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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. That depends on which end of the cutlery you view the problem. For instance, how often are we required to believe in the disease before we pay for the cure?
  2. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
  3. What's that got to do with intelligence?
  4. We, in Britain have been testing this hypothesis recently by throwing all of our shit into all of our river's; it turns out that most of us are sick of it...
  5. Only if you can get it to work...
  6. I do indeed, it's similar to 'not all shit is a good furtiliser'...😉
  7. They're not considered intelligent either...
  8. This is where religion gets caught up in the maelstrom of reality, anyone who calls for calm is seen as manipulating the sheeple for their own end's; few people wonder why it's wrong to be happy with the herd...
  9. We don't know that it's possible, sustainably, on Earth; a wormhole is possible, how much of our finite pot of money should we spend on that research? How big a dataset do we need before we concede, that it's not a valuable line of enquiry? What's that got to do with fusion? If there's one thing we can be sure of with fusion, it might be 'cleanish', but it's, as sure as shit, not gonna be cheap, for everyone...
  10. I'm in a quandary, I could answer, not all in nature that seems intelligent is, in fact, intelligent; but that would just encourage you to keep bleating about how inteligent you are, to have spotted something clever that the experts, with all their knowledge and intelligence, can't see. That's also true in an academic sense, people that don't learn science, do not abound as scientists... 🧐
  11. Trump isn't evil, he's just greedy, but aren't we all???
  12. It always does, the problem is, what is evil? And when is inaction, best for the family.
  13. Sometimes, all we can do, is to judge when it's best to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm...
  14. Indeed, but without significant evidence from such a large dataset, it's starting to pass into pure belief; hence my 'perpetual motion' reference, the only difference is, we know PM is impossible. There is just one pot of money, 'The Golgafrinchams' thought it would be more valuable if we burnt most of it. A policy that's still favoured today, unfortunately; one day we'll learn... 🤞
  15. Tell that to Isreal... 🙄 Sometimes you can, but it's much more difficult to explain when you get caught... 🧐 Why are you so obsessed with tanks? Putin 'the tyrant' think's overwelming power is all it takes to win a war, he has no idea about the power of the flower... 😇 But don't for a second think that Ukraine, having pushed him from their land, will push on, in order to depose Putin and save the Russians from themselves...
  16. I said the numbers don't matter if you're the wrong side of the solution...
  17. Nothing, ethically, it's all about the cost...
  18. Well, it used to be god, but for very different reasons (jesus was an anti-bully), failing that perhaps superman... How about a thousand men or women armed with antitank weapons, drone IEDs, or Molotov cocktails? I can't think of a better excuse to run them down with my 'better tank' that includes anti-antitank weapons and Molotov cock remover's... 😉
  19. It was always a long shot, bc money now is more persuasive than life tomorrow. Australia has the natural resources to supply its own nuclear program virtually free, but for some reason the top brass didn't like that idea. They're an example of why I put this question in ethics. But in the case of fusion, there hasn't been any successful launches; so what would be wrong with letting Elon and his cronies take the reins, leave the public fund's free to help in a more productive way 🤞.
  20. No, it's just inappropriate...
  21. Who designed it?
  22. You're missing my point, I'm not saying we stop understanding that, I'm saying we put it on the back-burner until we're out of the wood's and we spend that money on a media blitz, that would persuade even Australia to mine uranium instead of coal; only when we've achieved, 'at least', that do we stoke the fire again.
  23. Don't be obtuse, it's clearly a metaphor so how can it be absurd? Ukraine is a different topic, this topic is 'how to overthrow a tyrant'. Back to the point, it's a matter of number's (of poeple who are just comfortable enough, and just fearful enough to not say anything) and the balance (of people who don't care about the terror, bc it's better than the life they've got), in the end it's always the people that decide what power the tyrant is allowed. America is famous for it, they chased the tyrant out, but they didn't depose the tyrant... 😉
  24. It's more of an excuse to prevaricate...
  25. Or, in a brave new world, someone thinks for themselves; it's a real struggle to imagine which is best...
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