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Everything posted by ads8525

  1. yes
  2. Can you guys point me in the right direction on how to figure this out. How many comets would have to strike the Earth in order to account for the roughly 2x10^21 kg of water presently found on our planet?
  3. What do you guys think would happen if this was possible? If Jupiter had the same mass it has now but was undergoing nuclear reactions of such a level that it was shining just as bright as our sun, what would that do to our life here on Earth?”
  4. Can you guys help me figure out how long it would take for a radar signal to travel to mercury and back when Mercury is at its closest point to Earth?
  5. If the Earth moves at 360 degrees in 24 hour that would be 15 degrees per hour. Since the stars don't actually move, their arc degree has to be 15 degrees per hour, as well as the Sun? The reason why the stars more North seem to move slower is becuase the stars are postioned almost directly over the northern hemisphere. Since the Earth rotates on its axis counter clockwise the stars in the northern hemisphere pretty much stay in the same postion. Am I on the right track?
  6. Does anyone know where I can find the info to this: How many degrees of arc does a star move in an hour? Also, does it matter how far north or south the star is.
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