that should be a given? My "claim" is that C/1811 F1 was seen as one and a half times the size of the Sun in October 1811. That should give strong indication that it must have been close, much closer than 1.22AU. The descriptions in the historical accounts and the observations from Herschel and the astronomers of the day are all that's available...
  20. Yes, and what occurred when Shoemaker/Levy got to close to Jupiter? ...again there were no seismographs, no Richter scale. I don't just claim a concentration, they are all recorded in history books. Please read just the chapter 14, of "Travels to the equinoctial regions of America". There's plenty physics behind an impact and even one from the close passing of a comet, [again Shoemaker/Levy] Yes, how did 'they" determine the distance? by description only and it was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun. So how did "they" find orbital elements at a later time?- precision guesswork? mmm. wonder what the weather was like on Jupiter when Shoemaker/Levy broke apart and impacted? Ya' think it may have affected it? There's physics behind any motion... "The Messenger" is from New York and is from the accounts of William L. Pierce, who was in New Orleans, [in the northern hemisphere]. The people who gave the description of the extreme heat were up in "Big Prairie" 761 miles up the Mississippi river... [also in the northern hemisphere and near to the impact] As the article was written in Feb. 1812, the incident was recorded on December 25, 1811 and is about what was seen from the 16th to the 19th of December, 1811... http://www.hsv.com/genlintr/newmadrd/newspapers/The_Messenger-Feb_28_1811.jpg so what produced such extremes in temperatures?
  21. What do "we" know about comets? "statistical analysis"? it was 1811.There are only eye-witness descriptions and Alexander Von Humboldt is but one but, I would think, a very reliable source. Presently I am not aware of any theoretical physics with calculations considering a comet with enough mass, velocity and on a trajectory taking it to a close enough pass as is being suggested with the effects from C/1811 F1. Can you find something? The historical accounts all give descriptions that the comet was very close. It was last seen in the southern hemisphere, then the weather [mostly from the comet] disrupted the view- http://www.hsv.com/genlintr/newmadrd/newspapers/The_Messenger-Feb_28_1811.jpg [fourth column near the top] "...and the comet appeared hazy and dim. The weather was incessantly varying, from oppressive heat to severe cold and during many of the shocks some rain fell..." ] mmm, what could cause such heat during an "earthquake" in one of the coldest winters on record?] There is plenty of data- in the satellite views,scientific and observational data, impactites [rocks], historical accounts,... and once the shocked quartz has been confirmed, there will be no doubt that this was an impact from the close passing of a comet... [miss me Strange? ;-] to reiterate- the Earth and Moon are both in orbit around the Sun and each other, they are not an object coming in from a different direction, disruptive to gravitational and electromagnetic forces... the comet passed over at the same time as the many quakes and eruptions, was very large and very close. Many people describe meteoric activity at this same time. The topography of the valley shows the shockwave pattern... [2+2=? ;-]
  22. The Moon is not disruptive to Earth's orbit, they are in sync, [after several collisions, terraforming and finding a better harmonic balance...] ...There was an extremely large comet in the sky, in October 1811. There was an extreme amount of meteoric activity at this same time in late November/early December. Several earthquakes, eruptions, strange weather and many disasters occurred at this same moment in time. The geography agrees. The science agrees. The historical accounts agree. There are many accounts describing this... The orbital elements of Comet C/1811 f1 are rough estimates assigned at a later time, assumptions from bad interpretations and are inaccurate. How could a comet be seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun and be at a distance of over 1.22 AU [October 16]? If it were that big at that distance, it would have disrupted the entire solar system. see- http://www.cometography.com/lcomets/1811f1.html Study the accounts and see what is being described. Why would people believe the entire comet had went down in the Ohio river at the same moment of the quakes? ...and what of all the accounts of meteor impacts? http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/hough/mitchill.htmlgo about three quarters down to Captain Robert Alexander's account- "...three large extraordinary fires, in the air..." and there are many to this affect... http://www.showme.net/~fkeller/quake/savannah.htm "...preceeded by a meteoric flash of light..."
