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Aman shah

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Everything posted by Aman shah

  1. This is very interesting and intelligent Question:The gravitational energy when applied to object at height has two components: 1)The impulsive potential energy and 2) attractive pulling component. Well,the resultant velocity of two wheels will be same as resultant velocity as in the other case showing single wheel.But energy transferred in case 2 will be partially wasted when wheel hits the floor!as bumps or vibrations. Yes ,these sketches are mine but not detailed!some detailed sketches are still kept secret by me !Still I believe that some intelligent people can understand my sketches!Hence I ask Hypervalent Iodine to kindly delete this sketches,considering the patent processing requirnments!i have already now deleted it from Flickr . I was not expecting that some one could resize it and see those diagrams!This is very sensitive for patent processing! Please I request you to delete those sketches.
  2. Please see , http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream Here I have explained with rough sketch,how you can use special weight distribution technique useful in gravity engine. This post has been edited by Aman shah: Today, 04:57 PM
  3. You will get finally as: Impulsive energy converted to electricity by special conversion technique (not disclosed here)=additional potential impulsive energy stored in the heavy body when it is lifted up PLUS Or MINUS Resultant friction You can same equation write in other similar way as: Impulsive energy converted to electricity by special conversion technique (not disclosed here) PLUS Or MINUS Resultant friction=additional potential impulsive energy stored in the heavy body when it is lifted up. As you all know you can't make friction zero!Infact friction is one of the Important cause of increase in entropy. Interestingly ,I had heard of new research about magnetic friction less bearing,but I don't know much about this frictionless magnetic bearing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_bearing http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000APS..NEF.DB003D Even if I use these bearings,I will not be able to eliminate friction completely!
  4. Hold down,you all r confused!I went outside for dinner,so couldn't reply immediately. As discussed earlier gravity acting has two components:(a)energy required to pull a heavy object (b)potential impulsive energy. Also,the energy to lift the heavy object up recovered=energy given to lift the piston----eq.1) Use eq.1) in previous equation.Also,Resultant friction= plus or minus friction component 1 plus or minus friction component 2. what do you get? Come on,concept I used is really simple and occurs daily in nature!Why you are not understanding it!The difficulty previously before was in applying this concept in gravity engine through use of gears,pistons,flywheels,etc.which I have not discussed here!I am surprised that you can't understand the simple analogous principle! I advice,First go through the analogous principle of my engine,if u haven't seen it!I have discussed it in second part of my second comment
  5. Ok,Let me put it in this form:Impulsive energy converted to electricity by special conversion technique (not disclosed here)PLUS energy to lift the heavy object up recovered PLUS little friction component 1 =energy given to lift piston PLUS additional potential impulsive energy stored in the heavy body when it is lifted up PLUS little friction component 2! Thats the basic Equation idea!I have putted it in a simple format!
  6. Ok fine,This is discussion to validate and learn only about the principle of operation which can be used to run a gravity engine!And I think I have explained the basic idea/concept in this forum! I have made my invention by thinking over an idea!Here, idea has to be validated and discussed!I wanted to discuss my actual invention ,but understand the problems in restriction in patent processing laws!
  7. Now,using the same analogous principle,I am trying to change the design of my engine to make it more smaller and to increase the power output so that instead of only one tube light,it may power atleast 3 tube lights! Yes! This is analogy!In actual practise,a heavy weight piston is lifted and then left at an offset position to let it down due to gravity,during which the supplied energy is recovered by special means!The impulsive energy is the output which otherwise could have wasted!I think,you just joined discussion,so I will recommend to read my second comment first to understand in detail!
