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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    When you understand why forgiveness ameliorates the notion of revenge, you may understand.
  2. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    So, ‘Them’ are those that disagree with you? You might find ‘them’ a little overwhelming.
  3. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    You only look bad if you ignore ‘world opinion’ in favour of personal bias.
  4. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Really? We’re down to knives for the average mental patient. Tar, you seem to epitomise the revenge culture, your culture so wants to be true; real life is not like ‘Star Wars’ it’s no fairy tale, there is no good and evil, it’s just us ‘humans’ with varying degrees of baggage; life is ‘Dante’s Inferno’ not ‘Cinderella’.
  5. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    So your forgiveness is dependent on their behaviour (in your opinion)? If you think you can dictate the rules, then you miss the point of forgiveness and the possibility of an intelligent approach, is lost.
  6. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    So you'd rather hate/defeat the enemy than understand/ forgive them? I can only hope, you've dug enough graves.
  7. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    How might you achieve that without forgiving someone?
  8. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Tell you what: If you answer my question “Fear is a powerful ally of hate; why else describe oneself a terrorist?” I’ll do my best to decipher your reply.
  9. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Fear is a powerful ally of hate; why else describe oneself a terrorist? They don’t want to be forgiven, much like a bully doesn’t want to be challenged.
  10. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    All of them!!!!
  11. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    So, instead of forgiving one bad guy and bringing peace to all, you’d rather let the least bad guy cause an acceptable level of suffering to the fewest?
  12. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Those straws are getting ever more sparse and brittle, aren’t they? However I would like an answer (to my question without a?) to post #365 Soldiers still kill, and not always the guilty, the point is ‘tar’ forgiving the guilty isn’t the same as letting them off scot free; the point is forgiving breaks the cycle of violence/revenge/death and allows people to talk out their problems rather than shoot them out.
  13. dimreepr

    Yay, GUNS!

    Agreed with a caveat; poverty is a strong motivator for crime.
  14. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Really clutching at straws now... Hatred and self loathing have no boundaries they can appear in a “Muslim” just as easily they can appear in a white middle classed bigot. You must realise that every time you ‘blame’ the Muslims you’re do exactly what the Terrorists want; if you don’t realise then it’s plain ignorance but if you do then you’re, willingly, helping to create a much bigger war and that’s despicable.
  15. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Hatred. Self loathing.
  16. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    You can’t eat cash and hatred only nourishes fear and loathing.
  17. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Nice try at diverting the point, the statement is ubiquitous and just happens to include religions. It’s just as easy to ‘believe’ a big enough bomb will solve all our problems, no thought required.
  18. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    Nope What I'm saying is; when we stop understanding we start believing.
  19. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    To understand the answer you must first understand the question; and to understand that “What is six times seven” makes sense.
  20. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    But you might stop when you understand why they’re mad at you.
  21. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    And if the idea is held by a million, a billion; how long before you get tired? It’s spreading because more and more people believe the idea is worth fighting for; the way to create enemies is to kill their family; the way to create friends is to care for them, which is much easier to do when you understand them. Seeking to demonise those who don’t understand, you, seems to be asking others to kill for you.
  22. dimreepr

    Paris attacks

    When are you, both, going to understand? You can’t kill an idea; whatever ordinance you through at it; how, for instance, would you thwart an attack on your imagination? Edit/ The answer to which is, stop imagining and start thinking; so, I guess, you can kill an idea after all... Damn it...
  23. Bolded mine. So you think ‘phlogiston’ is possible? Also can you explain an "out eye"?
  24. Just a little detour back to topic; Modern society couldn’t function without money or a facsimile thereof. The problems of money are the illusions it creates and the fear that inspires: That one’s safe with enough of it. That one’s happy with enough of it. That one’s better, more powerful with enough of it. That one’s problems can be solved with enough of it. And yet coins/paper/digital information can provide none of the above, because these illusions are so powerful; the fear of not having enough money can inspire such depravity and spite. It’s little wonder that those with the most money not only, seem to, have the most ‘skeletons’ but also, seem to, fear the most.
  25. It depends on a few things: Ones ambitions; if one is trying to achieve a PHD/career then its ones strength that’s needed. Time of life; if one is a tenured prof and looking to find a wife then one had better work on that innate social awkwardness. For most of us; it’s a complex mixture of the above, if you're lucky...
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