Valentin Dolzhenko
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Archeology, philosophy, paleontology, anthropology, medicine, biology.
Valentin Dolzhenko's Achievements

Quark (2/13)
Hyperboloid St. Valentine A method of manufacturing a giant telescope in line with the opening of the natural phenomena of the parabola The phenomenon of natural parabola allows for easy get a mirror: any curvature and diameter of hundreds of meters and even a few kilometers, in accordance with change the focal length and power of the beam. In order to study the universe by focusing parallel rays of light coming from distant worlds, hyperboloid Valentine will increase the distant objects a million times compared to the 6 m telescope. Hyperboloid will allow get a ray of sunlight high energy, which at contact with the substance will cause decay its atoms on elementary particles, it will be much stronger than a nuclear explosion. The invention can be used to create a new type of strategic weapons, spacecraft in the form of a flying saucer on its own energy supply, as well as in the field of experimental research to the study of elementary particles and to obtain high-energy in industry. A huge mirror surface will provide an opportunity to place a set of elements perceive sunlight and connecting these elements in arteries for conducting electrical current to accumulation a large charge that would then use it on the flying machine in a different space-time interval. Devices such as the Large Hadron Collider LHC and the TOKAMAK not suitable for production, but only to absorb the high energy with the expenditure of trillions of Finance for the taxpayers. The lack of scientific understanding of the existence of the phenomena natural of the parabola: indicates undertaken in Europe and the U.S., attempt to create a 48 and 100-meter diameter spherical mirror in line with outdated, time-consuming and expensive manufacturing technology, which distorts the focus of parallel rays of light, in comparison with a parabolic mirror. We have to believe in such device like a flying saucer extraterrestrials on its own energy supply, the creation of which is inevitably linked with the natural phenomenon of the parabola. This device simultaneously allows flying, fighting, and look in the infinity of the universe. Pseudoscience continues to distort the universe, through the fictional American-style, and through stupidity remuneration Nobel Prize raving about the explosion and the recession of galaxies from one point! I have no doubt that in the process of applying the giant telescope, instantly disappear delusional fantasy about the origin of the universe by the explosion and the recession of galaxies from one point with the black hole in the head talentless dreamers! Here article without disclosing the invention as proposed for patenting: http://picasaweb.google.ru/valentindolzhenko
science, philosophy, religion, health, aws of nature
Valentin Dolzhenko replied to Valentin Dolzhenko's topic in Speculations
New worldview in the field of natural sciences, philosophy and religion which emerged on the basis open of mystery natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms Philosophy, with a set of disparate laws and categories will exist as long as philosophers do not imbued with the fact that all things in nature are composed in of a causal link. In bypassing the philosophy, the researchers will inevitably come to a scientifically based worldview, which is a experimentally established law of being. Thanks scholastically with sophistry, philosophers try to fully and finally get rid of religion. However,I would suggest doing the opposite! No one and nowhere did not create the universe, and did not inserted into the brain of knowledge, but we need to properly understand the reality, in spite of those who distort it! We ourselves are capable to deify our talented warriors – saviors, distinguished men and scientists for their feats the mind and genius. People are also able to drop down to the inherent of the Devil cruelty, in connection with which they have to atone for sins. Such opposite phenomena as a divine and the diabolical, a holy and sinful, benevolence and evil are have always been a in the society of people, there is and will be. Religious precepts successively came to us from the revered ancestors in the church's temple. They have contributed and continue to serve the increasing strength of spirit and moral development of the positive qualities of people. Herein lies the essence of being, that the in nature no other of manifestation, except the contradictory levels energy, of exchange interaction, that is forms of movement. I hope that we are born, not in order, to tickle own the brains, in useless contemplation of this world,than so assiduously engaged philosophers, living at the expense of taxpayers in accordance with the principle: divide and conquer in order to continue is a miserable existence! http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=38538 -