  8. John,I don't think so,Have you seen the analogous principle of my engine I have stated in my second comment!Have you tried to understand it,before making this comment?Here's another big news:3 students at BiTS pilani,Rajasthan,India have already invented a working gravity engine!I don't know how it works.Do have any quarries related to the physics principles I used and discussed in my first comment!The reason I am not able to leak out diagrams is the patent processing!Hence instead of explaining the exact process,I have explained the principle I have used to operate my engine!Your comment about patent is baseless !I understand that Diagrams and more details are required but until patent is granted,law suggests not to leak out everything! What I have done is try to explain "On what principle my engine runs"in the first comment itself! The patent document will contain every details,involving each and every component,diagrams,may be photo of prototype!It's better to discuss about the principle on which my engine runs rather than the validity of patent!It won't include analogous principle I discussed here! I think you misunderstood the concept!The additional energy given to heavy falling ball by gravity is always present at a height!It depends on us how to use it!Disagreeing with such energy means disagreeing the concept of impulsive energy and potential energy to kinetic energy conversion! I am not telling about new energy!No one is producing any new energy!Its only conversion of one type of energy to other:That is what NON-Perpectual is.I am only extracting energy which otherwise could be wasted when the heavy ball hits the ground and bumps over the floor! I would say a gravity engine only converts that impulsive gravity energy in to useful energy!It does not generate energy!No body can generate energy!The fuel used is gravity!it takes the advantage that the energy supplied by gravity on falling body to pull towards floor is much much greater than energy required to simply lift it!There is difference between the words pushing up and simply lifting up!. I don't think this explanation is so difficult to understand!
  9. Waiting for your reply,Klaynos! Play with the math is really very interesting!Thanks for the website link!Gravity equivalent of magnetic field in lab!wow!Fantastic Any way,gravity is still a mystery,no one has understood it fully:Einstein's space time gravity curves theories,gravity field theories,etc.....So many theories,5 different versions of Quantum string theories :This is confusions and complex!I am wondering which is true theory of gravity!Enginieers and we use gravity in many devices and many ways!but we haven't understood it fully!Every attractive force is mystery.To solve it scientists proposed particles like Bosons and Gravitons!
  10. Ok,I will try to explain like this: Let's put it this way:take an other example not related to gravityengine.Whenever you push door,the door moves further than you intend to!Why?because of excess energy stored!Now,if u keep any ball in front of door on the floor,due to opening/pushing of door,the ball will get impulsive energy to move forward! Yes,that means gravitational energy utilised to pull the ball towards earth by the earth's magnetic field is much much more than energy required to lift it! So gravitational amplification is basically the excess energy gravity stores in a falling body like heavy ball!This can be used as impulsive energy by special and simple technique(probably a secret ,not to be disclosed here until I get patent)! Well if you are not aware,Impulsive energy is very high integral of sudden energies in a short time!According to wikipedia,Impulse (physics), in mechanics, something that changes the momentum of an object; the integral of a force with respect to time
  11. It's ok,however,just go through the explanation I have given!I am feeling bad that patent processing regulations are not allowing me to disclose every thing,because a patent is granted only for uniqueness and information not leaked outside!However,I have explained the Anology of principle of operation which you might go through! Once Patent is granted,all patent documents/information will be automatically provided on internet!Just see the analogy I have posted!See,if you can point out anything! It's ok,however,just go through the explanation I have given!I am feeling bad that patent processing regulations are not allowing me to disclose every thing,because a patent is granted only for uniqueness and information not leaked outside!However,I have explained the Anology of principle of operation which you might go through! Once Patent is granted,all patent documents/information will be automatically provided on internet!Just see the analogy I have posted!See,if you can point out anything! Here is another analogy of my engine(analogious principle means similar principle): This is "Gravity-Piston Impulse Kinetic Power Technology". Its like releasing a heavy ball over a small light weight ball at some distance from earth surface in vacuum.This means without any considerable reduction of speed of bigger ball travelling towards ground,the smaller balls get extra energy due to gravitational amplification.Well my engine works on a similar principle.In other words ,it works on the principle of Gravitational Amplification. .What exactly happens is somewhat very smilar to this equation: " Impulsive gravitational energy absorbed and used by light weight small ball from the heavy ball due to gravitational amplification + standard gravity (9.8) ;as output Electricity (converted)= small loss of big ball due to Impulse resistance /back reactance + energy equivalent to go against standard gravity +fictional energy loss + Impulsive energy applied due to gravitational amplification. " AT first,i intend to produce products only for domestic use and as a camping accessory.I am doing more research for increasing power output so that it can be used in future in cars.My engine uses heavy weight piston,gears , 4 flywheels in unconventional different way and pusher rods,but not balls.It was necessary for me to take example of ball to explain my basic idea I used in my concept .(the ball system is very much analogous to the piston-gear system I am using in my engine). NOTE:This is not a Perpectual Motion Machine,this is a real Working Gravity fueled engine.Here,Gravitational amplification means:Additional gravitational energy stored in a descending body when gravity acts on it!
