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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. This is the problem you get, when you let the media/news inform your opinion of the world in which we live. I have never met a rapist, as far as I know; unfortunately, I've met far too many misogynists.
  2. Given you think that let’s hope, For the sake of the women you come into contact with, you manage to find a willing partner; maybe then you’ll grow up.
  3. You don’t need permission to live your life so why seek it? Be wary of conflating fun/happiness with simply being content, don’t forget the only time you can live is NOW, the past has gone and the future may never arrive; so whatever your current emotion, just accept and be content with it. The best life I can imagine is one in which you are content NOW, and you have a lifetime in which each moment of now is one of contentment, regardless of your fleeting emotional state. Don’t forget, though, your choices have consequences and not always good ones, accepting that will go a long way towards emotional stability and a contented life. Edit/ don’t be afraid; be aware and let go the fear.
  4. But they do impregnate, this post just blames those who carry the can, which seems fair.
  5. Misogamy, literally, describes a hatred for marriage, not women, in the past; but this post describes, accurately, the etymological difference, between then and now.
  6. That reminds me of ‘Blaster Bates’ a uniquely British entertainer, that was both an explosives expert and a typical old fashioned farmer type. ‘There’s only one way to get rid of a mole’ Oh yes, how? Blow its bloody head off! What, with explosives? No with a twelve bore!!! Edit/ that’s a twelve gauge, for our American cousins.
  7. For me, Lionel Messi is the GOAT (greatest of all time) of footbal, only he can play in a team in which, he’s the only threat; and so gets triple teamed every game and against the best players, and STILL single handed drag his team mates this far in the world cup, whatever happens now, he’s the best, what a player.

    1. imatfaal


      hmm - Maradona? Messi gotta win World Cup to be best ever - even though I completely agree he carries team, and might even carry them to the Cup.

  8. You understood that? Kudos, all I could understand was the last sentence and even that didn’t really make sense, in terms of what to discus.
  9. How is it not an ‘orbital image’?
  10. That’s unnecessary and inaccurate, I realise you were being humorous but the jokes well over 50 years old and stopped being funny 30 years ago, and your date is 6 years out. As for the rest of the post, I broadly agree, other than the last part. And that's just twaddle.
  11. Isaac Asimov explored the idea in his book ‘Foundation and Earth’, a thoroughly good read BTW; an interesting idea but it’s just a poetic way to describe a system where accident, not design, is the driving force behind changes.
  12. Really, WTF, it works, as a visual (LOGO), do we really need to read quite so much into absolutely everything? Arguing just for its own sake, is simple.
  13. You do realise this kind of fallacious argument reflects rather badly on the poster? You’re just pointing out, to all, that you have no legitimate argument, remaining. Edit/ Or drunk.
  14. Ever heard the phrase “He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword”? It also applies to guns, BTW. “pacifists always loose” The pacifist will walk away from trouble, giving the thief whatever s/he wants, alive; and given the above, at some point, the aggressor won’t. Now, that doesn’t seem like a win too me. Not entirely.
  15. That doesn't change my answer.
  16. That’s absurd on the face of it; we may not be predated, mortally, on daily basis but I know many bugs, bacteria and virus’ that consider us lunch, not to mention hungry polar bears. And in reply to the rest of the post:
  17. From my understanding of this sentence, you’re assuming some vestige of you, presumably spiritual, remains after your death and will go on for ever. I was asserting, that is not the case and that all we can prove, ATM, is only our atoms can be shown to remain post mortem, given enough time even bones will be gone, however well preserved. So the only place that could possibly be the source of what you think you possess, is your imagination.
  18. It doesn’t matter, really, if there is evidence then that’s more than, any, god has; if there isn’t then it just strengthens my argument, because not even our atoms are infinite.
  19. Kinda my point really; we have evidence that atoms are infinite.
  20. It's not infinite, it's exactly as finite as you are; Kinda my point really.
  21. The imagination: you’re a finite being, so “power/energy/thought” is also finite, it’s only our atoms that are infinite.
  22. The only vast majority would be of those that didn't understand your post; unfortunately. Edit/ and before anyone suggests, it’s not about the quality of members here, but of the understanding of the potential majority.
  23. What?
  24. I’d be similarly opposed to you insisting I’m a woman because I have nipples.
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