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Everything posted by fractalres

  1. I think high dopamine:serotonin predisposes brains to think they're doingwhat they're supposed to be; lets get some metabolite studies -neurotransmitter degradation products are assayable in bodily fluids. In a Freudian context, this is different than the delusion that one ismaking all events happen. Not environmental mnemonics, Gestalt psychology seemslike semiotic Kung Fu. I much prefer Divine Wind, reified using a gentlebehaviorist model.
  2. I'm wondering if VP stimulates PEA release. I looked around on Google scholar some, but maybe you have access to resources I don't.
  3. I like trig relating data anomalous to its general correspondence.
  4. Interpolate them.
  5. IQ represents how many metaphors you have, not how elaborately you can put them together - I wonder if concepts are contextualized metaphors, as innovation is often inspired by such. Brain damage isn't just something to talk about - there's no telling which neurons we'll need. Does anyone know the dreamcatcher model of social networks?
  6. I'd like to look at NLPt peops' orbitofrontal and VMPF cortices.
  7. Play with the math: http://www.esa.int/esaMI/GSP/SEM0L6OVGJE_0.html
  8. Its a demonstration of why a clearer term might be useful.
  9. It is normal to call a closed switch 'bridged'; I'm wondering if there is an alternative name for an open one.
  10. Its in the Header.
  11. "In depression, glucorticoids are elevated, life seems hopeless, and rats think their bar opens shock circuits. If one is using effort on bad behavior, its often best to remove its substrate from what enthralls ones focus. Freud posited that depression is aggression turned inward, suggesting persons adopt annoying habits of characters no longer available to them; but it seems more like the rat who thinks it can control its suffering. Persistent delusion begins to harm more than help - although its feeling of control at first damps its stress response, it eventually gets more stressed than rats who never had control. Sapolsky, Robert. <i>Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers</i>. Updated. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1998. Print." I know the rats don't think that the pulsed Q (in this case the output of the circuit turning ON their electric stressor) is inhibited by opening a switch on its circuit by pressing their bars, but you get my point.
  12. the tree, what is a hyperbola and its reflection called?
  13. Does omega-6 inflammation induce vascular permeability and what is the gravity of such?
  14. I recently discovered naive Bayesian classifiers and think it is a brilliant way to deal with impressionistic/associational-episodic biases. The impacts of my critique are present in social acceptance situations where the neocortex considers but does not act rationally because there is not a common culture that compels such. I wish to learn more about Bayesian inference.
  15. The point is that there's a way to think about whether a decision is likely to reward oneself.
  16. While the neurologically relevant pathways of phenylalanine are certainly varied, I'm wondering if we can get together what we know about them in a diaphanous form. Such may make it available to both common intellectuals and harried experts: the latter don't always put together info as well as it could be presented to them.
  17. How is this represented?
  18. Gotta click through the hyperlink in link removed to get to my explanation of Bayesian logic.
  19. My interest in math is not only philosophical but as metaphors that may inspire me as an engineer as well.
  20. Maybe you're excreting more minerals at morning: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090131124439.htm
  21. I think neural node theory is a good starting point for understanding the neurological basis of intelligibility.
  22. http://episin.blogspot.com/search/label/brain%20doping
  23. By emotive behavior I mean like NLPt.
  24. There are so many exotic particles that can interact with ordinary matter. If we think of life as a complex but stable system, why not include systems that incorporate exotic matter and persevere via absorption or reproduction?
  25. When found unapproachable, oxytocin stimuli induce envy and gloating rather than trust and kindness.
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