  12. Hi,Klaynos,I have discussed Analogy of my engine under principle of operation of my Non-Perpectual Gravity engine(Underlined)!Due to patent processing,I am not able to leak out actual diagrams of my gravity engine!Analogous principle Means "an example principle of working ,similar to the original principle of working"!Only for your convinience,I am copying important description from my 2nd comment here:Analogous Principle of working of my Non Perpectual gravity engine: This is "Gravity-Piston Impulse Kinetic Power Technology". Let's assume that,you spent energy to take object up,and regain supplied energy when object comes down PLUS gravitational amplification occurs when that object (Lets take example of basket ball)hits a basket ball net with small hole at bottom.When the basket ball hits the net,the net sets in vibration due to IMPULSIVE energy(gravitational amplification) .Assume that the net is piezo electric elastic material which converts impulsive energy to electrical energy!The basket ball net is analogous to 4 flywheels I used in my original engine design.(I use pusher rods to transmit energy to flywheels in my original design). Instead of heavy ball,I use heavy pistons and special force distribution technique,not disclosed here........................................ It will be advisable to read my second comment fully! And yes,my engine is not Perpectual!
  13. Dear moderator,Can I change the name of this thread to "Real Non-Pepectual Gravity engines"?Is it possible!No problem if it is not possible!I am a new member so I don't know few rules!Excuse me if I should'nt have written this here! Really sorry for making you wait long!I had to fine tune my engine!What will be interesting to know from you is what you think about the analogous(similar)principle of operation of my engines!I could have explained the whole engine with diagrams but patent processing demands not to disclose all secrets before getting patent,hence I have used analogous principle of operation of my engine!Anyway,Thanks for the interest! Thank you for putting my discussion into speculation,since I can learn more from people's comments!It's obvious to me that this topic will be speculation for you because it's different and new for you! But scientifically,my gravity engine is not Perpectual and should be in Engineering and physics category and not in Speculation category!I hope that people will understand my topic and the topic will be moved at a latter stage into mainstream science category!But one thing everyone should admit that my thread is much much less hypothetical than a Perpectual motion machine!In fact,if some one posts a thread related to Perpectual machines,I will put his/her thread in to dust bin, instead of speculation without reading his/her thread!
  14. Just wanted to share this,Please share the below very very important article with as many people as possible: A real gravity /magnetic engine is not a Perpectual motion machine!I am myself inventing a non -Perpectual gravity engine!People think falsely that gravity and magnetic engines are impossible but it is not true!They are mostly mislead by cheaters claiming to invent Perpectual machines or claiming to invent such engine that are Perpectual for us!These cheaters and non intelluctual conventional minded people have made our scientists life miserable.Very little people believe in us real scientists because of the psycological thinking that gravity / magnetic engines are Perpectual!It seems these people including most professors have stopped thinking the reality and are only bookish.Though complex,the most simplest principle/way to make use of gravity is impulsive energy when a heavy ball falls over a light weight object(Example : basket ball net) in between.I am inventing my own gravity engine based on this impulsive energy concept using proper force distribution and gravitaitional amplification,inspired from nature and flywheels Reminding once again:My engine