  23. Yes, earthquakes happen all the time. i am discussing a concentration of earthquakes and eruptions along a period of two to three years and at the same time as a large comet was seen in October 1811, as fifty percent larger than the Sun. Herschel saw the comet's tail becoming much shorter in early November 1811, indicating it was coming toward him... Quote from "Travels to the equinoctial regions of America" chapter 14, about one-quarter down- "...Precisely at this period when this long series of earthquakes commenced in the Transalleghanian States [in the month of December 1811] , the town of Caracas felt the first shock, in calm and serene weather..." There was no Richter scale 'til 1935, so the magnitudes are later estimates. The other years are not in question, just the many quakes and eruptions from 1811 to 1813. This is the only evidence available and happens to agree with the timing of the passing of this comet and the many other events that are associated. I believe even the most skeptical cannot deny that all these events did occur and there must be an explanation. This many quakes, eruptions, severe weather, what the historical accounts state, the designs in the geography seen on satellite. the observations,... are all in alignment. They all agree that this comet, C/1811 f1 was the cause of much destruction... I did say that there is a lot to go through. The satellite view is the "smoking gun", the "dead give-away" as all this is written in the geography of this planet... There happens to be no other mechanism available to be able to form this topography but a meteor impact... ...and so, now impact physics must be revised... :-]
  24. brief synopsis: This is some very important information concerning our science and history and what was a meteor impact to northern Mississippi to cause the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812. Just to the top of northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi there is a circular structure extending partly into Tennessee, which every hill in the valley and every line in the topography emanates out from, in a shock-wave pattern, to the Tennessee river on the east,to out passed the St.Francis river on the west. Panning out from here, draw a line down the middle of the New Madrid bend [in the upper northwest corner of Tennessee] straight to north Slayden, Mississippi to view the lines showing angle, direction and force of the impact written in the topography. Follow each river to the north, [Wolf river, Hatchie river, Loosahatche river..]., from the Mississippi river down through their valleys, through the state of Mississippi to see the larger waves from the shock. I believe it to be not quite a three mile in diameter crater, with a central rebound peak, with many canyons and deep creeks running out from. In these creeks there are several spherule beds,where many unusual rocks have been found,with every aspect of impactites, meteorites and melt rock of all sorts, what appears to be nanodiamonds and shocked quartz, [though not confirmed, yet]. Following out to each line in topography, there are a couple roads, Mill Pond road and Early Grove road. Where they meet they follow the circular pattern of the inner basin. Just to the east of where these roads meet is a white sand creek, Early Grove creek. Follow this creek up passed the Tennessee state line, passed the Wolf river bottoms, to the west through a tree line and back down through Mount Pleasant to back down passed the impression. This is the first in a series of shock waves that reverberates out many times to the edge of the embayment and is almost the exact same design as the outer edge of the Mississippi embayment. All the semi-circular fractures throughout eastern Arkansas, the sand blows and every line surrounds this central location like a bulls-eye. The land to the south of impact all runs from east to west and left large chasms, some of which were dammed up and made in to lakes, such as Sardis, Enid and Arkabutla. The valley was pushed upward to the north to a great degree, [known as the "upper mid-land drift", "new Madrid lines", "upland complex","upland formation"] changing its entire geography. It was believed an ice sheet had somehow pulled this land upward, until an Illinois geologist determined the moraines never made it down this far. Then it was thought that inland seas had somehow formed these lines over millions of years, though the lines are more or less evenly spaced and are not beach fronts, that and the fact that there are several descriptions of the shock wave as it occurred within the historical accounts... Currently the several spherule beds in the northern part of the embayment are considered to be from the Chesapeake bay impact event and the spherule beds in the lower embayment are thought to be from the Chicxulub impact event. This evidence will tie everything together, to an impact on December 16, 1811 from the close passing of a sungrazer comet... The entire Mississippi embayment is the design left from a large bolide impact, an astrobleme... Going through the historical accounts, there are many reports of meteoric lights across the skies prior to the first shock, some as far away as Savannah, Georgia, way too far to be any kind of naturally occurring earthquake lights. Church-bells ringing throughout the northeast U.S., many to state they thought the comet had went down in the Ohio river or had "touched the mountain of California". Lights so bright at two-thirty in the morning, one man in Louisville, Kentucky said he could see a needle on the floor. reports of bright lights, loud explosions, clouds of black smoke, smells of sulfur,... in fact there are many descriptions to indicate a meteor impact... Everyone was scared of the Chickasaw,for what they had done to deSoto. In 1809 they had threatened open war.In 1810 and 1811 they had forced the U.S. Calvary to remove more than five thousand squatters from their land, so there were only natives near this area and the ones that did see the impact and probably up to twenty to thirty miles away from impact were instantly vaporized anyway. As the impact was directed toward New Madrid and happened at two-thirty in the morning, it was misunderstood as an earthquake, the French being a very convincing people, the natives not so much and mainly only the smoke clouds were seen and the shaking was felt near the town of New Madrid, Mo. There is quite a bit left to study. This involves much of the geography, geology, topography, archaeology,...of the three states of Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas. There is a lot of lost history and misunderstood science, mostly from the misconceptions and superstitions of a more primitive era in time. It will, more than likely take quite a while before this is finally deciphered, added into curriculum and becomes common knowledge. As I have been studying this now for more than fifteen years and trying hard to put this out for the last five years, it will also, more than likely, take a lot more than just my efforts to correct this much of our science and history. That is why I now ask for your help. Anything you can do to get this to the public and to make this known. Students pay a lot for their education. What has been and is being taught is mostly just conjecture with no substance. The research being put forth here is all based on tangible fact... Can you help? [An individual is entitled to a belief, a scientist is obligated to determine the percentage of possibility]
  25. Thanks, http://koolkreations.wix.com/kalopins-legacyon the cover the document "An extraterrestrial origin for the Mississippi embayment" has some details and the crater's coordinates. Please go through all the evidence- the satellite views, stratigraphy of the valley, go through the historical accounts, look closely at the impactites [rocks] and once you see the scientific and observational data, I believe you will come to this same conclusion- that this was much more than just a seismic event in the central United States, but was a global catastrophe from the close passing of a comet- https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/h/humboldt/alexander/travels/chapter14.html-has excellent accounts of the many disasters which occurred at this same moment and in this same area. Caracas, Venezuela was also destroyed killing many thousands at the same time... I feel it an important moment in time, to change much of the direction in human history. Once this finds further study, I believe many events will find explanation. That this was a sungrazer comet and made a close pass in front of Earth in late November/early December producing a serial impact. This will be found to have caused the mini-ice age from 1811-1817, many earthquakes, eruptions and strange weather patterns, produced the Carolina bays, caused the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 and "1816-the year without a summer", was the reason for such a drop in temperatures to wipe out much of Napolean's army, caused the hurricane that sent off the tornado to kill many of the British, forcing their retreat, as they were trying to destroy the U.S. capital. This comet affected human history and changed so much that a new era had begun. The recovery from all these disasters, the deaths, famine and struggles, forced the start of an industrial revolution. It is a fact that temperatures have been on the rise ever since these events and the passing of this comet, Comet C/.1811 f1... The close passing of this comet resulted in major climate change... I hope you find the time to go over every detail and let me know what you think.
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