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dimreepr last won the day on July 22 2024

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About dimreepr

  • Birthday 01/27/1966

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  • Location
    Stonehouse, Gloucestershire.
  • Interests
    Plowing my way through classic literature and physics
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    A biker with a major need for speed

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  1. This Putin love in, strikes me as more of an attempt to diminish Chinese influence bc they're the kid we dare not try too bully... He's late to the plate bc Putin, Knows which side his bread is buttered, IOW he's already their bitch... My apologies for the mixed metaphor... ๐Ÿคข
  2. The same can be said about Henry Ford...
  3. You're only confusing yourselves. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. It's loud and it's tasteless and I've heard it before...
  5. Really!!! They've written a few... ๐Ÿ™„
  6. You'd think, but the only lesson we can take from history is, we don't learn much from history...
  7. Indeed, not every dust devil makes it out of the deserts of Africa, but they all start somewhere, and they all need a lot of encouragement to reach full potential; a butterfly in England is unlikely to contribute much, to the probability of creating a hurricane in America. It might, but probably not... ๐Ÿค’
  8. Please sir, can I have some more... ๐Ÿ™
  9. Indeed, definition's do seem to be an ongoing problem. What you don't seem to understand is, the expectation is real (objective), it's only the words 'dark matter' that's subjective; an arbitrary title for something we know but don't fully understand; not unlike your contributions thus far.
  10. Why, what temperature prevents?
  11. Essentially, the individual can hold a moral absolute and express its value, in order to persuade other's; ethics is the brake that stops one from enforcing that value on others... You're conflating my arguments in order to be obtuse Not my job, if you hadn't noticed, I'm not a fan... ๐Ÿ™„ Good for you, I genuinely applaud your fortitude in resisting a 'bacon sarnie' in order to stick to your moral stance; but we are talking about veganism in this topic... And that means no cheese, and arguable no honey either; no good can come from this... ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mostly bc it's an emotional argument and I've already explained why that's not relevant here...
  12. Depends on who one trusted... ๐Ÿค’
  13. The difference is, individuals can have morals society needs ethics. A moral can be an absolute, where as an ethic is a democratic version of a moral. The NHS is a typical example; free at the point of need, coupled with the doctor's hypocratic oath, combine to make NICE appear rather nasty; and thus it drowns in absolute need...
  14. Bullshit, they haven't even decided what the actual question is, whomsoever they are? Which bit's did you understand? I only ask bc it reminds me of the time I, arrogantly, said to my little sister "let me read your PhD (microbiology) paper" to which she said "what's the point, you won't understand any of it" ๐Ÿ˜‰; the wink stung the most...
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