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  1. Hi Everyone, I am working on a project which involves a motion sensor which contains a 3-axis accelerometer. My goal is to determine the position of the sensor in 3D space relative to some starting point. At first I thought that just the accelerometer was all that I needed but after thinking about it some more it appears that this solution is not adequate. Of course determining position from acceleration is simple a double integral estimation which is not terribly complicated. My concern is that the position is relative to the accelerometer itself. I am imagining a scenario where you move the sensor in the +Z direction (for simplicity assume it is in the direction opposite gravity) and then rotate the sensor about either the X or Y axis 180 degrees and then move the sensor in the -Z (in the direction of gravity). In both cases the sensor will register +Z acceleration but really the sensor is moving in 2 different directions. It seems that the issue is the sensor is not aware of angular movement. So my question is.....In order to determine position in 3D space do I need both an accelerometer AND a 3-axis gyro? And related to that can I get away with a 2-axis gyro? Thanks, Victor
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