is not Perpectual! Don't be dump:Spread awareness about real gravity engines which are not Perpectual!Ask people never get mislead by cheaters claiming to invent Perpectual motion machines!Let me tell you that there might be only 20 real gravity/magnetic engines inventors,all others are cheaters! I am not posting spam,those cheaters are posting spams! The internet community should explain the reality to other people!Dont simply tell people that fuel less engines exist:Unless you explain them that these engines are not Perpectual and you can use impulsive energy concept intelligently,no one will believe in us!And try to spread my message to atleast 20 famous websites each of you!Be aware of spams and cheaters like this: http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/sge.htm and tell people that they are been mislead by such spams!Encourage only real authentic inventors like me!And I wil like to know whether most of you really know what is meant by a"Perpectual motion machine".Please understand the concepts of physics! My Non Perpectual engine does not violate any laws of thermaodynamics!Since its not a Perpectual machine! If you all will do what I say,the day is not far when your children will see IC engines in museums,and will never go to any fuel filling station!But we only need your effort in right direction,not just some statements which don't explain the reality!A magnetic engine is also possible.Photons compress atomic particles to store compressed energy in them as nuclear energy,but it's not easy to make such engines.It requires a highly intellectual brain! Analogous Principle of working of my Non Perpectual gravity engine: This is "Gravity-Piston Impulse Kinetic Power Technology". Let's assume that,you spent energy to take object up,and regain supplied energy when object comes down PLUS gravitational amplification occurs when that object (Lets take example of basket ball)hits a basket ball net with small hole at bottom.When the basket ball hits the net,the net sets in vibration due to IMPULSIVE energy(gravitational amplification) .Assume that the net is piezo electric elastic material which converts impulsive energy to electrical energy!The basket ball net is analogous to 4 flywheels I used in my original engine design.(I use pusher rods to transmit energy to flywheels in my original design).Instead of heavy ball,I use heavy pistons and special force distribution technique,not disclosed here.I can't disclose the whole concept to general public because I am applying for patent:There are ready diagrams relating to my idea,but i fear some one could copy.Hence,I am explaining my invention through an analogous Example!My engine design is inspired from nature,hence there are no chances of failure of my Non Perpectual gravity engine. So what's according to me is gravity amplification : Additional gravitational energy stored in a descending body when gravity acts on it! This leads to Impulsive energy transfer! I also want to talk of most best available transport solution!We want your help to bring down investment cost of Tesla Model S.The tesla model S premium electric sedan Impresses allmost every one who heard of its mileage!The Model S has a range of allmost 480 Kms. on one single charge and that’s allmost sufficient!It takes only 45 minutes to charge it full with special charging system.Its the car which people want,a true car of 21st century!No other electric car did till now 480 Kms. Per charge!Tesla has created history! “Model S is a remarkably important car. This car shows that it can be done and it will be done.”-Chris Paine | Director, Who Killed the Electric Car It takes much much less cost to run an electric car per km.And tesla model s car is heavy and Strong!Safe,with 8 airbags,all modern safety systemms like ABS,8Airbags,Traction control,ESP!Its not like the fancy electric cars like REVA which can’t pass safety norms/standards neither can run more than 80 Kms. For a 3 hour charging time!
