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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. More evasion, which leads me to ask...
  2. This explains nothing and it's certainly not an answer to my question, just more evasion. You say 'swansont's' description of a crackpot doesn't fit you, please, it fits like a glove...
  3. You've basically said all this before, and you've managed to evade the basic question. I'll hold my hands up here, my question was somewhat ambiguous, so let me try to reduce the ambiguity. You say all three of kepler's laws are violated. Here are the laws in brief (copied from wiki): 1. "The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of two foci." 2. "A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time." 3. "The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit." In what way are each of the above violated? For instance how exactly is a planets orbit different to how explained above?
  4. Which of Kepler's laws will be violated? and how?
  5. According to current thinking the 'Aether' doesn't exist (no evidence). You say you've answered all questions yet my very simple question "How do you know the maths, by Ma and Wang, is correct?" is yet to be answered. Did you even read the OP of the thread I linked to? You seem to be a prime candidate. BTW I'm very sorry I bore you and no you didn't step on my theory, much like you, I never had one. Also you can't teach something you know nothing about i.e. maths.
  6. All you have done in this entire thread is tell everyone they're wrong and your right and yet you've provided nothing to back up these assertions; except words in the wrong language. You say the maths is done and yet you provide: no equations, no predictions and no evidence. The time is now, my friend, put up or shut up and not just with a re-iteration of your previous posts.
  7. What part of my, very simple, analogy is tripping you up? How do you know the maths, done by Ma and Wang, is correct?
  8. If I gave you the manuscript of a French novel (Knowing youdon't speak the language) and an English synopsis and asked for a translation, I know without reading, the results would be wrong. The translation you give me back would be full of inaccuracy and assumptions (of course not your fault). You have admitted you don't have the math so, essentially, the analogy extends to your thesis as the language of physics is maths.
  9. When I came to this forum I was just like you; I had a brilliant idea that needed sharing with mainstream physics. Sadly I was wrong, as are you BTW; maybe this thread will enlighten you as to why.
  10. Whilst I agree that we can learn to be 'happy', I have to side with zappatos on the point that emotions are part of our biological makeup and often, as suggested, hormones are produced without our conscious say so. My personal experience is, through conscious effort, this can reversed by eliminating our expectations and fears (except in, some, genuine cases of bi-polaror clinical depression) and as you suggest, practice. If you're going to assert a position you have to be ready to back it up with evidence, you really can't decide, on a public forum, to dismiss genuine arguments or change the goal-posts to exclude them.
  11. Have a look at this thread you may find it interesting and possibly parallel, though, I have to warn you I am an atheist.
  12. <br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"><br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"> People will always be people and seldom are the lessons ofhistory learnt, unfortunately. The problem when everyone is involved is fear and prudence canbe used to manipulate all of us into accepting far more censorship than isreasonable. As I outlined in the split thread.
  13. Yeah 'swansont' how low does your sub go?
  14. I have to wonder, is he trying to throw the fight? Has some shady characters got to him? Or maybe his past has caught up, though I struggle to imagine anything that could be more embarrassing than these recent gaffs.
  15. In a word, yes. I have been told there is difficulty inkeeping bacteriophages alive long enough to get them to the patient here in the west.
  16. What are the problems associated with bringing bacterial phage's to market? Is it just a case of keeping them alive long enough? Or are there any issues of possible mutations into something less desirable? I hear through the grapevine that the Russians are running trials, though I have no idea of the validity of this.
  17. They should install ejector seat just for Romney and giveRyan the controls.
  18. What is your evidence to support this assertion? I'm sorry but this definition would come under the term biphasic not polyphasic and, it seems to me, a result of environmental circumstance rather than a natural pattern.
  19. I suspect polyphasic sleep is effective on a short to medium term basis, however, the tendency in humans to monophasic or biphasic sleep patterns suggests, to me at least, that on a long term basis problems related to sleep deprivation would emerge making it problematic as a long term solution. Or maybe it's a question of genetics and we should follow our natural rhythms . Why do you want to practice this method of sleep, do you not have enough hours in the day? http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/19879/
  20. My post was intended as a rebuttal of dmaiski's post #15 and continued assertion, bigger is automatically better. In some circumstances bigger is the evolved method of defence but this is by no means the only method of defence in the predator/prey arms race: Speed agility vigilance foul tasting poison armour spikes, the list goes on. Also with large size comes inherent vulnerability in extreme situations such as drought and food shortages, for instance how many large animals survived the PT extinction event? As for the link you've provided I think Ringer's explanation pretty much covers it, far more eloquently than could I.
  21. My post was intended as a rebuttal of dmaiski’s post #15 andcontinued assertion, bigger is automatically better. In some circumstancesbigger is the evolved method of defence but this is by no means the only methodof defence in the predator/prey arms race: Speed agility vigilance foul tastingpoison armour spikes, the list goes on. Also with large size comes inherentvulnerability in extreme situations such as drought and food shortages, forinstance how many large animals survived the PT extinction event? As for the link you’ve provided I think Ringer’s explanationpretty much covers it, far more eloquently than could I.
  22. No I have discovered this previously, so I always scroll upand hit 'today's posts'. I am quite convinced the mouse is at fault and is just a coincidence that I have got yet another faulty mouse or perhaps the OS may be the problem, I will re-install and get back to you.
  23. Is double posting some sort of disease? If so, I'm infected...
  24. Size, in the way you suggest, is primarily a result of predation.The elephant is the size it is as a result of the prey/predator arms race. It has no relation to environmental fitness. When you have dug yourself into a hole the general rule of thumb is, stop digging.
  25. hmmm double posted again maybe it's not a faulty mouse
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