While his clouded eyes Strahlend sees nothing, in museums around theworld suddenly, for nowhere to start mark the beginning of human evolution 200million years ago. While in these museums is really nothing to compare this with my facts,no. A lie in these museums are the same previously found the remains ofwhether the monkey, or similar to her man, not yet had time to turn to stone,as their antiquity were calculated only tens of thousands of years. It turns out that professionals working in the field of anthropology,paleontology and archeology have been far-sighted than you Strahlend! Whenthese professionals looked at my documentary photos on the Internet, they madethe right conclusion! http://www.philosophyforum.ru/topics/102155.html ================================================= Found records the foundation of Moscow in theera of the dinosaurs 1458-2358 Here,documentary photo: http://picasaweb.google.ru/valentindolzhenko Here thearticle: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30470 http://www.exsradio.com/apps/forums/topics/show/7049267-found-records-the-foundation-of-moscow-in-the-era-of-the-dinosaurs-1458-2358 In thevicinity of Moscow found the fossilized remains of life for people, dinosaurs,other animals and plants At a higherlevel of civilization compared to our time, shows found record of thefoundation of Moscow in the era of the dinosaurs 1458-2358 (900 years ofMoscow). The people,who lived thousands of years ago, saw many remains of previous civilizations.We are so wild, that have no idea about it. Andnowadays you can find many such items in the presence of numeric and alphabeticcharacters. To getacquainted with the material presented: over 80 found objects, 270 photos,depicting the products that made the man, as well as petrified during lifetimethe remains of people, dinosaurs, other animals and plants. Perhapsthis is only part of the museum, which was established in the vicinity of Moscow,at different periods of the long-standing era of the dinosaurs on Earth.Accordingly, scientific dating, this period lasted for 150 million years, from220 until its end 65 million years ago. Found amethod of identifying products that were manufactured in a civilized era ofdinosaurs. Atlantis, this is Europe, which was flooded and remained at thebottom of the ocean, from 150 to 95 million years ago. No need to search for iton the ocean floor near Spain, Egypt, Greenland and Italy. However, at the bottomof the ocean, some subjects less prone to destruction by man. It is knownthat a large variety of fossils, which form the crust of the Earth many times,has undergone destruction and remelting. This fact indicates the unsuitabilityof the known methods used to determine the age of our planet. These methods aresuitable if, it is only to study crustal rocks belonging to the later period oftheir occurrence as a result of recent melting. Extremely old age, the stonesare located on the surface of our planet and, indeed, perhaps, are only 4.5billion years old, but not infinitely many trillions of years, truly inherentin the Earth and other planets, created through the synthesis of substances byorganisms and their subsequent mineralization. Do theythink Geophysics over such a fact as a fossil of the heart in the four-meterreptile that has antiquity 65 million years and was found in the U.S. state ofCarolina? Or the fact of fossilized organisms that lived before in the oceanand was found in the same state in the U.S., on the tops of steep slopes of thecanyon? I doubt it. They Geophysics reasonably attempt to discuss the drift ofcontinents, about the collision and drowning convergent rock layers underneatheach other to melt into magma. They also suggest the disappearance ofcivilizations, which are replacing each other. On many ofthe found items, there is a digital and letter designation of the inscriptionwith the anniversary date, the foundation of Moscow (1458-2358). Throughdigital and letter painting, laser-created artwork: "The battle againstthe black dragon of St. George in the unity of the whole world of animals,including dinosaurs, mammoths, elephants, crocodiles, hippos, bears, wolves,bulls, lions, boars, and so on. Above hishead, George holds a two-handed grip spear in the form of two-headed eagle. In order torestore history of mankind, which existed hundreds of millions of years ago, inthe unity of many species of flora and fauna on Earth, used the opening ofalphanumeric labels marked by a laser beam on products manufactured by man, inthe presence of a specific, spikes, characteristic of certain species ofdinosaur teeth. In thecourse of studying of the bitten subjects the trace of thorns which correspondsto the form of the flower petals located on a surface of a jaw of a dinosaurhas been found out. The giventest is absolutely specific to identification of a teeth of a dinosaur atpresence transformed in a stone of its saliva and blood, in case of damage ofown cheek. Besides during optical increase each thorn again forms a similarflower, but consisting of spikes of smaller, size. A seal ofthese teeth were kept on subjects made by the person, and also on fragments ofthe bodies transformed into a stone, people, animals and plants. Andconsequently as in the nature there is nothing except its inconsistent forms oflife, a teeth of dinosaurs not only has erased a civilization in a powder, butalso has allowed us to open it. The setbelow the listed subjects, confirms a variety of levels of a civilization,since the tool of the Stone Age irrigated by blood, up to the iron weight andthe parts of asphalt bitten by a dinosaur. Please payattention to the bodies that have undergone mineralization, instantly, that is,in a short moment of life: Mushrooms; Pears ripefruit; Of bakedpumpkin; Petrifiedhoney comb; Fragment ofthe mammary gland of an animal with its internal structure; Separatedfragments of the head severed by an ax, in the presence of a trace from humanfingers. Tooth,turned into quartz; Head of abird; Fossilizedegg belonging to a female dinosaur, extracted surgically; Fossilizedbones of the left tibia, which was owned by a person; Petrifiedwood sharpened portion for processing the skins; Smoked boneepiphysis converted into a stone, which has red hematopoietic marrow and theblood vessel wall; Animal’shead is roasted on a fire in the presence of teeth, tongue and blood vessels; Fossilizedbrain in the presence of worms, blood vessels, and print dinosaur