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Aman shah

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Everything posted by Aman shah

  1. Agreed,but friction is considered in my design and can gaurantee you that there is no big problem in the working of my engine.(Here considered means friction factor value is kept under workable/acceptable limits) unlike that of the engine in the video.
  2. No,friction is not completely removed in my invention,but it is allmost as much as any IC engine!The other's invention in the animation video has a friction factor around 30 times more than acceptable maximum value,I think so.I was never talking ever of completely removing friction.I was telling that Engineer always should try to reduce friction.There is difference between reducing and completely eliminating/removing.
  3. Hi, I am a mech. Engineering student and a vehicle sciientist,likes nano tech,Quantum mechanics,time machine,teleportation.I also like car designing.

  4. Good to know!I am planning to study my masters in Germany in enginiering physics,if not possible in IISc.
  5. Yes,I do agree,but they programme themself ,here in claytronics scientists use static force of attraction and softwares to program them.
  6. Good point!But be assured that my invention does not have such problems!Let engineers see if some great ideas spark into their and my mind to reduce friction.
  7. I have heard of magnetic friction reduction Technologies which are slowly commercialised and is under research,which we can use in future to reduce friction.we will try to reduce frction and we can't eliminate.In the mean time,you will be happy that my engine invention does not have so much friction problems,the friction is Infact only as much as in IC Engines in my engine design! Yes,everything is physics,engineering is application of physics!I love physics! Please see, http://en.wikipedia....agnetic_bearing
  8. In my engine design,yes,but in this video:no,But still the device in the video can be fine tuned and friction can be reduced by engineers by new low friction technologies in research! I understood the principle of working of the engine in video animation wholly!But I have the concern of friction between the rails/spokes of the wheel and the heavy balls,which will hinder the smooth travel of ball over the rail/spoke.The video concept can still work,but what enginiers has to do is finding and making new techniques to reduce friction between the balls and the rails/spoke!The video leaks the secret of the concept,I understood the concept fully and I have confirmed that It will work,provided engineers are able to reduce friction between balls and rails/wheel spokes. We don't have to wait for any one to proove the concept in that video,but we need to reduce friction (very very important). The concept in video is Wrongly tittled as "Perpectual". it is not Perpectual! I have heard of new magnetic lubrication systems including magnetic friction less bearings which are slowly commercialised and which are under research,which can be used here! Due to friction, wear out and fatique stresses are more prone to occur here compared to that of my engine! So the challenge is friction,fatique,creep and wear,a totally engineering problem! Whereas my Engine design does not have so much friction related problems!
  9. They were computer simulations but the physics used in animation was very clear and understandable to me!If you have not understood that video concept,let me know so that I can explain you!Its actually simple principle! I know that!Infact every engineer/ physics graduate knows that!And we take care to reduce that as much as possible!Technologies like Magnetic frictionless bearing (new tech under research ) will be changing that within few years!I see the problem of friction in this device(video),but through modern engineering,engineers can reduce that by new research!The difficulty is in engineering point of view ,not in basic concept/principle of working.
  10. WARNING: Allmost Every one knows what is friction.Please do post only relevant comments!Do not post unrelavent funny comments!.If you will repeat the same,I will have to report/inform the moderator.
  11. Hi,there is an exciting news!Some one has Made a Real Non-Perpectual Gravity engine intelligently by using the Weight shifting!My god Ness!Wow!My competitor's design is more compact than me and gives consistent power!I am a bit Jaelous of this!This guy don't know the meaning of "Perpectual motion machines".because even though his machine is not Perpectual,he calls it Perpectual!Please see his invention: I was not expecting to see this!He is intelligently shifting the weight of the ball ,Unbelievable!Its so simple that I am thinking why his idea didnt cam to my mind!I am a bit Jaelous of him! I think,this guy should have patented his invention!Such a brilliant invention,just see his video and then post commentsProof that Non-Perpectual graity engines can exist is in front of you in the You-Tube video! The proof is front of you in YouTube !Support truth for greener world!There are plentiful cheaters on the Internet and plentiful people claiming to invent Perpectual motion machine!My task is to filter these out and reveal the truth about Non-Perpectual Real Gravity engines.Surprisingly the other inventor who's video I have posted seems to not know the meaning of the world"Perpectual".Even though his invention is not Perpectual,he calls it Perpectual!
