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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. "there's a theory, that if anyone finds out why the universe is here and what it's for, it will instantly be replaced by something even more inexplicably bizarre; there is a second theory that this has already happened" - Douglass Adams. I'm not saying anyone is wrong and I'm not committing scientific heresy by suggesting that there are other ways of thinking about our world that science can't really address. I'm assuming that god doesn't exist, consistently throughout my history here, but not everyone is doing science and they're not automatically wrong bc of that; flat earther's and there bredrin are clearly wrong, but Thomas Aquinas was clearly a scientific minded theologian who wrote many paper's and treatise right up until he had his spiritual enlightenment and abruptly stopped.
  2. Thanks for trying, but far enough to appear stupid in this context, a bullet is all about point loading and penetration. However the Nazi's had a similar thought with there air cannon, I'll bet they felt stupid with there oversized whoopi cushion...
  3. The point of the topic is, when we don't know the answer there is no 'right' way to think, until we do know the answer; incomplete answers may not apply. No, and "we don't yet completely know" is not equivalent to "we will have knowledge of"...
  4. You'll have to prove that in a court of law, althogh a court of lore may be more appropriate in this thread...
  5. Is the brick I stubbed my toe on, inherently evil? That's why we have a legal system, in order to take the emotion out of what's better, so that worse doesn't follow...
  6. This strikes me as the predator, prey evolution... "Look on my works ye mighty, and despair"...
  7. Also irrelevant to the point I'm making.
  8. What's wrong with butterscotch flavour?
  9. I think you may be missing some context.
  10. 😣 In this context it's just a phrase, like saying "jesus christ" when we hit our thumb with a hammer; it's cultural bc we're in a such a society. Perhaps you can come up with an example that clearly shows "god did it" can't possible be true...
  11. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    Maybe it's god saying "let's not kill the messenger"...
  12. No it's not, it's a parallax of the same view; something @studiot tried to teach you, that you've ignored...
  13. That's not a very good summary, materialism for instance, is that really any part of an axiom in this context?
  14. I think it's time to conclude that @Luc Turpin doesn't want to be educated to the point where he can see his folly, he prefers the bliss of ignorance; a valid choice, science can't solve everything and belief is a great salve, wrong forum though...
  15. No it's not, (read the thread) I'm equating "I don't know" with "god did it", not that god has done anything... Frustrating, isn't it? 😣
  16. Good luck to you...
  17. Mostly it's cultural, if you want a dangerous dog, there's a motive...
  18. You're clutching at straw's, to what end? No, the arrow of time can end in one of two way's and it didn't happen yesterday... 😉
  19. What extraordinary claim am I making? Dawkins is human and humans are capable of being deluded, or does he/you know everything?
  20. That only goes so far, you can be content with only having what you need to live, but this rich %£$" wants to tax that which I need, in order to chase what they think they want; it's nothing more than a gambling addiction, but somehow it's the fault of an alcoholic... 😉
  21. Science doesn't really care about subjectivity, it seeks only to understand the aquired knowledge; it's people that think that's a smart thing to do, and display as a means to judge...
  22. You've entirely missed @studiot point, it depends on your definition of perfect, philosophically "this fit's me perfectly" is both correct and incorrect; scientifically, perfect doesn't exist bc we can only just see an atom and things get much smaller than that and perfect would demand that we can observe all the way down; all of which is irrelevant, in the question of the supernateral v superscience...
  23. You can only be objective with an object that exists in time and space, everything else is a matter of interpretation, for instance, what am I thinking about now? You can put me in an MRI, however sophisticated, and all you can ever say is, you're probably enjoying that thought, or not... That reads as the latest version of the bible, which, I think was designed to help control our emotions; the difference is the lack of a political understanding, science can't fix that...
  24. Nor me, but there's a lot you can learn here, if you're smart enough to listen...
  25. And missing the point...
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