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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. I can think of only one way to even come close to achieving this, in the near future, and that is to go with Arthur C. Clark and build the city in space using a space elevator. The only reasons to build it is either overpopulation or natural disaster.
  2. A study into what makes a willow go into the weeping phase, it's a question I've often pondered.
  3. If you understand something you can't suddenly choose to not have understanding. You do need to remind yourself that you do understand but thats not because you've gone from the understanding state to an ignorant one.
  4. No your not wrong, if you think of it in the same way as a pyramid of knowledge you need to read the books at the base in order to understand the books at the top.
  5. This man is an example of piety he thinks that if everyone thinks he's seen the light then he must be important. (edit) He can't understand that nobody really cares, so not important unless he can share his insight.
  6. A car battery through a transformer to step up the voltage high enough to produce the spark but be carefull you don't open your hands to far or you'll be getting the spark.
  7. The way philosophy is relevant to science is that philosophy set the parameters for science. Now they are two sides of the same coin, but they both have completely different knowledge sets. So when you toss the coin you just get an argument that the other side simply can’t understand and so can’t have, from your perspective, a logical response and so the coin keeps spinning.
  8. It has been deduced that a planet sized diamond is floating in space somewhere. We know it's out there we just haven't seen it yet
  9. May be it's another example of cyclic fluctuation, like the flipping of the magnetic poles on earth, just over a much longer time frame.
  10. dimreepr


    Mine was given me by a friend for a game called "strike force" a multiplayer wargame played in teams. The reason was I'm rubbish and would blunder around somehow not dying and killing other players mostly by accident. The name also works for my poker name and seems unique as a user name so I use it everywhere. Good Question...
  11. Don't look. If you don't want inner peace the chances are, your near enough anyway.
  12. I now have inner peace. "Bullshit" I hear you cry that's just mystical mumbo jumbo. So you're a Buddhist now? Nope. Buddhism is only relevant if you're from the culture it was intended to teach. No I'm just a bloke who has had his knowledge, of the world and how it relates him, switch flick to understanding. I had four similar switches to flick for this to happen; 1. The illusion of control. Ironically Kung fu panda helped me flick this switch cheers Buddha 2. The illusion of understanding. This forum's responsible for me flicking this switch big up thanks guys. 3. Living in the moment. Again Kung fu panda, partly, and "inow" in questioning his name thanks mate. 4. Expectations. This was and still is the trickiest for me . The flick of this switch needs constant re-flicking. I've got my dog tatty and my friend charly to thank for this one. The mantra I use, when someone has annoyed me because of my expectation, to re-flick this one is "that's just me in a different skin so why not smile at me". Hope this post helps you flick a switch or two... This is a really tricky concept to get past people. Jesus understood this and as he only managed to flick 13 peoples switches or disciples he wasn't wrong. No he wasn't divine he was using the bible or god as his metaphor for the mass'. Plus those that don't get it have a different reason to be nice. We just need some creative minds to find that elusive mass metaphor. If you do get it then god is unnecessary. For a decent society all you really need is a lot of happy people
  13. This must take a huge percentage of it's brain to process.
  14. I'm going to regret this but wtf they are different types of wave sound, is a compresion wave, requires matter to travel. THIS is in very fundamental text books on physics. I find it very difficult to read, it takes a lot of concentration so I tend to rely on other ways to input information and so have watched every tv program I could find and listened to every audiobook I could find. Whats your excuse?
  15. I'm sorry to bang on about this and yes when all is said and done it's not really important, it won't help seti in any way at all, but its been bugging me all day. IF this is the extra filter needed for a more realistic number, and thus lessen the fermi question's importance, then what number can we assign to it???
  16. sort of my point please read the last post of page 1 this guy has almost hyjacked the post by pushing it into a 2nd page. (edit) Sorry airbrush I thought I was replying to appolinaria
  17. still?? whats the point of going any further????
  18. I would never say simple it's function's pretty much cover it and may still do but it's deffinately not laughable.
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