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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. I wonder if they knew that > means greater than?
  2. The problem is, Hitler would have pressed the button, before he shot himself... Putin would be no different (in that he can't lose) if he's backed into a corner, but he can be persuaded to back down, if he can remain a Judo grandmaster...
  3. Did you you miss the post about sabre rattling and how it's a sign of weakness? (I can't remember who posted it) If Putin was confident, he would have used that speech, after his retaliation. Feel free to use your critical thinking, to argue my point...
  4. Most people only have one personality, that they're conscious of... 😉
  5. Probably not, It's like asking how many ball's in an over...
  6. All the major religion's have a philosophy, that if you follow can lead to contentment. They spent a lot of effort to teach other's what that philosophy is, mostly via stories and analogous explanation's. All you've done is, give them the finger for trying to explain a complicated issue, bc you don't want to understand; that's not a very strong philosophy/argument.
  7. i see it this way: external factors > your brain > act/think So i get what you mean, think/mind listening = listen to external factors I would say your mind/brain orders/filters external factors, depending on other external factors That doesn't argue my point, your logic is flawed.
  8. dimreepr


    Indeed they do, how else does fascism rise? It's not out of kindness or acceptance or forgiveness. It's like every revolution, when one recognises the threat it's much too late to stop it...
  9. But logically, if you don't have free will your mind and heart is controlled by external factor's, so it's not your mind that you're listening to. I could, but I had a feeling they weren't trying to understand, so what's the point; I'm always happy to explain if there's a genuine attempt to understand.
  10. You should learn how to read between the line's, it might make sense... 😉
  11. This reminds me of Isaac Asimov's Hari Seldon, AI is like his psychohistory in that it only really work's at a big enough scale; revolution's will always happen at a scale that's unseeable, until it's too late to stop.
  12. The Heron or the Frog? 🙂
  13. dimreepr


    This is from a recent post, in a different thread but I think applies here. The process is a double edged sword, but you have no choice but to trust it's robust enough to survive...
  14. This is basically Pascal's wager, you may as well believe in free will bc you've got nothing to loose. You have to be responsible for you, you do what you do for a reason that you have agency over, claiming you don't have freedom to act, is an excuse. Even if that choice leads to disaster, for instance, driving to the pub and drinking to much, knowing that imbibing alcohol limit's your ability to make a reasonable decision, freely.
  15. You can't protect yourself from tomorrow by deciding to die today. For those that know they're going to die painfully bc of the diagnosis, would probably choose to die when the pain gets to much to bare, which is, usually, tomorrow. Choosing an arbitrary day to die, when you don't have a diagnosis of impending death is just giving up on life, I can't see how anyone can spin that to be a positive.
  16. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    The problem is, you're assuming people know when they're not propperly informed; it's human nature to assume one is correct when what one is taught is by a trusted source. It often takes a leap of faith to question a trusted source, ironically. 😉
  17. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    It was meant as a joke, sry. 🖖 But I do see a fundamental difference between the two: 1984 is an obvious dystopia maintained by power and fear. BNW is far from an obvious dystopia maintained by want and aspirations.
  18. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    If only we knew which...
  19. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    All I can say is "I'm not", whenever I tried to focus on a specific subject, I found it easy to assimilate the information initially but when I reached the hard work ceiling, my mind was willing but my body wasn't. I wish I was capable of playing the guitar until I heard how many hour's it takes to learn. But as it relates to the topic, the one thing I am capable of is seeing a bigger picture, magnification can also be a curse however hard you work. Indeed, the problem we have is, entertainment is one of the more invisble addictions, unfortunately, like all addictions we'll do anything to get 'my' fix, while slowly lowering the bar of reason/care. Indeed, Huxley's vision is a much closer approximation to our present situation, but give it a decade and we're back to George's.
  20. At what point is violence, justice?
  21. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    You're conflating lazy with ineptitude, your assumption is that everyone is capable of higher thinking if only they work hard enough; that's like saying we could all drive a formula 1 car, if we learn how to change gear. Classic pious behaviour, look it up, maybe that would change your mind; but it's more insidious than that, you can't even see the connection...
  22. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    If they're inept that would be a clumsy choice at best; the statistical significance is amplified by the number of people that aren't allowed to vote, for whatever reason... Basically what you're displaying is called piety...
  23. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    That's called victim blaming... What makes you more deserviving of the facts of life?
  24. Indeed, but nor is it likely to happen, in our daily lives; when it does is when we'll find out, what sort of hero we are...
  25. dimreepr

    Harris vs Trump;

    It's like you're complaining about not being the teacher's pet, bc they said the same thing, it's not an argument...
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