teeth; Fossils:the heads of men and dinosaurs; Bread thatis baked in the shape of a dinosaur paw; Also notethe color and the internal structure of the stick (cookies; cake), in whichinvolved egg yolk; Thepresence of print and slip teeth dinosaur on metal objects, glass and ceramics; A trail ofblood to the point of attachment of the cervical vertebra decapitated womandinosaur paw prints in the presence of its claws; Head, thenewborn human, dissected with a scalpel. In the context of this head is present structure of the brain, If youknow her anatomy: Plexusalong and across the digital and alphabetic inscription on the surface of metaland pottery, generates images (pictures), while we are only just mastered thedigital photo and video recording. In particular, through an alphanumeric labelof a larger font, there is an inscription, fine and super fine print. We werenot able to understand it in recent decades in the absence of representation oncomputer-laser holography, which we do not yet possess. This method wasintended to mean 900 years, the foundation of Moscow 1458-2358, on objects madeby man in the age of dinosaurs. By the way a complete lack of willingness todecrypt it is absolutely inexcusable for feral community, "modernscholars" who are dreaming to look into the distant worlds of theUniverse, without even a notion of a higher level of civilization, whichreached our ancestors; And so on. Here thearticle: Foundrecords the foundation of Moscow in the era of the dinosaurs 1458-2358: http://www.exsradio.com/apps/forums/topics/show/7049267-found-records-the-foundation-of-moscow-in-the-era-of-the-dinosaurs-1458-2358 http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?action=msg&t=13702 http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27215 The fossilof people is found together with dinosaurs: https://picasaweb.google.com/113603038883480392132/HMRVaK http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1254307511 http://en.allexperts.com/q/Anthropology-2291/2009/8/Dating-anthropology.htm http://historyproject.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=european&action=display&thread=722 http://forum.shm.ru/posts/list/545.page http://sbio.info/forums.php?m=posts&q=315 http://foruhttp://foto.rambler.ru/users/valentindolzhenko2008/1/ http://www.ausanthrop.net/phorum/read.php?1,608 http://www.biology-online.org/biology-forum/about18775.html http://evolution2.com.ua/showthread.php?t=297 http://www.nso-korpus.org/showthread.php?t=478 http://istorya.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=2610 http://www.newtheory.ru/philosophy/dokumentalnoe-foto-o-tom-kak-russkie-zapryagali-dinozavrov-t800.html http://evolutsia.com/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,62/func,view/id,71/catid,31/ http://valentindolzhen.livejournal.com/654.html http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?control=msg&m=615703 http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?control=msg&t=15558 http://www.exsradio.com/apps/forums/topics/show/4816971-the-fossil-of-people-is-found-together-with-dinosaurs- http://ote4estvo.ru/forum/topic_75/last#post-0 http://ote4estvo.ru/forum/topic_76 http://istorya.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=3421 http://sbio.info/forums.php?m=posts&q=551 http://polit-forum.ru/showthread.php?t=3419 http://ote4estvo.ru/forum/topic_3/2#post-1471 http://ote4estvo.ru/forum/topic_76/last#reply http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1316262314 http://www.exsradio.com/apps/forums/topics/show/6240137-found-records-the-foundation-of-moscow-in-the-era-of-the-dinosaurs- http://history-forum.ru/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=217 http://www.predistoria.org/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1421 http://forum.kristallov.net/showthread.php?t=316 http://nauka.forum24.ru/?1-11-0-00000002-000-0-0-1321901185 http://forum.zoomet.ru/viewtopic.php?id=582 http://history-forum.ru/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=229 http://nfor.org/forum/thread44.html http://forum.enigma-project.ru/topic/1220-%d0%bd%d0%b0%d0%b9%d0%b4%d0%b5%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0%bb%d0%b5%d1%82%d0%be%d0%bf%d0%b8%d1%81%d1%8c-%d0%be%d1%81%d0%bd%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%b8%d1%8f-%d0%bc%d0%be%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%b2%d1%8b-%d0%b2-%d1%8d%d0%bf%d0%be%d1%85%d0%b5-%d0%b4%d0%b8%d0%bd%d0%be/ http://ariom.ru/forum/t46681.html http://forum.kansk.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3341 http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/61857-found-records-the-foundation-of-moscow-in-the-era-of-the-dinosaurs-1458-2358/ http://www.civilization-tv.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=74475 http://forum.newparadigma.ru/read.php?6,12953,13284#msg-13284 http://forum.newparadigma.ru/read.php?6,13289 http://forums.rusmedserv.com/showthread.php?t=216783 http://cid-e92175053d387f21.photos.live.com/ http://istorya.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=2993 http://missija.flyfolder.ru/topic1675.html
science, philosophy, religion, health, aws of nature
Valentin Dolzhenko replied to Valentin Dolzhenko's topic in Speculations
