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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. How many times have you been asked to clarify your “simple English sentences”? Stop with this fallacious irrelevance, please. Pot just called, wants a word. Alternatively you could post something useful, you know make a start.
  2. Ordinarily I’d say ‘good luck to you sir’ but since you willingly align with the real and heartless criminals I say ‘I hope you get what you wish for’.
  3. Your steadfast objections to any and every proposal, to limit access, will inevitable lead you and your fellows down a path that will end in the thing you most fear. You can plug up the compassion well in favour of your immediate needs and wants but all you will achieve is pressure, an ever increasing pressure (that something/anything must be done to alleviate the suffering) and when that pressure is relieved, the torrent will wash away your guns and freedom. Can you not see, all you need to keep your guns and freedom is a little concession; you’re no doubt an intelligent/responsible gun owner, the real criminals are the suppliers and the lobby they enrich?
  4. Trying to spend their time slower just means their living in the past and tend to be resistant to change and so their contentment suffers when change inevitable happens.. Trying to spend it too fast means their living for the future and forgets to enjoy the present; in favour of pinning their happiness on something that seldom lives up to expectations. The philosopher and prophet would know to spend their time now, the only time they can.
  5. The problem is this isn’t a logical argument, it’s a compassionate one. Compassion for the future fatalities and injuries against the childish/selfish demands to maintain a system that allows unfettered access to the cause of so much misery. Any nation that views compassion as a threat will ultimately create the type of nation they fear the most.
  6. The first amendment means I'm free to call you an idiot for believing in the second, without you killing me. And in my world belief is just an extension of religion. You may believe you have the right to bear arms but how is that different to religion?
  7. What right do you have in refusing such a test? Edit/ Besides hiding behind the law? You think a gun is more important than a life? What could be more pitiable?
  8. This militia/self defence argument is beyond pathetic in this modern era. Firstly, the militia, if formed, would be completely/hilariously outgunned; much like a spud gun is against a bow or any other legitimate weapon Secondly, in order for self defence to be effective one would need a firearm to be armed and ready at a moment’s notice, which statistically would be far more dangerous to an innocent than any aggressor. Stop hiding behind the law and, so called, rights to appease your fear of losing your guns; if you’re a sane responsible gun owner, why not just accede to a simple test and back ground check to prove it?
  9. What about “higher living”? I’m not really sure what point you’re trying to make.
  10. Generally, freedom isn’t a choice one can make. I think you’ll need to define what you mean by "meaningful/higher living" because this looks like you’re saying most of us aren’t on that level.
  11. But briefly happy... In the interest of equality, I’ve no doubt the antipode is also true.
  12. Please calm down, we don't want another incident.
  13. Come on, who wouldn’t laugh at a scientist with a black eye?
  14. How far do you want to go? Because at this moment in time I actually need nothing at all, it’s warm and dry and I’m well hydrated and fed. It’s healthy and rewarding to deny yourself all but the basics for a short time, it helps to reset your system and fully appreciate what you do have; but to live in such austerity is just survival and without the jam what’s the point? Being content with what you have is the secret but there’s nothing wrong in wanting more, I spend many happy hours dreaming of my life with lots of money, the trick is not being jealous of those that have what you want.
  15. We're the jam in your doughnut.
  16. I think a sense of purpose is also a basic need, without which can often result in depression.
  17. This aphorism only works when not backed up with action. I didn’t, read again.
  18. It’s preferable to prevent an immediate prospect of death in favour of a less certain future, even if that future seems unavoidable (which it isn’t).
  19. You think compassion is a threat? I have to assume you’re a Trump supporter.
  20. “This too will pass” something suicide can never know.
  21. Many have tried, but alas, that particular wall of denial has yet to be breeched. You think it’s funny???? Every dead child that is found (through a gun related accident), you've conspired to kill. Laugh it off hero...
  22. Bears witness morality in reality; despite the dream/password.
  23. Given your only valid argument to keep guns is “fuck off, I like guns”; do I really need to, either, present a lawful argument or indeed present any other argument than children are dying because of guns? If it’s true, however uncommon, then your entire argument fails and you’re just left with... BTW you may want to google “how many times has the US constitution been amended?”
  24. Yet it remains your only viable argument. Whatever, the courts choose to take; they may also choose to give back.
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