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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Only one person actually knows if Michael Brown was murdered or killed (accidentally). Only one person has had the privilege to explain his actions. The historical evidence would suggest the wrong person had that privilege.
  2. Matt, the cup you choose to fill has no bottom. To try and fill your cup with any emotion is to empty an ocean into the void. To be happy first you need to be content.
  3. I have. Missing the point seems to be endemic in this argument.
  4. If only all of humanity could be distilled into this sentence. What a planet to live on...
  5. In my experience a simple thank you is all that’s necessary but if you feel that’s insufficient, just pay the deed forward.
  6. Wild Cobra and Tim the plumber, it really doesn’t matter what you think or believe. In a head on collision with a truck; death will follow unless we avoid the truck; even if it’s on the wrong side of the road. The ice caps are melting whatever the cause and the only logical response is to change what we can.
  7. When I realised the following: 1 The illusion of understanding 2 The illusion of control 3 The illusion of expectation 4 The illusion of need 5 The illusion of time I understood the value of forgiveness.
  8. I’m sorry if you think I’m in any way attacking you, not my intention. Your confusion is clearly my fault but I thought the use of the word “reminiscent” would clearly indicate it shouldn’t be taken literally and was merely a comment on the post, not the person. You are free to post as I am free to comment on your post.
  9. Agreed. I often wonder by how much our culture is steered towards the need for revenge, by the media; be it movies, TV dramas, the numerous news channels whatever the medium and even in children’s entertainment.
  10. By all means post what you want where you want, I just found your post reminiscent of the typical “outraged from Brentwood” complainant; who avidly watches the worst television programs searching for something to be offended by. Human nature is mostly conformist and social BTW.
  11. You may find revenge pleasurable but would you find the retaliation for your revenge pleasurable? Are you suggesting a human (a social animal) is equivalent to a cougar (a solitary animal)? Maybe I should have lead with this but; If you don’t like the topic don’t post.
  12. Just another way to say “an eye for an eye” and we all know the end of that road.
  13. Just answer the question, or not, I really don't care either way.
  14. Who cares?
  15. That's OK, don't answer the question, who cares?
  16. And so avoid the question. Yes. Why is that a problem for someone who can’t die?
  17. I have just watched an intriguing film called “Afflicted” in which a human was turned into a vampire. The premise of the film is: essentially, you can’t die and must feed every 4/5 days, on humans (you choose) or become an indiscriminate killer who must feed every day. Let us presume that evil doesn’t exist (which it doesn’t) and we all know of the existence of sociopaths, who are known to be war time heroes or just ordinary members of society, or psychopaths (who can’t help their behaviour). We also, should, know that bullies aren’t born but made; and that humans are essentially the same; as are dogs or birds or elephants etc. and given the same conditions we, as humans, react the same, as does every other dog or bird or elephant. Given the above, who would you choose?
  18. I may have done the same in similar circumstances, who knows, but this story just emphasis the triviality of the human condition, yes we want revenge but how is that revenge, justice? When compared to the vastness of all possible interactions, not only human, but all that is possible. Yes this may seem undeniable in terms of our small limited lives but when compared to the vastness of possibility and when contrasted with all that may be both good and bad, is it such that we can’t, possibly, live beyond? The suffering of this loss won’t be mitigated by the murder of its perpetrator but it will further suffering.
  19. I’m not suggesting otherwise; I am suggesting time, on the millennial scale, distorts understanding when written down. Language evolves, meanings change and facts change; a large percentage of what we know now will change with further investigation. BTW the Greeks also, at one point, thought the earth was flat.
  20. This study. Since I didn't say it or imply it I see no reason to. Again not my words. Again not my words but I do think understanding may lead to solutions. Sure quarantine is necessary in some cases. Quarantine isn't, or shouldn't be, the only aim of prison; understanding why is just the first step in the process of rehabilitated. I fail to see when or under what circumstance "destruction is the only option". Agreed.
  21. Yes that bet would be valid as of now, but if the knowledge as we know it now was translated, from a foreign language, and miss-interpreted as is the bible; could you really be so sure?
  22. If all the books we consider to be factual now, were read in 2 millennia almost none of it would be factual.
  23. This Douglas Adams quote neatly describes the flaw:
  24. Whatever the result given the fact the vote was allowed and the percentage who voted, how is it not, “a magnificent demonstration of democracy in action”?
  25. Change is just change, it's not good or bad, it's just change; we just need to deal with it, or not, it won't make much difference in the end.
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