======================================================================================= Thisforum is very much distorted words in the text! And it's not my fault, a lot ofwords stick to each other. This is a matter of moderators. Read the article here: SECRET OF NATURAL SELECTION AND REPRODUCTION OF VIABLE ORGANISMS http://picasaweb.goo...lentindolzhenko Or here: New worldview in science,philosophy and religion, which emerged on the basis open of mystery natural selection andreproduction of viable organisms http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/63074-science-philosophy-religion-health-aws-of-nature/ Method of preventingillnesses in the progeny of people and animals. New worldview in the fieldof natural sciences, health, veterinary science, medicine, philosophy andscience in general: http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=30467 New worldview in the fieldof natural sciences and philosophy, which emerged on the basis open of mysterynatural selection and reproduction of viable organisms: http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5815 http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/New-Worldview-In-The-Field-Of-Natural-Sciences_30467.html http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f75/t560139.html http://www.biology-online.org/biology-forum/about23842.html http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/780663 http://www.morgellons-disease-research.com/Morgellons-Message-Board/morgellons-theories-speculations/7987-method-preventing-illnesses-progeny-people-animals.html http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30466 New worldview in the fieldof natural sciences, health, veterinary science, medicine, philosophy andscience in general: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30467 The method of preventingdisease in the offspring of animals and humans: http://www.usfarmer.com/forum/showthread.php?3213-The-method-of-preventing-disease-in-the-offspring-of-animals-and-humans Secret of natural selectionand reproduction of viable organisms: http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/720546 The mystery of the naturalselection and reproduction of viable organisms: http://www.ausanthrop.net/phorum/read.php?1,609 Method of Prevention ofIllnesses in Descendants: http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=27220 Method of Prevention ofIllnesses in Descendants http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/Method-Of-Prevention-Of-Illnesses-In-Descendants_27220.html Absence of thesubstantiation in laws of preservation and nature development http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1262215480 The law of confrontation thelevels energy: http://www.biology-online.org/biology-forum/about18606.html The method of preventingdisease in the offspring of animals and humans: https://www.usfarmer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3213 The mystery of the naturalselection and reproduction of viable organisms: http://www.ausanthrop.net/phorum/read.php?1,609,609 The lack of justification inthe laws of conservation and development of nature: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27521 The Law of Confrontation theLevels Energy: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27912 Absence of thesubstantiation in laws of preservation and nature development: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27215 Absence of the substantiationin laws of preservation and nature development: http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=126221548 Раскрытатайна естественного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов независимоот генетики!: http://www.geneforum.ru/topic658.html Критерийотбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54350 Способпредотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей: http://www.selskayazhizn.ru/showthread.php?t=4005 Способпредотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей: http://www.agroru.com/forums/forum10/topic3286/ СпособПредотвращения Болезней У Потомков Животных И Людей: http://forum.fermer.by/index.php?showtopic=6352 Способпредотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43641&sid=c5f4851436d514ee98d5f6f51366dc09 Национальныйпроект здравоохранения, способ предотвращения болезней у потомков (Авторисследований и обладатель патента Российской Федерации №2111660 ВалентинПавлович Долженко): http://www.nkj.ru/forum/forum12/topic11986/messages/ http://www.nkj.ru/forum/forum12/topic11986/messages/message63141/ Отсутствиеобоснования у законов сохранения и развития природы: http://www.mudrost.org/filosofiya-prirodq/otsutstvie-obosnovaniya-u-zakonov-sohraneniya-i-razvitiya-prirodq/ Отсутствиеобоснования в законах сохранения и развития природы: http://forum.academ.org/index.php?showtopic=640982 http://www.mudrost.org/filosofiya-prirodq/otsutstvie-obosnovaniya-u-zakonov-sohraneniya-i-razvitiya-prirodq/?wap2 Открытиетайны природного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов: http://forum.kpe.ru/showthread.php?t=14491 Выживаниесогласно открытию в области медицины и биологии: http://survivalist.ru/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2317 Способпредотвращения болезей у потомков: http://med.org-s.ru/index.php?topic=10509.0 Способпредотвращения болезней в потомстве: http://rmklub.ucoz.ru/forum/14-324-1 http://forum.allvet.ru/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=7736&sid=17a1a5269605415bc87e752f8b2b0591 Открытиетайны естественного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов: http://forum.syntone.ru/index.php?showtopic=19508 Новоемировоззрение в предотвращении болезней: http://forums.4medic.ru/viewtopic.php?t=118 Новоенаучно обоснованное мировоззрение: http://mosk-hav-hav.ucoz.ru/forum/33-835-1 Новоемировоззрение в здравоохранении и ветеринарии: http://prediger.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=4797 Новоемировоззрение в здравоохранении, ветеринарии, философии и науке в целом: http://www.philosophyforum.ru/topics/77200.html Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский» http://e-science.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=25584 Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский» Новоемировоззрение в биологии, здравоохранении, ветеринарии, физике, философии инауке в целом: http://zoometod.