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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Hi anilkumar I see you've posted on my thread that "theory" explains it. As for the maths I'd need alot of help 2 express.
  2. dimreepr


    I am aware the m = mass, but in my theory energy/spacetime interaction is matter, the equation describes the amount of energy needed.
  3. dimreepr


    E=MC2 says energy and matter are the same You are quite right in saying that everything is a process, this however doesn't refute the existance of matter.
  4. comprehensive answer thank you. I imagine the stress' on the arms are mostly tension (swing through the trees, carrying etc) so no need for a patella (though an elbowcap would save the pain of hiting my funnybone).
  5. Whilst walking the dogs this morning, pondering the world around me. The thought struck "why have we got kneecaps and not elbowcaps"
  6. I believe the universe fundamentaly is made of 2 things (for want of a better word) ENERGY and SPACETIME. I think the start of our universe was a black hole (being made of spacetime) that, having reached a crittical mass, would reach planks max temperature at the core thus melting spacetime creating an event that creates our universe. In this event energy condenses spacetime into matter (imagine your fist is energy and rubber foam is spacetime, the fist grabs the foam thus creating a dimple in spacetime E=MC2) my Question, please tell me why this statement is wrong
  7. dimreepr


    I believe the universe fundamentaly is made of 2 things (for want of a better word) ENERGY and SPACETIME. I think the start of our universe was a black hole (being made of spacetime) that, having reached a crittical mass, would reach planks max temperature at the core thus melting spacetime creating an event that creates our universe. In this event energy condenses spacetime into matter (imagine your fist is energy and rubber foam is spacetime, the fist grabs the foam thus creating a dimple in spacetime E=MC2) my Question, please tell me why this statement is wrong
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