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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. dimreepr

    Donald Trump

    Donald Trump – president of the US of A, I’m not American but, even so, how scared should I be? And how many of his BS non sequiturs would get through congress?
  2. Agreed on both counts but it rather depends on the care one seeks, if for instance, I decide my body’s not perfect at what point does that decision affect my health? And how much should everyone else be expected to pay for my choice?
  3. There is a price to pay for universal free health care, that being, every man/woman and their dog claims their problems deserve treatment however trivial, for instance, where does one draw the line, in terms of pain both physical and mental; how much is 1, 2, 3... years of extra life worth? And who should pay? A struggle the NHS is currently mired in. I’m not suggesting free health care shouldn’t be the ambition of all nations, especially nations that have money to burn on weapons/armies/space, but when that wealth is spent on protecting the guilty rather than the innocent, that nation needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Maybe Canada is closer to the ideal than most. On reflection perhaps this should be another topic, if a mod agrees, please split.
  4. Knowledge that we can’t understand everything isn’t accepting defeat anymore than it’s nefarious and is neither religious nor defeatist; it’s just an acceptance that knowledge/understanding is limited.
  5. You’re right “A lack of complete understanding” is not mystic, it’s universal, but how is it (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal. "the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates"?
  6. It means, the larger the set the less probability is a factor.
  7. The quantum and the macroscopic are the same world; it’s just a question of probability.
  8. Just because the magician is convincing, that doesn’t make it magical.
  9. Strange request, since it shows, you either acknowledge he’s correct or you’re frightened he will expose your BS; like I say a strange thing to say (no pun intended).
  10. Understanding.
  11. Because churches believe prevention is better than the cure.
  12. When does a synopsis fully explain the book?
  13. Surely you mean binary/digital rather than logic? Empirical literally means: “Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.” Maybe philosophy, without logic is void but science is safe. Which are? That’s like saying “atheism is a religion” and is no more problematic than not playing golf.
  14. That is a public houses version of ‘common sense’; in other words, by means of the magic nectare
  15. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Be afraid if you want but Iraq was more stable before we/you defeated Saddam, than it is now. Time to grow up and face the music 'tar' not forever hiding behind the school yard bully...
  16. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    How do you defeat imagination or an idea?
  17. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    The fatal flaw of living in the most powerful nation on Earth is the conceit that all, before, is defeat-able.
  18. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    It doesn't, what's done is done. However ignoring the threat is exactly what they don't want, imagine if a shark attack was intended to keep people out of the ocean and the film "Jaws" was their propaganda, the stats are similar and so was the effect. When will you understand that revenge won't rebuild the world trade center or regenerate lives lost in Paris; all revenge can do is create more suffering.
  19. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    The best plan against terrorists is to not be terrified.
  20. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Revenge is a powerful concept that ultimately destroys the seeker “revenge is a dish best served cold”, should read “revenge is a dish best not tasted”. That doesn't seem to work either. Fear doesn't only kill rational thinking, it also kills people.
  21. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Americans seem to have an irrational and exaggerated fear of their own government, even though they voted for it, a model that leads to letting wackjobs and criminals having free and easy access to guns; you’re right that model doesn’t work.
  22. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Satire is lost on you...
  23. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Come on ‘overtone’ ambiguity is your specialty, surely you can see through another’s attempt?
  24. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    So give up, after all, it’s so much easier than solving the problem. The emotional response doesn’t equal an irrational one.
  25. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Since the cost of a human life is between 7 and 9 million dollars and given that you suggest it could be “mandated without violating the US Constitution” I fail to see your objection, other than simple gainsay. Guns are unnecessary.
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