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dimreepr last won the day on July 22 2024

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About dimreepr

  • Birthday 01/27/1966

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  • Location
    Stonehouse, Gloucestershire.
  • Interests
    Plowing my way through classic literature and physics
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    A biker with a major need for speed

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  1. I see my joke has missed the mark, it's never as funny when it has to be explained. As I've previously explained, there is no direct sense of reality, that we can use to understand our place in the world; I think therefore I am, is an assumption, a faith that one has a place in our collective community. Faith has a bad press, bc we're taught that a fact doesn't require faith, which is true on the face of it; but you can't be sure that your not dreaming this. "Does it keep changing?" Yes and no, which circles back to the joke and the point of philosophical thinking...
  2. This is philosophy 101, Cogito ergo sum "I think therefore I am" which is also flawed; IOW it doesn't depend on anything other than faith.
  3. Is it though? Evolution will catch up, despite our moral outrage, ethics may give us the opportunity to board the gravy train... 🤞
  4. Indeed, that's a gambler's strategy... Talking about rats and their idioms:
  5. WTF are you talking about? If I had every byte of information about you, I'd still only comprehend what it's like to be me... 😉
  6. well. one of us is wrong...
  7. I'm preparing to do time for that joke, grow up...
  8. Oh no, did you shag your mum again???
  9. You don't seem to understand the question...
  10. dimreepr


    Sounds like you 'almost' get it, if you weren't already right... 🤣
  11. This is just as dumb and simplistic as the OP, you do understand that there's a minimal level of comprehension expected here? Or you'll be asked to leave... 😉
  12. Not to mention the probability of randomly firing the people needed to maintain the viability of the business, I believe that Russia is currently on the brink of that particular precipice... They've had longer to practice. 😉
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