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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. There's nothing to discus, your question has been answered many times. Just accept you can’t always be correct, believe me, you’ll feel better.
  2. There's a reason for that.
  3. You should start a blog.
  4. Which is heavier a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?
  5. dimreepr

    Dylann Roof

    This is exactly why he deserves a chance at rehabilitation; not just a guinea pig.
  6. Sorry but it was funny...
  7. Thank you for my lesson. Edit/ cross posted.
  8. Indeed not, so I give up, you win.
  9. You don’t seem to understand the word ‘flavour’ in this context, not the first time your comprehension has been challenged.
  10. The question was answered in post #2 then again in #4 and #5, then clarification was sought in post #6 (nothing forthcoming); in what way were any of the posts, other than yours, childish?
  11. dimreepr

    Dylann Roof

    May I suggest you actually read my posts, specifically #40, before you attempt this ridiculous strawman. It doesn’t matter if they forgive or not they are also victims of Dylan and deserve the choice; you have no connection so why do you deserve the choice? .
  12. Still needs work though. Post #10 The point is, don’t fear the future because you can’t, possibly, know what’s coming; however certain you are of what the future holds. That’s not to say you should do nothing if the rents due but if nothing can be done, stress is pointless. We should remember to be thankful this breath isn’t the last and that you have food in your belly and water on tap. If you have no food, hunt or forage or beg or steal and be thankful for the water and the breath to try and if you have no water be thankful you have the breath to be hopeful.
  13. dimreepr

    Dylann Roof

    If the victims family can forgive him, shouldn’t you?
  14. On reflection, the phrase “if you can't be content with what you have you won't be content with more” seems more appropriate.
  15. dimreepr

    Dylann Roof

    Life isn’t, and never will be, black and white. Judging others on that basis is to forget your own culpabilities; “those who are without sin cast the first stone.” You may not have killed/murdered anyone but can you honestly say “whatever the circumstance I never would”? Bullies like terrorists or racists aren’t born but made and to judge them without understanding the process that made them is just ignorant and little better than the perpetrator. I would never suggest someone like Dylan shouldn’t be segregated from society, he is clearly very disturbed and dangerous to his fellow citizens, but he does deserve the chance to change his view of life; after all who would blame a dog that was systematically beaten and abused, if it suddenly bit the abuser?
  16. If you can't be content with what you have you won't be content with more.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MonDie


      Red herring. No time to.

    3. dimreepr
    4. dimreepr


      Life provides the rigour, introspection provides the answers.

  17. The only thing it depends on is the choice you make.
  18. Gaming PC’s tend to be part of the cutting edge, of computing, and so not really available in a bargain basement.
  19. Perhaps because you prefer the comfort our modern world provides; rather than face the future that thinking may bring.
  20. http://www.mensfitness.com/training/cardio/can-extreme-endurance-exercise-kill http://www.scotsman.com/news/health/too-much-exercise-can-kill-you-warn-doctors-1-3507514 The first two google examples of how that’s wrong.
  21. If you witness a, finger sized, leak in the dyke, FFS, put your finger in it; seems better than slowly drowning.
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