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Everything posted by Skye

  1. I can't help but think that this is all part of the viral advertising campaign, and the Boston local government is being paid a mint. I hope so anyway, as it would be wonderfully devious.
  2. So you think that road regulations violate peoples private lives? While they are on... public roads?
  3. We dudn't do know literal arts hear and it learned me fine, aye?
  4. Nero died long ago, nothing you can study now will help him.
  5. I'd tell the students what you've been told, and say if any would like to be considered to email or see you.
  6. Skye

    Obama to Run

    Personality? You do realise John Kerry was involved, right?
  7. I think inventions aren't a problem, they are using existing knowledge. The have a show here called The New Inventors which has three people bring in their invention each episode. So there's no end of inventions out there. You can discover new things, there are endless species to catalog and things like supernovae to spot. I think that the difficulty is with the more theoretical aspects of science. This relies on alot of money these days, and often alot of manpower.
  8. Skye

    Fungus in Agar

    I've certainly had (unwanted) fungus grow on LB agar before.
  9. It depends very much on what you consider to be "effective". Since you can pick pretty much any metric and measure it, and these metrics vary from situation to situation, it is possible to make the data say what you want.
  10. Most hermaphroditic animals avoid 'selfing', but it happens a bit with some species. They won't be clones because of meiosis (each gamete will have a random assortment of chromosomes, and then you have crossing over).
  11. Accountability is part of it, although this is a bit of a vexed issue in itself. But if doctors have some sort of transparency then it will make it easier to work out when things like this are occuring.
  12. Reminds me of when I was a kid and the local (voluntary) fire dept. would only get called out for serious fires. Otherwise you could put you name down to book the firetruck. Once when there was a fire coming through our property we did and I got to live out my fireman fantasy. As far as all this goes, I'd be pretty careful of getting rid of IP laws, they've been pretty good to the West. Getting rid of them is expecting a bit much of altruism. 'Finding cures' is pretty trifling, it's the plants, regulatory hurdles and getting the name out there that costs the big ones.
  13. Yeah they are pretty rare outside Japan. Personally I think they look pretty average, but they are quick. The RX-7 is a really nice looking car (to me), and it's a pretty common car to do up, so I think would be a good choice.
  14. I get them quite often, but less so as I get older. They are common in teenagers. If you do alot of exercise it's more common, particularly running, jumping or calve raises. I would say to be careful when you do things like jump or run up stairs for a while now. While they may feel better they are probably still healing.
  15. I'd go with the Mazda. Or preferably a Skyline GTR.
  16. So I decided that being overwhelmed by both geckos and beer bottles was a little too chaotic for my house. Since the bottles couldn't scurry away, they were the unlucky ones to be pitched into the night. I took them out to my bin and as I walked back I noticed something writhing about on the ground in the dark. I thought, oh maybe it is an injured lizard. But no it was a death adder, and nothing with 'death' in its name can be good for you. Adding can be tiresome, but that's not really important. I must have stepped over it twice as I was walking out, so I was pretty damned lucky. I thought about catching and moving it away from my house, but it looked like it was going to have none of that. And since they move so slowly I know it's probably still out there somewhere, hiding and waiting for one false step.
  17. I was refering to, "I looked upon him as my personal friend. And I always treasured our relationship. And I had no hesitancy about granting the pardon, because I felt that we had this relationship and that I didn't want to see my real friend have the stigma." He's given other reasons though too, but he's not exactly mincing his words there.
  18. Interesting that Ford said he pardoned Nixon because was a friend and he didn't want him to be stigmatised, a little less noble than the healing argument.
  19. Clip them short so you can't bite them. I'd like to drink and eat more, exercise less, start smoking, spend my money like it's somebody elses, and have fewer friends. You never keep new years resolutions, so you might as well say things you don't want to do. It's like using reverse psychology on yourself.
  20. There are some differences I think, largely because the internal structure of a sub tends to resonate and produce noise. So there's more of an emphasis on things like internal anechoic chambers (which don't produce echos) and trying to damp the super structure.
  21. I just eat the stuff, but this book might be of interest: http://www.springer.com/west/home/chemistry?SGWID=4-135-22-30254644-detailsPage=ppmmedia%7CdistRights I haven't read it but RSC books are pretty decent.
  22. I'd follow the same strategy as in Afghanistan. Very few ground troops supporting local militia with lots of air support.
  23. The UN didn't choose the land, Britain did, decades before the UN was invented. Britain was granted mandate over Palestine by the League of Nations, following the break up of the Ottoman empire. The British Balfour declaration in 1917 called for a Jewish homeland to be established in Palestine. Due to the this, and the desire for national independence of the Arab Palestinians, there was growing violence between both groups. In 1947 the situation was turned over to the shiny new UN, who decided to partition the state, and create Jerusalem as an international city, map: http://domino.un.org/unispal.nsf/cf02d057b04d356385256ddb006dc02f/3cbe4ee1ef30169085256b98006f540d!OpenDocument Israel was then proclaimed as an independent state. The Arabs didn't accept the deal, and so many Arabs (and Persians!) don't consider the creation of Israel as valid. In any case Israel was expanded by a series of wars, the first in 1948, which led to the boundaries in the inset of that map.
  24. A private members bill legalising the creation of human embryos by somatic cell transfer passed through Parliament yesterday, and will come into effect in six months. Embryos must be terminated within fourteen days. The bill overturns a previous ban on cloning. Interesting, the leader of the government and the opposition both opposed the bill, with senior ministers from both parties in disagreement. A link: http://www.news.com.au/mercury/story/0,22884,20885391-921,00.html
  25. Clean your hands too, especially in between the fingers.
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