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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. β€œDon't for heaven's sake, be afraid of talking nonsense! But you must pay attention to your nonsense.” ― Ludwig Wittgenstein
  2. The gaia hypothesis is just another word for god, which is just another word for 'we don't know yet'. What exactly are you asking? The world will spin on, despite what you do or think; such is the word of Dave... πŸ˜‰
  3. Google fits the bill, rather too well...
  4. So we're back to the anthill, ant's are alive but they don't pass any of your 'tests' for intelligence, an anthill isn't alive but it does fit all of your 'tests' for intelligence. Cogito ergo sum, first principals are required to move forward in our understanding, if you can think of a better method than science to achieve that then tell us, but google isn't it.
  5. That's kinda the point of science, the psychological why is immaterial in the pursuit of actual knowledge. That's why they hide the psyche from the results of a blind study. Your thought's are not involved... πŸ™„
  6. So what are we going to eat, for energy? Indeed, but let's not delude ourselves that our salvation could be found in a backward step, that our rose coloured spec's will somehow salve the wound we've inflicted on ourselves; if we cut down all the tree's, to burn for work, where would we find the fruit to eat to live? I think we're smater than that /sarcasm.
  7. Indeed, the perfect authoritarian thinks for everyone and everyone's happy about it, as in my previous mention of "a brave new world". But however we define that particular ism, it's always there; but sometimes it's well enough hidden that we don't want to see it, even when someone lifts up the curtain to reveal the wizard of Oz.
  8. That was kinda my point.
  9. The thing about a hidden 'ism is, most of the population can't see it bc they don't want too and that's why it's insidiously hidden in plane sight. The player's aren't bad people, they're just bad actor's; and we're all happy to suspend reality, to see what happens next...
  10. The point of a paradox is that it can't be real.
  11. Conservative liberalism - Wikipedia Depends on the date/etymology/agenda... πŸ˜‰ In the old day's that was called <insert religion>... πŸ˜‰
  12. I've been sat here for nearly an hour trying to think of a good reply to explain the wrongness of that post but, you win +1
  13. The hidden authoritarian is the money we all seek, the spectrum of us runs from, 'I only want enough to buy what I actually need' through 'I only want enough to buy the stuff I think I need' and 'I only want enough to ensure my future' to 'I want enough to win and be declared "champion Industrious mouse in the whole universe"; which kinda makes most of us a bit pathetic. That's the problem with identifying the bad guy's, even politicians and saints are evenly distributed along that spectrum, that's why capitalism slips under the radar of authoritarianism.
  14. But it's a handy way to describe ones general impression, we didn't invent the dictionary in order to smell a rose called Dennis.
  15. Well that joke fell flat on it's face... 😣 We have to accept authority at every level of social interaction, not from every level of social ability; the hidden authoritarian that we face, in our enlightened modern age, is a little girl thats smart enough to know that a quick flash of cleavage is a way to be an influencer and have everyone like it; well, everyone that counts.
  16. No, it's just a thought. That about sums it all up for me +1, though I'm very skeptical... Indeed you can, imagine tomorrow will be very much the same as today; but with extra tech... πŸ˜‰
  17. That's bc it was never a democracy, it's just a version of the previous autocrat's version of "the perfect authoritarian"; where as the perfect authoritarian is, 'all the people' all of the time... Many people say that a medium can never disappear, bc it's stuck in the middle; medium's just aren't that smart... πŸ™„
  18. Dad will be allowed to pass in two weeks, when his life support is to be stopped, on the advice of the expert's the family has decided that Jesus better get his skates on and forgive the ol' bugger.

    RIP the day after yesterday...Β πŸ˜‰

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. joigus


      I'm sorry, Dim. I wish him a peaceful passing when it comes. My sympathies.

    3. Mordred


      My sympathies I know what its like having experienced it a few years ago when my mother passed with cancer. You know you have support so don't hesitate to use it when needful.

    4. Imagine Everything

      Imagine Everything

      My condolances Dim,

      I don't know you but If it helps, my dad was a total @:?@@.Β  If yours was a good dad to you, remember and embrace that always.

      And remember that he is still a part of who you are & will always be with you because of that.

      If it makes you smile when you think of him, thats really cool.


  19. That depends on how badly people need a job, modern slavery is a thing. You should watch or read "The grapes of wrath" by John Stienbeck, for some background on the subject.
  20. Indeed, but it strikes me that a rock falling from a height communicates its decent rather well; if it doesn't strike me, is it even moving? There's your answer, if you think about it properly...
  21. It's not really hidden at all, in whatever society you choose to look; a politician wants authority... 🧐
  22. Indeed, but that's not the point I'm making. Fusion isn't the nirvana we think it might be...
  23. Ok, that's more of a suspicion but you missed a bit β€œnot gonna be cheap" 'for everyone'; if the private sector develop it first, they will charge as much as they can for maximum profit; if a country or group of countries develop it first, they'll want to use the profit to pay a few debts, and they'll want to use it as leverage to collect on a few debts. History suggests to me, that humanity will have very little to do with the price. That's the point I'm making... We know computers work and we know that size isn't, necessarily, the limit of computing power; that means we don't know when/if Moore's law will hit the buffers. I think the analogy still work's bc we can't know that there is a when for fusion; much like the sentient computer, theoretically possible.
  24. Maybe, but the rest of that post does. I'm not claiming that there's a tea-pot orbiting Mars.
  25. Our little anthropocene depends on eternal progess, it's like Moore's law on steroids. That's just blind faith that a/ we can travel far enough through the tunnel to see light again, and b/ the light we see isn't just a torch, and even c/ this is not a tunnel... I'm not shifting the burden of proof, how can I? I'm not claiming that there's a tea-pot orbiting Mars...
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