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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Only the whale would care, probably.
  2. Yes, but what would be the probability of that happening?
  3. It seems to me people work, generally, for more things or to accumulate enough money to alleviate a fear of the future; maybe that could be considered hope but not in any ethereal way. Whether the above is true or a belief that some sort of god will provide, is to forget to live for what is here and now; enjoying life for what it can provide seems to be forgotten in our modern world in favour of what I have that others don’t.
  4. This seems to imply some sort of cause of causality, whereas the rest of the post seems to deny that. So what do you want to discuss?
  5. I take it by “super organism” you mean something like bee’s or ant’s; in which case no, that type of society require ‘stigmergy’ which would exclude humans by definition. Bees don’t seem to be.
  6. Selfish doesn’t equal cruel but many studies (which I don’t have time to dig up right now) show fairness is an integral part of primates behaviour.
  7. The truism that seems to sum this up is, bullies aren’t born but made. A well socialised individual of whatever species (those that I’ve observed at least) tends towards sympathy rather than aggression, sharing rather than selfishness and kindness rather than cruelty. Pity should be divided between the victims and the perpetrators.
  8. Why is it the sea is stationary whilst the land is washing up and down?
  9. Of course any system is subject to the extremes of a bell curve.
  10. Such notes could be automatically generated when neg reps are registered, so as not to disallow a member’s ability to neg rep.
  11. TBH I struggle to see the benefit of such a system, perhaps a moratorium of neg reps to new users, for say a week, would be more beneficial. It would allow early mistakes to not be so costly while a new member gets accustomed to a more rarefied system of debate; perhaps with an accompanied series of mod notes pointing them in the right direction.
  12. Have you ever wondered why god’s justice is meted out in seclusion? You are more than welcome to stare at a finger; I choose to stare and wonder at the beauty of the heavens and rely on the natural justice of karma.
  13. Please clarify, I have no idea what point you’re trying to make.
  14. I'll take my chances.
  15. No appeal then, for a miscarriage of justice?
  16. There’s no reason to fear the motivation of someone pointing out the beauty of a contented life, there’s every reason to fear the motivation of someone asking you to blindly follow without question. Be content with your lot, do no harm and help those in need; if your punished for that, the judge is a bit of a bastard.
  17. You have it backwards; you glance at the finger and stare at the heavens. Fear a man wielding a gun, an oncoming car/truck and when clinging to a high ledge but to fear the future is futile. Fear has its place in life, that place is to help maintain it. Life is what you make of it.
  18. By all means, stare at a finger.
  19. When a stranger points to the night sky and says look, don’t worry about the motive or you’ll spend your life anxiously staring at a finger and miss all the beauty.
  20. Not being able to see through a brick wall doesn’t make you blind and anyone who thinks the wall is invisible will just run into it. To pursue that person and smash into the wall is to follow blindly.
  21. You’ll get knowledge of being through life and introspection; death is beyond the event horizon. What if it does? The point is you have no way of knowing either way so live your life now, religion may help with the afterlife, if there is such a thing, but any religion that prevents you living while you have life isn’t worth following.
  22. Nobody is judging you, how could they? All they see of you in this situation is what you write; taking a neg rep personally is counter productive, as it blinds you to the real reason and limits your potential to learn from it.
  23. The largest dinosaurs would seem, at first glance, unstoppable in such conditions. However it would seem, to me, the best strategy for long term survival is diversity. Few of us, it seems, would challenge the prognosis that cockroaches or rats would take over in a future that involves mankind’s demise.
  24. I’m not saying I would fit them into any of today’s ecological systems but neither did the original question; which merely asked if conditions was the same for both, which would survive.
  25. But in this case it’s not. That’s a false assumption; the question was, “If you put both dinosaurs and modern animals in the same world?”
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