  12. Yes,that is much different,the small particles are basically tiny computer chips that are programmed to communicate and combine with each other in order to form a shape!This technology is still under R&D. I also came to know about a similar type of technology but a bit different(smart dust): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartdust
  13. May be the application part of it may be very good as a syllabus to study but what about Electronics research,what about in depth knowledge about how letters and alphabets are introduced to circuitry physically ?A real study should take place on Quantum nano scale. Ok,let's see this: Anyone knows why there is more resistance in reverse biasing of PN junction diode than that in forward bias??? Because- Answer: At outer orbit,Different protons catch different electrons at different times,these protons move haphazardly randomly.This is due to the fact that the farthest electrons are more loosely bond than more inside orbit electrons.Hence,when any electrons passes towards the Positive terminal(positively charged atoms),the barrier potential between p and n junction is already so weak that the travelling electrons break this potential.The more positive ness on p junction part helps accumulation of high energy repulsive electrons after p-n junction crossing over forwarding side part of n region.Hence the n- region bonding stability breaks and electrons penetrate easily.Whereas in n region of PN junction,on application of reverse bias,the negative charges repel incoming electrons,offering more resistance. Now you can tell me who is really smarter ,your electronics teacher OR my Ideas !!! If any of you teacher has explained this to you before,he will be my maha guru. Conclusion:Start thinking like a physicist,not like typical enginier and see how simply subjects can be understood.Forget about all nonsense improperly setted sign conventions like eg.Conventional currents,for understanding the concepts atleast.This is the reason sometimes electronics enginier cannot find a solution.Sometimes he repairs something and after he goes you again see the earlier problems in electronic device. No I am not a computer science student,I am a mechanical enginiering student and likes nano physics,Quantum physics,etc!I like to know everything in as detail as possible.We can't divide science!We can also do research in computer technology in the right way.Some people may also like this: http://www.technewsw...?wlc=1330609900 I am presently inventing a nuclear battery and a gravity powered non Perpectual engine. That's why I like the film "3 idiots". In European countries,Computer science Education in hardware is more advanced and heavy research is going out there in Quantum Computers!There is one exception in India:The Indian Institute Of Science,Bangalore where computer science education is allmost as par with European Education.It also has its own supercomputer and quantum computer research facility.
  14. I am only telling what's real according to me and most people.Everyone has the right to post what they think!Have a nice day and enjoy and get knowledge from the forum discussion!Thanks,good luck if you are doing Research in this field.
  15. Reference :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claytronics Claytronics is an abstract future concept that combines nanoscale robotics and computer science to create individual nanometer-scale computers called claytronic atoms, or catoms, which can interact with each other to form tangible 3-D objects that a user can interact with. This idea is more broadly referred to as programmable matter.[1] Claytronics has the potential to greatly affect many areas of daily life, such as telecommunication, human-computer interfaces, and entertainment.I will and some people like to know more about such technologies and other related future technologies.
  16. I was wondering how 0 to 9 and letters are saved on Microchips physically and read.According to me,these letters and alphabets might be 3D printed on microchips in micro scle or nano scale by removing/digging out Atoms/material wherever we want on nano/micro scale and then read by lasers and mini photo voltaic sensors by reflection of laser beam.There should be frequency and voltage measuring devices for each laser beam output signal.I would like to know more information on this.I was surprised that most computer science graduate professionals graduated from India don't know this.Infact commerce 12th standard students can opt for computer science in India without physics basics and hence the syllabi in India related to hardware physics does not seems to be good in India ,software syllabi is good in India.
  17. Digital representation is made by analog physical circuits which gives 0 and 1 output for a particular input signal (0 or 1)and is made by particular way of manupulating signals by circuits using transistors, diodes,etc.Our life is not manipulated in this particular similar way!Our life is manipulated by logical reasons in each step.Whereas,circuits are made to use mathematical logic by designing the circuits according to our needs, so the chances of space being digital in nature is not much,only 0.00000001 percent chance.Space is physics,a material energy mix.This topic is more suitable as speculations in physics,I think so. But I don't deny that that our mind is also made of similar circuits. 0 is for low and 1 is for high voltage.In computers chips,the letters and alphabets are printed in micro or nano 3D formats on chips and so we can see those letters on screen,basically they are read by tiny lasers.
  18. Dear VProject.org,Can you clarify my doubt??? It seems as if you are not seeing the forums from many days,if you can clarify my above doubt,then it could mean that your engine is not Perpectual and can work!It seems that you dont know the Defination of "Perpectual motion Machines".If you can not clarify my doubt then we can think that you may be cheating and your engine is Perpectual,which cannot run!please answer back!This is a serious technical Question.If your engine runs,then it will be not Perpectual. I have seen the You Tube video and understood how it may work,but with a big doubt.Then the weight of the ball should be very very high and the magnetic field should also be very very bery high and the metal material of the ball should be able to resist the creep or fatique because of continuous contact with rails/slot.This will require proper magnets/materials selection which can be headache to select and will be very costly to make!It may not be Not Perpectual if you can clarify my doubt,but difficult to select proper materials and dimensions.Probably most of you have not concentrated on the explanation sentences in the video,and therefore not asked this very important doubt. I have one doubt!If ball pushes the wheel downwards,how the ball oscillates towards upward even if the ball will have to get pushed along with the contact slot/rail to get it attracted towards the magnet.I understand that here,we use impulsive gravity potential energy and magnetic force ,but have the doubt about the oscillation resistance offered by the slot/rail when ball oscillates. Photons (light) hit the atomic particles continuously to compress particles inside atoms and thus store energy in them similar to a compression spring in the form of nuclear energy!So you can extract that energy to get required electrical power!This is the simple secret behind real magnetic engines and how magnets can be used as source of power. Note that I and some one else have already invented Non Perpectual Gravity engines!Please see my thread for more details and one animation video on page 3 of my thread on Real-Non Pepectual Gravity engine on the same website!