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=525 Новоемировоззрение в здравоохранении, философии и науке в целом: http://philosophy.3bb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=46 http://www.gumer.info/forum/showthread.php?t=799 Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия: http://vfc.org.ru/rus/forum/index.php?PAGE_NAME=read&FID=16&TID=257 Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский»: http://psyche.biznet.ru/topic38378.html http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290451930 Обращениек Президенту Академии Наук России Осипову Юрию Сергеевичу Спредложением создать центр предотвращения болезней в потомстве http://www.flb.ru/kompromat/688#comment/1.html Критерийздоровья: http://www.forum.nedug.ru/threads/771212-Критерий-здоровья Природныйкритерий здоровья: http://sportlib.borda.ru/?1-0-0-00000030-000-0-0-1323729456 http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=54349 Критерийотбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54350 Новоемировоззрение в естествознании: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=54351 Новоемировоззрение в области естественных наук, здравоохранении, ветеринарии имедицины, философии и науке в целом: http://bono-esse.ru/forum2/viewtopic.php?t=4855 http://rsmu.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=8912 ПроектыБелой книги: 1.Проект изготовления мега телескопа в соответствие с открытием явления природнойпараболы (#44490): http://www.inno.ru/anket/?anket_type=white_book&act=clear&project=44490 2.Проект предотвращения болезней в потомстве в соответствие с открытием тайныприродного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов (#44375): http://www.inno.ru/anket/?anket_type=white_book&act=clear&project=44375 Sincerely, Valentin. - ================================================================= Thisforum is very much distorted words in the text! And it's not my fault, a lot ofwords stick to each other. This is a matter of moderators. Read thearticle in the references listed below: Or here: SECRETOF NATURAL SELECTION AND REPRODUCTION OF VIABLE ORGANISMS http://picasaweb.google.ru/valentindolzhenko Here are some photos: -
New worldview in science, philosophy and religion, which emerged on the basis open of mystery natural selection and reproductionof viable organisms Abstract On the example of mammals, experimentally discovered the criterion ofhealth, under which performs the action: natural selection and reproduction ofviable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization of infinite variantsof pathology. This criterion allows carrying out control of parental levels ofviability before conception of descendants and opens a new era in prevention ofillnesses at animals and people in the course of their reproduction. In connection with absence of the criterion necessary for differentialdiagnostics and the control of viability of organisms, against the backgroundof a wide range of hereditary, congenital and acquired diseases that threatenthe extinction of mankind, the animal industries and public health servicesundergo huge losses, and therefore unable to restore the lost viability ofhistorically: - None at the expense of finance and technical resources; - None through the use of a huge army of specialists and scientificinstitutions, who vainly try to explore the infinite diversity of individualdiseases; - Not by the grace of distorting the reality of the laws. Disclosing of secret of natural selection and reproduction of viableorganisms has specified interrelation between preservation and development ofthe nature, and in particular, between a quantitative constancy of individualsand the qualitative variability which is directed aside their perfection. Experimentally established law of continuity attributes of beingradically changes representation about development and preservation of thenature, because the set of known facts confirming the presence in the nature ofthe phenomena of preservation and development, by mistake, then there is a lackof justification, have been erected by science, to the rank of isolated lawsthat distort reality. As for the policies of the World Health Organization, I propose toestablish an International Center for Prevention of Illnesses in Progeny ofhumans and animals, because control of viability, is an inevitable necessityfor survival and further development of mankind in the unity of organisms ofthe environment. Method of preventing illnesses in the progeny of people and animals It is known, that an infinite variety of organisms survived andprospered during many billions years in absence of modern ways of diagnosticsand treatment of illnesses. Moreover, this process proceeded steadily in the absence ofsubstantiation of nature conservation in isolation from development inaccordance with the laws, which were then invented in the science. Very good, that in ancient times there was no need to prove theconservation of nature in isolation from the development in accordance withcomplete distortion of worldview and the reality in modern science. And, because: - In three separated laws of philosophy cannot be and really there is noconcrete formulation about development of the nature; - And about its preservation cannot be and really there is no concreteformulation in three separated laws, introductions or the beginnings of allbeginnings of thermodynamics; - Also as well as in three laws of dynamics; Modern representation about of being resembles, more an earlier worldview,in conformity with which the World stood on three whales, three elephants and aturtle! Time has shown that we cannot