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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. I’ll hang fire on supplementary details, for now, and wait to see what direction the replies send the thread (assuming it gets any) so please discus.
  2. You really don’t understand physics, even on a basic level. Basic physics suggests a hurricane would be more powerful in a system that contains more energy and since CO2 traps energy; go do the math.
  3. What has antimatter got to do with “microwave transmission of communication signals”? However given the context I imagine you think that is a viable method of communicating the energy collected to earth, if so, think again.
  4. What's he saying?
  5. LOL, funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you; except I was thinking you should get some understanding rather than knowledge; you clearly don’t understand the difference.
  6. I was always too lazy to be a real scientist (and probably too stupid), what’s your excuse?
  7. Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am.... -John Donne. Think about it, seriously.
  8. Probability suggests iterations will ‘clump’ so, brace yourself.
  9. Harold, it’s far too late to start backtracking now; especially with this word salad.
  10. Come on guys, seriously, when are we going to learn?
  11. Why has nobody discovered the west pole?
  12. If you can't be content without money; you can't be content with money.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sato


      Alright, I was taking from their common meanings. If that's your definition, then a man who cannot be happy without his boat cannot be content.

    3. MonDie


      Boats? I'm starving!

    4. dimreepr


      I'm starting to think this might make a good topic.

  13. Finally! We can agree on something, although I’m unsure how this supports your assertions?
  14. OK mine, mostly, but he did tell me of his brother’s attempts to communicate with us; my bad for assuming a connection. I’ll settle for a jammy D BTW .
  15. I’m sure you will be contacted very soon as to your suitability for the post, good luck .
  16. I watched my alien scientist grow gills when he stuck his head in a bucket of water; when can I expect my biscuit (I hope it’s a garibaldi )?
  17. Can YOU? This thread is packed full of evidence that AGW is real; the only evidence that’s missing is that which supports your claim. If you want to avoid being thought of as a troll, your next post had better include some evidence; unless of course you’re going for the coveted “resident troll” position.
  18. Tell that to India.
  19. The problems arise when, your fellow humans get hot but instead of shade, they choose a naturally hot room too cool artificially in which to consume an artificially hot beverage.
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