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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. It doesn’t matter, really, if there is evidence then that’s more than, any, god has; if there isn’t then it just strengthens my argument, because not even our atoms are infinite.
  2. Kinda my point really; we have evidence that atoms are infinite.
  3. It's not infinite, it's exactly as finite as you are; Kinda my point really.
  4. The imagination: you’re a finite being, so “power/energy/thought” is also finite, it’s only our atoms that are infinite.
  5. The only vast majority would be of those that didn't understand your post; unfortunately. Edit/ and before anyone suggests, it’s not about the quality of members here, but of the understanding of the potential majority.
  6. What?
  7. I’d be similarly opposed to you insisting I’m a woman because I have nipples.
  8. Fred, why do you insist on this definition of religion, what difference does it make? I know I’m not religious whatever you may think.
  9. My personal philosophy is just that, personal, there’s no dogma, nothing written down and no-one else is involved; it changes/evolves as I live and learn, I have no idea how or when it will do so. Language and the meaning of words also change over time, nobody knows how, when or why; but one thing is certain, it’s not for you to decide. If you persist with your own definitions, then our discussion is at an end because you’re talking a different language and I don’t speak ‘Fred Champion’.
  10. Who doesn’t? Just an idea but maybe a button on the toolbar could be included that wouldn’t allow a change to the original body of text but would allow an addition to explain things, such as cross-posting. Edit/ after a reply.
  11. Editing a post after a reply can, sometimes, be somewhat dishonest, especially when the edit makes the reply appear overzealous. I do appreciate that editing can be necessary but in cases such as this, where the original was "I bet nobody here can work it out. I DID" (paraphrased). Should it be allowed? Maybe it’s problematic, technically, but surely it’s reversible.
  12. I’m trying to and would appreciate your help; this isn't the help I was hoping for.
  13. Finally, we have a legitimate candidate for the position of resident troll.
  14. I've got an idea, guess what it is; a great way to discuss.
  15. Please re-read post #17, the original mutation that lead to what we see today in the eels, must have allowed them to generate electricity sufficiently enough to give them an advantage, in one mutation.
  16. Why not? That’s exactly what happened to the eels.
  17. The definition of religion is quite clear and 36% of the world’s population (from a 2012 poll), including me, may take exception to your claim.
  18. Maybe things happen, regardless of time.
  19. Science is the search for answers to reality; religion has already decided.
  20. I mean, whatever the appearance he IS still alive. Given that you have yet to actually experience what Chang, and others, say will happen; there’s a chance their not being entirely truthful.
  21. Which word is tripping you up?
  22. So what you want is a quick fix, a way to circumvent your accumulated negativity and start a fresh; understanding why you have accrued such a score would be far more productive than trying to circumvent it.
  23. Digital alcohol is never a solution.
  24. And yet he lives, so again how does he know? It’s your life, but, don’t starve today because you’re promised a banquet tomorrow; eat when you can my friend.
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