get rid separately from parasitic,bacterial, viral, immune, allergic, nervous, mental, cardiovascular, oncology,endocrine, etc. disease. Attempt, undertaken in science for the purpose to prevent the individualvariants of Pathology among its infinite diverse of manifestations, -unavoidably gave birth to the unrealizable for the financing branched profileof scientific establishments, where specialists work a specific profile: cardiologists, TB doctors, pulmonologists, ophthalmologists, helminthological,pathologists, transplant, gastroenterologists, psychiatrists, neurologists,physiologists, pathophysiology, trauma, hematologists, immunologists,endocrinologists, bacteriology, virology, neurosurgeons, dentists,obstetricians, biochemists, biophysics, pharmacists, astrologers,psychologists, geneticists, otolaryngologists, and so on. In particular, for the penultimate seems to lack only a few nanometers,with the purpose to deepen into the structure of chromosomes, genes, itsmolecules and atoms, to understand the cause of the problem. As a result, the treatment from of many diseases, mentioned in the list:patients along and across the rugged a under the influence of the scalpel,poisoned by the chemistry, of deep-irradiated, they will inevitably come to mycolleague - the therapist, who in the course of training at university with ahuge variety of medical disciplines that are inaccessible to the mind, to knowsa little of everything, about everything, but specifically about anything. So, for example, difficulty for detect changes in DNA structure andgenes, as a rule, are expressed in ugliness resistant to treatment in organismsthat is accessible to diagnostics and not the naked eye. This fact indicates that modern genetics cannot provide the diagnosisand monitoring of the set variable levels of viability in the absence of overtsigns of pathology. However, she obsessively tries to make it through theanti-scientific lies and advertising gimmicks designed to redemptionunjustified hopes and expended wasted trillions of Finance. For example pregnancy, in healthy rats, which takes place against abackground of semi-starvation diet of protein, was escorted into childhooddystrophy, dental caries, irreversible changes in tissues and organs up anddecrease the concentration of DNA in cells, not without changing its structure. Having lost the way amongtwo birches, in the form of purine and pyrimidine the bases: adenine - guanineand thymine – uracil, genetics exaggerate value of DNA in an organism togetherwith own applicability in a science and a practice. Consequence of it becamebelow mentioned a reality, perverted to the detriment of health of animals andpeople. In anxiety concerning whatugliness will be born in following generation, we distinctly realize similar toresearchers in the field of genetics an outstanding role of surgeons inreproduction of cardio-defects, a harelip, blindness, absence in the newbornorganism from intestines of the external aperture and so it is infinite. In the field of experimentaloncology it was possible to be convinced, that the researchers can sometimesget rid of cancer cells and from a tumor how to get rid of signal light bulb bymeans of a hammer, but not from of cause, which have generated illness, herinevitable return after treatment and death of an organism. Coming back to a problem ofour survival and development in unity of organisms of an environment will bepertinently to mention about arisen virus epidemic at sheep’s and furiousnessat cows on the Native land of cloning of mammals. In the same place,researchers have undertaken search of a nonexistent gene in the nature whichwould supervise health or longevity irrespective of a full set of chromosomes. By the way, the cloning oforganisms, with similar to us dystrophies on an example of brothers smaller, inthe absence of quality selection, and together with and absence it variabilityof biological forms, that encompasses the need for their perfection, wasinevitably expressed in the loss of organisms ability to their survival. Inparticular, the cloning was aggravated with occurrence of a congenitalarthritis in sheep’s, and a birth of the person - the ugly creature. The prevailing part ofsheep’s has been destroyed in connection with virus epidemic, in consequence ofthat, on a fire has burned down together with wool of 10 million sheep’s. As aresult, Kingdom of the Great Britain has lost 12 billion pounds sterling,besides is absolute without a guarantee to exclude relapse of epidemic.Financial losses will reach trillions, if to consider natural occurrence in thesame country of a spongy encephalopathy, i.e. furiousness at the cows, in theWorld patients with leukemia of herd and destroyed owing to flu very much aplenty of birds which also are intended for a food of people not without damageto their health. “Euro news” report2002-11-29. This problem was furtherexacerbated by and in all countries the World. Materials and research methods Initially, the experimentalsearch was undertaken for obtain one of the tests early diagnosis of cancerwith the probability of detecting changes in metabolism, characteristic of thisdisease, that in turn will help to clarify the cause of its occurrence in theorganism. In order to identifyfeatures in the metabolism of healthy and diseased organisms, as extremelyweakened condition of the latter was adopted by the spontaneous andcarcinogen-induced cancer, hereditary predisposition to him, and other illness. In the experiments, wereused: laboratory and wild mice, rats and more 20 species mammals at the zoo, aswell as people of different ages, gender, and athletes. Calculation of speed ofmetabolic processes was carried out by means of the attitude between