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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. And they say terrorism doesn’t pay.
  2. If irony could be converted into currency then both of us would have a free passage.
  3. I really hope you’re right but, just in case, how much does it cost to get to ISS?
  4. Given the replies, I don’t think anyone doubts Trump is a certifiable nut job; but since Obama struggled to get anything through congress, however reasonable, would a Trump administration do any better? In other words are their enough fools in congress to support his lunacy?
  5. I’m not suggesting you attempt it, I’m suggesting you are pious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_Freud_Was_Wrong As I have little time or intelligence (ATM) I’ll borrow Stranges (hope that’s ok) reference: I was suggesting his contribution is purely through causality and is no more valuable, to modern neurology, than any other layman of his era, which, as the above implies, is generous.
  6. Evidence is required for fact not opinion; also it seems they understood the reference to causality, which is possibly Freud’s greatest contribution. Maybe you should expend more energy on why you were challenged rather than insulting and denying. Gees; Please consider: Piety...
  7. Learning from past mistakes doesn’t mean we can’t learn more and that will always be the case in science; certainty is political not scientific.
  8. Dark energy and dark matter, suggests otherwise; so, no, I don’t agree...
  9. No, since I understand the word ‘inviolate’. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/inviolate http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/inviolate http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/inviolate
  10. That's my point, write large, lets wait and see if either of us is correct...
  11. An equation can equal, just a hypothesis or a theory but never a law; I think that was swansont’s point.
  12. Good luck with that approach. That’s like saying Jesus was a neurologist, obvious BS, but the influence is roughly the same since neurology came after; much like Queen Victoria influenced the nuclear bomb.
  13. Hhmmm. Bolded mine. Yes...
  14. Care to name a universal law that's not inviolate? And don't give me C, just because it has yet to be disproved.
  15. The claim Goddidit is always simpler but in no way violates Ockham’s razor.
  16. Being bigger and stronger seems to be a superior position, as it appears to mean control, which is illusory. Western society is suffering from that delusion and will inevitably fail because of it; the greater the power the greater the illusion. Trump and too many others think money is another word for power or control and always fail to see the illusion; if money equates to a million bullets, how many people with knives and an attitude does it take? Peace depends on fairness, as does our future; pulling up the drawbridge only invites invasion which will always succeed in the end; Trump, and his ilk, can only cause suffering. Time can create the tallest mountains or the deepest valleys but it will always level the playing field, eventually.
  17. This still works if you replace the word "Christian" for "me", the word "God" for "myself" and the word "Christ" for "understanding". I think that was what Jesus was trying to teach; time, language, interpretation and lack of knowledge gets in the way of understanding; given that why do we need a supernatural explanation for anything?
  18. In a way the null hypothesis already does. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_hypothesis
  19. That's not going to happen... https://www.facebook.com/AlbertEinstein/videos/10153660858099843/
  20. No...
  21. dimreepr

    Donald Trump

    Donald Trump – president of the US of A, I’m not American but, even so, how scared should I be? And how many of his BS non sequiturs would get through congress?
  22. Agreed on both counts but it rather depends on the care one seeks, if for instance, I decide my body’s not perfect at what point does that decision affect my health? And how much should everyone else be expected to pay for my choice?
  23. There is a price to pay for universal free health care, that being, every man/woman and their dog claims their problems deserve treatment however trivial, for instance, where does one draw the line, in terms of pain both physical and mental; how much is 1, 2, 3... years of extra life worth? And who should pay? A struggle the NHS is currently mired in. I’m not suggesting free health care shouldn’t be the ambition of all nations, especially nations that have money to burn on weapons/armies/space, but when that wealth is spent on protecting the guilty rather than the innocent, that nation needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Maybe Canada is closer to the ideal than most. On reflection perhaps this should be another topic, if a mod agrees, please split.
  24. Knowledge that we can’t understand everything isn’t accepting defeat anymore than it’s nefarious and is neither religious nor defeatist; it’s just an acceptance that knowledge/understanding is limited.
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