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About mihail

  • Birthday 08/27/1987


  • Lepton

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  1. yes, i don't think that thought is involved. I just think that there is some natural referance to the "will" to survive. So you say that this is normal in chemical reactions or something like that. I don't understand yet. There is a lot of time for me to do this. I'll think again, I am a little drunk right now, sorry... stupid me. I haven't read the other postings yet greetings., This is very interesting topic, I don't know why, mabye this is the mystery about it. i hope you are close to the truth, but agree that history remembers a lot of stories in which scientists were wrong just because they thought they knew so much. I don't say you are wrong, just keep this in mind when you are convinced in something and believe it is true. sorry for disturbing you with my so called stupidity
  2. natural selection, ok. But I am still wondering what is the logic for life to manage to survive. Imagine the time when it was the beginning. I don't understand how this chemicals start "trying"(achieving or something like that) to not disappear, which is the top PRIORITY in living beings, isn't it? Why every animal's aim is to keep itself alive? Why would a chemical reaction do things like that? P.S. I don't believe god does this things if someone thinks so.
  3. the problem is there that i am not a scientist and my expression is more kind of talkative... I cannot explain my idea without making that kind of mistakes, sorry about that.
  4. I changed my idea a little bit. I meant that life appears in rocks etc. but now i changed my mind. I am wondering what makes living beings to survive. Life adapts itself ewerywhere. For example we have evidance that life on our planet that life can survive with no light, in severe temperatures, no air, water etc. I think life is a parasite itself and appears and exploit the environment, just to survive. This is led by its "will" to survive. Evolution is manifestation of its "will" to survive. The instinct for self preservation also. This is the one and biggest pursuit of life. What makes it do it. I think that when we understand this we would be closer to the truth about the origin.
  5. Thank you very much for the serious answers. I tried to discuss this in one non science forum and I met only the jokes of the people there. Well, I know one thing for sure now and it is that I need to read a lot more before I start making any conclusiuns for things like that. Thank you people!
  6. ok you say, the life does not need this 'force'. Let's go back to the time when there had no life. How come does the life begin it's exitance? I understand that it went a lot of time for this to happen. I just cannot understand, how come there appears life from nothing. The stone and water we believe are static and do not change only if some force from outside is involved. And you mean that it started to happen accidentally and it just continued to develop under to its own momentum? I cannot comprehend this... really! please explain. sorry for the english, stupid me!
  7. 1st sorry for my english, if there are mistakes... I have an idea in my mind and I would like to ask you people, who understand science more than me, what do you think of it: So we separate living world and non-living world (saying non-living I mean stones, water and so etc.). The living world has one very specific thing in itself. It is, let's call it force that make it survive. In organisms this is called 'an instinct of self-preservation'. What is this force? In my oppinion this is a natural force that existed even before the life(what we understand of it) appeared. If this is so, it means that life is just a manifestation of this force. This force I suggest is something absolutely normal like the force of gravitation and it is one and the same everywhere in the universe. I believe this force, affects both 'living' and 'non-living' worlds. If this is so, it means that life exist in stones and in all nature, because it is element of the universe. Well it is not the complete exact idea, but I hope I managed to explain it understandable. It sounds possible to me... PLEASE COMMENT, ASK QUESTIONS IF DID NOT UNDERSTAND. Thank you!
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