quantitymcg of the general nitrogen, parallel with the amino acids (in daily urine) andweight of an organism in grams: mcg / gr. of body weight. These indicators reflect thelevel that is the rate of protein metabolism that is associated with otherforms of exchange in the organisms, along with changes its immune, nervous,cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine systems, and so on. Research results and discussion The success has brought oneof many experiments, allowed to reveal long-awaited distinction. Thisdifference consisted in the of quantity free amino acids which are present inthe daily urine of individual organisms. In a consequence, correlation betweenchange of the given parameter and quantity of the general nitrogen in dailyurine has been tracked. Together they represent a level that is the rate ofmetabolism of nitrogen or protein, where higher settings belong to healthy, low- sick organisms. The experts involved incultivation of laboratory animals with surprise have apprehended the found outfact. Perhaps by mistake, whetheras humor, but happens so, that instead of healthy animals, workers vivariumhave given out three groups of linear mice of the same color, a floor and agefor the further researches. In these mice at two monthly age had predisposition100 % to a cancer of a mammary gland, lungs and the blood, enshrined in theoffspring by inbreeding for decades and hundreds of generations (typically, thetumor in mice occurs after the year). During registration and comparison oflevels of a metabolism at mice, to surprise of the experts, the mistake hasbeen easily detected. And that the low level of a metabolism is found out notonly in parents at presence of tumors, but also at their absence at children atyoung age is very important. The successful beginning ofresearches was interrupted with unique experiment. It has appeared, that thefound out distinction in levels is property not only oncological, but alsoother illnesses. In the jungles of anuncharted path of an artifact has caused in the researcher a panic,disappointment and a shock simultaneously. Exit out of the impasse wasvisible only through the upcoming confirmation of a new hypothesis in the unityof a set of the previous assumptions. In particular, it was necessary to prove,that the found out criterion is universal for various illnesses. But for asubstantiation of the given hypothesis it was necessary to be convinced ofabsolutely opposite circumstance of things, namely that high levels of ametabolism belong to wild animals which constantly undergo natural selection. Confirmation of the newassumptions evident in the experimentally detected in the confrontation betweenthe high level of metabolism in wild mice and rats, compared with a low level -at the weakened animal vivarium suffering from cancer. This opposition reflectsthe difference found in more than 10 times and averaged 3.5-fold. The reliability of selectedareas of research confirmed in the following set of experiments (Tables: 1, 2,3, 4, 5. Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). In the progeny traced thecontinuity of levels of metabolism from parents; Prevailing influence oflevels in the offspring was dictated by the condition of the fetus duringpregnancy in the womb; It is shown that viabilityin the offspring gradually is lost, depending on the reduction of levels and,on the contrary, restored in accordance with the increase of parental levels ofmetabolism; It turned out, that lowlevels of metabolism are allowed and, conversely, high - prohibit themanifestation of any pathology; That’s why in order toprevent the weak and get viable offspring prior to conception of the latter, inlaboratory animals has been made the selection of parents with high levels ofmetabolism. The ability to quickly getrid of cancer, which was secured in the offspring for decades and hundreds ofgenerations, has been provided through selection and breeding of mice with highlevels of metabolism. By studying the levels ofmetabolism in paddlers, swimmers and wrestlers, to the surprise of trainers,easy to identify the confrontation of individual performance sport. Also revealed thathistorically people have lost high level of a metabolism and, therefore, heneeds to recover. As a result we areforced to silently contemplate: and the indomitable growth of a wide range ofdiseases, and the probability of extinction of humanity. During the registration oflevels at different species of zoo mammals it has been shown that the highmetabolism levels are typical not only for small, but also for big animals withweight of 100 kg and more. Study have shown, thataccepted as criterion of viability levels of energy, a matter, exchange interactionor a metabolism possess the contradictory affiliation and express an infinitevariety of forms of movement, or attributes of being. In particular, inconsistentcharacter of levels belongs: - Opposite sexes – male andfemale; - Natural selection and reproduction– qualitative and quantitative; - Onto- and phylogenetic -spatial and temporal; - Species and individuality– universal and particular; - Synthesis and destruction– anabolic and catabolic; - Quiescence and motion –potential and kinetic; - Health and disease -normal and pathological and so on. For example, qualitativeselection of the most viable organisms, that have high metabolism levels andproper fertileness, provides preservation of a kind, i.e. quantitativereproduction of descendants in excess. In its turn quantitative reproduction ofdescendants provides perfection of species, i.e. qualitative selection of themost viable organisms according to the high metabolism level. In a similar waytakes place realize ontogeny and phylogeny, where spatial or