  19. Are you sure your PMM runs?What is the basic working principle?Only foolish people will buy PMM and then send one rat to turn the wheel perpectually!If you want to look at serious non Perpectual Gravity engine, look at mine.I have invented a real non Perpectual gravity engine and posted a discussion on my engine on Science Forums.No,I don't want to hurt you!But reality is that you can't make PMM.But yes,you can make real Non Perpectual gravity engines. Please don't feel bad,and please Let us know the basic principle of working of your engine.Don't tell us the whole concept,tell us only the basic idea.I know that you might want to apply for patent. Oh Oh,wait,I saw this just now: It seems to work,but remember if it works,it's not Perpectual!can you explain us how exactly it can work(just basic idea). I think you don't know the meaning of "perpectual".A PMM cannot exist.It's a magnetic gravity engine right? Or are you cheating by keeping something inside. A non Perpectual magnetic gravity engine can be made but most of people claiming to invent such engines are cheaters. If this engine is not Perpectual then this is the simple secret behind Magnets as a source of energy: Magnetic engines? Yes, possible but they are not perpetual. Photons (light) hit the atomic particles continuously to compress particles inside atoms and thus store energy in them similar to a compression spring in the form of nuclear energy!So you can extract that energy to get required electrical power! So non-perpetual magnetic engines are possible, but some people can cheat by claiming to invent perpetual machines. Unfotunately,some scientists actually don't know the Defination / meaning of the word" Perpectual".Their invention may not be Perpectual but they calls it "Perpectual" because many of them don't know the meaning of the word "Perpectual". I understood how it can work,but then the weight of the ball should be very very high and the magnetic field should also be very very bery high and the metal material of the ball should be able to resist the creep or fatique because of continuous contact with rails/slot.This will require proper magnets/materials selection which can be headache to select and will be very costly to make!It's Not Perpectual,but difficult to select proper materials and dimensions.Probably most of you have not concentrated on the explanation sentences in the video I have one doubt!If ball pushes the wheel downwards,how the ball oscillates towards upward even if the ball will have to get pushed along with the contact slot/rail to get it attracted towards the magnet.I understand that here,we use impulsive gravity potential energy and magnetic force ,but have the doubt about the oscillation resistance when ball oscillates
  20. No,that's very different!But it seems good source of power if flowing water is available and in proper way,that's completely different. However,what we are looking at is easier and convinient source of power.Dams already exist,but difficult to maintain and build,and has enviornmental imapacts to the life of marine animals.Location availability is also important,that's why I am inventing convinient gravity engines!May be if I succed in increasing power output by design modification ,Gravity engines may power your car one day.
  21. It is noted that this topic is under speculation.Let me tell you that 3D printing already exists but a bit new in market.There are few 3D printers on sale on www.Kickstarter.com http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/search?utf8=✓&term=3D+printing You may also like claytronics which is more advanced and was shown on discovery channel as well as discovery science ,in the television broadcast of Next World,which is my favourate program.To me 3D printing is not a big surprise because already we use CAD-CAM everywhere.What really surprises is claytronics Technology(Programmable matter).Please also see, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~claytronics/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claytronics#Future_applications
  22. Electrons And the type of electron pairing /reaction obviously decides the toxicity of compounds!But this is not a new topic of discussion!Its obvious to me. No body also can't tell that the elementary particles recently discovered like quarks inside the electrons are toxic on their own!The toxicity of electrons depends on the type of molecular bonding or the mechanism of reaction!Electrons are not directly toxic in nature!Sorry if I am wrong!Please correct me.
  23. Also one interesting news:I have got another idea of inventing a non Perpectual Gravity Engine when I sleeping at night 3 O'clock(indian timing),which is based mostly on the same weight force distribution technique mostly.I have not eliminated concept of impulse completely but somehow eliminated more use of it.The advantage is more compact system,more consistency in power and less fatique,creep chances.Don't be surprised,scientists don't have any time restriction,Infact I don't care about my clothes. The energy is left unused in the wheels mostly,than in the ball mostly.The rod will come down and bounce ,left unused and vibrations will occur.Whether it is 1st case or 2nd case,loss of impulsive energy is present but loss is much much much more in case 2 compared to case 1.
  24. Well let me think how can I explain!Well I will try to make vector diagram!I thought,you might have understood!but you haven't,Any way I will try to see how to explain.
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