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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Good point well made +1 and yet I fear our fun loving participant who pretends to want gun control, yet objects to any and every legitimate action, will no doubt object.
  2. Again me. But what if the victim lives? They may be able to disagree/argue but they won’t always succeed, so at least some will benefit.
  3. Emphasis mine. That's why we take out insurance.
  4. Back, I'll be. I know it’s weak but the way I see it, Hans Solo gets trapped in a “ground hog day” like moment and eventually emerges as yoda.
  5. No but you can put a price on someone’s health.
  6. A incredibly small price to pay to enjoy the thrill of pretend killing be that skeet or target. Edit/ That doesn't include those among us that depend on prey to live. I have to admit ‘I love guns’ and we have to mitigate the impact of rats and other such creatures simply to maintain a reasonable return on our chicken, duck, pig and sheep business.
  7. Does it matter? If a child’s life is saved, what’s the difference? Be it child proof fencing, around a pool or a child proof safety switch on guns?
  8. Don't wish to hard Darth Vader's next.
  9. When I was 10 I dreamed of going to university (to study physics or computing) but when I was 13 I dreamed of being cool, unfortunately my 10 y/old self, lost the argument.
  10. I had to look twice but his pistol looks different??? he's lost my respect....
  11. I often think my pithy remarks are much funnier when I’m drunk, my spelling also suffers. And sometimes, to stay on topic, it’s a good job I don’t have ready access to a lethal weapon.
  12. That's really not how a discussion works.
  13. I guess I have my answer. But the reason it's jammed politically is the huge gun lobby.
  14. Good point. I have no problem with those that feel a god is needed to be fulfilled, I just think that either way it's existence is unnecessary, much like a real penny black is little different to a fake penny black in that need.
  15. That certainly has happened here in the UK but our state pension is threatened by our determination to keep the 'so called' immigrants out. Edit/ cross posted with swansont.
  16. Why not just answer my question, eh?
  17. I think maybe the OP is thinking that many state pensions seem to be little more than a ponzi scheme.
  18. Did it? I agree with the rest of your post but isn’t the oort cloud the limit of our solar system?
  19. The concept of god is as unnecessary as the concept that it is real; I don’t think of myself as an atheist but an indifferentist.
  20. My intelligence/comprehension is relatively limited, ‘overtone’, especially when it comes to semantics, so please can you clarify your position, do you advocate gun control or the current status quo?
  21. The problem is people like ‘waitforufo’ considers they’re immune to danger, much like a child considers they’re immortal. And much like a spoilt child they throw a tantrum whenever someone suggests they’re wrong.
  22. I have explained how it's wrong, you need to explain how it's right and not just a reiteration of your previous post's.
  23. If you think that was a lecture then I give up, my pessimism was well founded and your so called theory is, as I've said, wrong.
  24. 45 Year depression Solved with the flick of a switch I now have inner peace. “Bullshit” I hear you cry that’s just mystical mumbo jumbo. So you’re a Buddhist now? Nope. Buddhism is only relevant if you’re from the culture it was intended to teach. No I’m just a bloke who has had his knowledge, of the world and how it relates him, switch flick to understanding. I had five similar switches to flick for this to happen; 1. The illusion of control. Ironically Kung fu panda helped me flick this switch cheers Buddha 2. The illusion of understanding. This forum’s responsible for me flicking this switch big up thanks guys. 3. Living in the moment. Again Kung fu panda, partly, and “inow” in questioning his name thanks mate. 4. Expectations. This was the trickiest for me and still is. The flick of this switch needs constant re-flicking. I’ve got my dog tatty and my friend charly. The mantra I use, when someone has annoyed me because of my expectation, to re-flick this one is “that’s just me in a different skin so why not smile at me”. 5 What do I actually need? I have Drink and drugs to thank for flipping this switch. Fundamentally what do I actually need to live at any given moment and the answer is almost certainly nothing. Well you say we need food, water and shelter to live. Only if that moment was the threshold of a starving man dying he needs food. Are you starving at this moment? the same for a thirsty man. Are you thirsty? Or if your captain Oates you would be glad of a nice fire, a tent and some food in the cupboard. Most of us can claim none of these. If you’re in a bad moment and can’t change it? Then your actual need is to simply wait for the next moment come alone that will hopefully change your moment to a good one. If you’re in a good moment then why change anything? It's been almost 5 years since I posted this but what I finally came to understand was the futility of chasing happiness because all you really need is to be content with who we are and what we have
  25. I’ve tried several times to discuss why you’re barking up the wrong tree and every time you refuse and simply restate this nonsense, how for instance is optimism a rewarding experience? I can be optimistic that you will finally understand my posts whilst at the same time be pessimistic that you ever will but it gives me no pleasure or pain. All I can say with any degree of confidence is you’re wrong.
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