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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. That only makes sense if you live on a different planet and are trying to send messages between the two. In which case, the gaps are unimaginably vast as too the understanding.
  2. Why is that? Gravity seems dependant on mass whilst acceleration seems dependant on energy.
  3. I don't know, hence my question, but thank you for your answer.
  4. If there are gaps, you have to fill, then true understanding is lost.
  5. Since the ISS orbits at about 250 miles above the Earth so its actual gravity is 88.8 percent of that felt at ground level; what value can be derived from the experiments done on ISS in terms of actual microgravity? As in how do we know that a plant that appears to grow well in simulated microgravity does so in a gravity that is much lower, like half way to Mars or well out of the solar system?
  6. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    And there I was thinking your verbosity was confusing.
  7. That makes as much sense as "I'm so blue I'm greener than purple"
  8. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Maybe, you should look at what happened when your police force 'entered' Iraq. BTW I’m feeling decidedly left out of this conversation, any idea why?
  9. Indeed, for some it’s so much easier to decide what to dislike rather than seeking what to like. Think of the cup as neither half empty nor half full but rather the cup is always full, the only difference is how you comprehend liquid and gas.
  10. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Its called cognitive dissonance, for example, knowing why a terrorist commits such hateful acts and then doing exactly what they want us to, or wanting peace and bombing the crap out of them. They are my enemies too but the only way to break the cycle is to forgive your enemies.
  11. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    No, they are just two sides of a coin called revenge; the only caveat being that justification now can be construed as defence. When one or ones family is attacked it’s perfectly justifiable to kill rather than be killed; retrospectively it becomes revenge.
  12. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    This sounds like the “ticking time bomb” argument used to justify torture, an oversimplification that doesn't occur in reality.
  13. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Have fun trying...
  14. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Control, as a concept, is very similar to revenge; after all what else can you do when they don’t do as you demand? If you want a horse to drink, just wait till it’s thirsty.
  15. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Gun control laws are the same as drink driving laws. You may think you’re OK after a small sherry, until you kill someone because you had a small sherry.
  16. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    When was the last time any nation ‘won’ a war? You can win a game because that game stops when the winner is declared. A war is just part of the continuum that is life and so can only stop when life does, which is why ‘Tar’ you can never defeat ‘Daesh/Nazi’s/British/Mongols/Romans’ etc. unless the concept of revenge/hate is as foreign to us as the concept of immortality.
  17. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    And yours is like “fuck the river, I’ve got a small leak in the roof”.
  18. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    What they want us to do is ‘hate’ them; so forgiving them is, exactly, what they ‘don’t’ want us to do; BTW forgiveness is ‘always’ possible.
  19. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    No, the point of forgiveness is, you don’t care how much is taken (when you can’t change the quantity) and you only turn the other cheek when you run out of answers.
  20. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Them and we is just us; and every good person is in favour of ‘us’; so I think we should try to understand “them” not jail ‘them’ or kill ‘them’ because them and we are us.
  21. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    My point was that such a binary system doesn’t exist in ‘REAL’ life; a barking dog doesn’t always intend harm; Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
  22. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    When you understand why forgiveness ameliorates the notion of revenge, you may understand.
  23. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    So, ‘Them’ are those that disagree with you? You might find ‘them’ a little overwhelming.
  24. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    You only look bad if you ignore ‘world opinion’ in favour of personal bias.
  25. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Really? We’re down to knives for the average mental patient. Tar, you seem to epitomise the revenge culture, your culture so wants to be true; real life is not like ‘Star Wars’ it’s no fairy tale, there is no good and evil, it’s just us ‘humans’ with varying degrees of baggage; life is ‘Dante’s Inferno’ not ‘Cinderella’.
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