  15. Just wanted to share this,Please share the below very very important article with as many people as possible: A real gravity /magnetic engine is not a Perpectual motion machine!I am myself inventing a non -Perpectual gravity engine!People think falsely that gravity and magnetic engines are impossible but it is not true!They are mostly mislead by cheaters claiming to invent Perpectual machines or claiming to invent such engine that are Perpectual for us!These cheaters and non intelluctual conventional minded people have made our scientists life miserable.Very little people believe in us real scientists because of the psycological thinking that gravity / magnetic engines are Perpectual!It seems these people including most professors have stopped thinking the reality and are only bookish.Though complex,the most simplest principle/way to make use of gravity is impulsive energy when a heavy ball falls over a light weight object(Example : basket ball net) in between.I am inventing my own gravity engine based on this impulsive energy concept using proper force distribution and gravitaitional amplification,inspired from nature and flywheels Reminding once again:My engine is not Perpectual! Don't be dump:Spread awareness about real gravity engines which are not Perpectual!Ask people never get mislead by cheaters claiming to invent Perpectual motion machines!Let me tell you that there might be only 20 real gravity/magnetic engines inventors,all others are cheaters! I am not posting spam,those cheaters are posting spams! The internet community should explain the reality to other people!Dont simply tell people that free energy engines exist:Unless you explain them that these engines are not Perpectual and you can use impulsive energy concept intelligently,no one will believe in us!And try to spread my message to atleast 20 famous websites each of you!Be aware of spams and cheaters like this: http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/sge.htm and tell people that they are been mislead by such spams!Encourage only real authentic inventors like me!And I wil like to know whether most of you really know what is meant by a"Perpectual motion machine".Please understand the concepts of physics! My Non Perpectual engine does not violate any laws of thermaodynamics!Since its not a Perpectual machine! If you all will do what I say,the day is not far when your children will see IC engines in museums,and will never go to any fuel filling station!But we only need your effort in right direction,not just some statements which don't explain the reality!A magnetic engine is also possible.Photons compress atomic particles to store compressed energy in them as nuclear energy,but it's not easy to make such engines.It requires a highly intellectual brain! Analogous Principle of working of my Non Perpectual gravity engine: This is "Gravity-Piston Impulse Kinetic Power Technology". Let's assume that,you spent energy to take object up,and regain supplied energy when object comes down PLUS gravitational amplification occurs when that object (Lets take example of basket ball)hits a basket ball net with small hole at bottom.When the basket ball hits the net,the net sets in vibration due to IMPULSIVE energy(gravitational amplification) .Assume that the net is piezo electric elastic material which converts impulsive energy to electrical energy!The basket ball net is analogous to 4 flywheels I used in my original engine design.(I use pusher rods to transmit energy to flywheels in my original design). Instead of heavy ball,I use heavy pistons and special force distribution technique,not disclosed here. I can't disclose the whole concept to general public because I am applying for patent:There are ready diagrams relating to my idea,but i fear some one could copy.Hence,I am explaining my invention through an analogous Example! My engine design is Non- Perpectual and inspired from nature,hence there are no chances of failure of my Non Perpectual gravity engine. So what's according to me is gravity amplification : Additional gravitational energy stored in a descending body when gravity acts on it! This leads to Impulsive energy transfer! Let me know what do you think about the principle of operation of my engine? I also want to talk of most best available transport solution!We want your help to bring down investment cost of Tesla Model S. The tesla model S premium electric sedan Impresses allmost every one who heard of its mileage!The Model S has a range of allmost 480 Kms. on one single charge and that's allmost sufficient!It takes only 45 minutes to charge it full with special charging system.Its the car which people want,a true car of 21st century!No other electric car did till now 480 Kms. Per charge!Tesla has created history! "Model S is a remarkably important car. This car shows that it can be done and it will be done." -Chris Paine | Director, Who Killed the Electric Car It takes much much less cost to run an electric car per km.And tesla model s car is heavy and Strong!Safe,with 8 airbags,all modern safety systemms like ABS,8Airbags,Traction control,ESP!Its not like the fancy electric cars like REVA which can't pass safety norms/standards neither can run more than 80 Kms. For a 3 hour charging time! Ha ha ha,it was a joke,but I am serious in what I am talking about my invention! You know what,exactly what I expected was people will think that this guy is talking about gravity engine means he is talking about Perpectual motion machines!This is Over estimation,was done by most of you!The problem with most of guys is you don't try to understand the reality and overestimate most things!Some idiot people told you guys that gravity engines don't exist because they are Perpectual ,which you accepted without proof and thinking!See I have proof of my concept as discussed in the Principle of operation of my Non- Perpectual gravity engine!I am not dump,I know that Perpectual machines cannot exist!But hello people,nobody told you that creating Non-Perpectual gravity engines is impossible?Its difficult but possible to invent gravity engines!I have seen many sleepless nights for thinking about my invention and finetunning it!The most critical and difficult challenge was to convert static gravitational energy in to dynamic gravitational energy,which was possible through impulsive energy!You know what,actually I enjoyed your baseless and overestimated funny comments!
  16. Hi friends I am inventing gravity engine.I will post more updates
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