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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Given this statement: I don't think she has any intent to learn.
  2. All I can say is... Sometimes the hole is just too deep.
  3. Sometimes the hole dug is so deep the only light is bio-luminescence; much like the light at the end of the tunnel is sometimes just a kid with a torch. In other words, Shelagh, when you’re out of your depth, stop digging or find something that floats.
  4. Shelagh, maybe you should think of it like this, rather than trying to back up an untenable position.
  5. They only ram it down the throats of those that continue to ignore the facts; maybe you should try too not cough up ignorance.
  6. I may win a Nobel Prize because one of Mother Teresa’s members didn’t adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and I can prove it, therefore I’m correct.
  7. Money does talk, why else do you think there’s any doubt at all? http://judithcurry.com/2015/05/06/is-federal-funding-biasing-climate-research/ http://www.cato.org/publications/working-paper/government-buying-science-or-support-framework-analysis-federal-funding
  8. dimreepr


    Wishing everyone a happy Christmas and a contented New Year...
  9. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    If those criminals actually intended you harm then they will, probably, whatever your weapon because they’ll have the same. And yet you fail to see which one is more threatening to its people. For a democracy to become a threat to the majority of its people, it first needs to become an autocracy.
  10. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    It’s easy to invent a story like that, on the tinternet, but if there were no guns available, wouldn’t a sword do? I’m from England and have almost no access to a gun, unless I pass numerous tests; and as yet my government has decided not to try kill me despite our history, why has yours? Just to add, we are a country born of tyrants, you are a country born of democracy; so why is it you’re the one who fears the past?
  11. That sounds rather closed minded. Maybe you should have given this post more thought.
  12. Human behaviour often reflects badly on human endeavour but the latter often prevails; go humans...
  13. That was only half my point. That was the other half.
  14. If you don't like a smart alec then maybe this isn't the forum for you, most of us throw in a dumb comment now and then; learning from the mistake won't disappoint, excuses might.
  15. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    When has your life or anyone you know, ever been truly threatened? Let alone that threat being, honestly, alleviated by a gun? No doubt your reply will have some instance/threat that you could twist but since you have never, along with 99.9% of the western populace, killed anyone with a gun; what level of threat do you REALLY face that NEEDS a gun. We know by now that you like guns (as do I) but wanting/liking guns doesn't equate too NEED?
  16. Read those words again, you may find meaning, though from this maybe just a vacuum of understanding.
  17. People are people and the world is only shit if you think it is, perspective is everything; Ophiolite just pointed that out, why blame him if you can’t understand?
  18. Maybe, but he was born with a silver spoon and who knows if he was bored prior to his enlightenment,
  19. Your story ‘TheGeckomancer’ may not have a happy/content beginning or a happy/content now but it could have a happy/content future, that is up to you not others; success in life isn’t measured by wealth/fame/power, if you choose that path success is a hollow prize and contentment will always be just out of reach. The only meaning life has comes from contentment not success. Tell that to Buddha.
  20. I really don’t care if you take my advice or not, I’m certainly not insulted by that, I’m not even insulted by you suggesting I’m an idiot (it’s often true), it’s you that seems to be the insulted party here. Maybe you should try that approach; if you have a problem (in this case boredom) you have two choices, do something about it or do nothing and wallow in your misery, not a great deal of thought required.
  21. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Ohh, I’m not a convert, I’ve always loved guns; I’m just happier to have gun ‘controls’ exclude the “rabid and extreme” from owning them; hmmm... Why are you so worried?
  22. Really? Ok Do they? And yet you reject any and all suggestions. That’s not a problem with meditation (auto-rejection again) they all ‘work’, if your problem is being bored for an hour or two and “it’s refreshing”.
  23. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yay guns...
  24. There's nothing noble about being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self - Ernest Hemingway. You may want to try a little humility and/or meditation, being bored is an excellent opportunity.
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