intrauterine levelof fetus provides the temporal, that is, level of a metabolism of an adultorganism, after a birth, and on the contrary. The same way displaysinherent the for self-motion’s, the connection between the type and individual organisms,potential and kinetic, destruction and synthesis, negation and affirmation etc. Conclusions: In the study of metabolismin mammals, discovered the criterion of health, under which performs theaction: natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms, and also aninterdiction and realization of infinite variants of pathology. On the example of thevariability of levels of metabolism, which reflect the degree of health orviability of the organisms was traced the interconnection of such phenomena as:the preservation and development, space and time, the universal and particular,the potential and kinetic, denial and assertion (that is, synthesis anddestruction, integration and disintegration), and so on. In nature, there is therelationship and such phenomena as: Finite and infinite; Discontinuous andcontinuous; Centrifugal and centripetal; Ideal and real; The divine and thediabolical; The holy and the sinful; Spin and invariance; Charm and strangeness; "Independent" fromthe policy newspaper; Or, new covenants, whichcome to replace outdated light. This means that in nature noother manifestation, except contradictory levels of exchange interaction, ofenergy, that is, forms of movement! Disclosing of secret ofnatural selection and reproduction of viable organisms has specified interrelationbetween preservation and development of the nature, and in particular, betweena quantitative constancy of individuals and the qualitative variability whichis directed aside their perfection. Experimentally establishedlaw of continuity attributes of being radically changes representation aboutdevelopment and preservation of the nature. In accordance with the setof known facts in science, it was established presence in the nature of thephenomena of conservation and development. However, as revealed in the presentstudy, these phenomena are in error, that is, in absence of justification wereraised to the rank independent of each other's laws that distort reality. Thus the, was found a causallink, which is the basis of self-motion opposite, forms of being or naturalphenomena. It means that the nature cannot undergo development withoutpreservation, as well as preservation without development at any level of theorganization. In it testify the levels of a metabolism that belong the concreteform of organisms. Owing to misunderstandingmutual conditionality of things, philosophers by means of fiction have erectedpreservation and development of the nature above a variety integrated, andequal in significance opposite forms of movement. This circumstance of thingspromoted occurrence of the "basic" question in philosophy "aboutthe superiority: the being - above a consciousness and, on the contrary".Incorrectly formulated question not only has perverted interrelation of idealand real in the process of knowledge, but also has generated one-sidedly-uglyand consequently irreconcilable idealists and materialists. This discovery contains anew worldview in the natural sciences, health, veterinary and medicine,philosophy and science in general. As for my view on thispolicy, I propose to establish an International Center for Prevention ofIllnesses in Progeny of humans and animals, because control of viability, is aninevitable necessity for survival and further development of mankind in theunity of organisms of the environment. Thus, the essence of beingis in the fact that in nature no other of manifestation, except thecontradictory levels energy, of exchange interaction, that is forms ofmovement! Results of the present researches can be used also: - In a reproduction of newbreeds and kinds of animals; - In epidemiology; - In the sanitary control ofanimals intended for the food industry; - In selection of methods oftreatment and their forecasting; - In perfection of criteriaof viability; - In the army; - In a sport; - In protection of motherhoodand the childhood. There tables and pictures in English: (Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5): https://picasaweb.google.com/113292827111606303636/secretofnaturalselectionandreproductionofviableorganisms Please read the full article: Method of preventingillnesses in the progeny of people and animals. New worldview in the fieldof natural sciences, health, veterinary science, medicine, philosophy andscience in general: http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=30467 New worldview in the fieldof natural sciences and philosophy, which emerged on the basis open of mysterynatural selection and reproduction of viable organisms: http://onlinephilosophyclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5815 http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/New-Worldview-In-The-Field-Of-Natural-Sciences_30467.html http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f75/t560139.html http://www.biology-online.org/biology-forum/about23842.html http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/780663 http://www.morgellons-disease-research.com/Morgellons-Message-Board/morgellons-theories-speculations/7987-method-preventing-illnesses-progeny-people-animals.html http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30466 New worldview in the fieldof natural sciences, health, veterinary science, medicine, philosophy andscience in general: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30467 The method of preventingdisease in the offspring of animals and humans: http://www.usfarmer.com/forum/showthread.php?3213-The-method-of-preventing-disease-in-the-offspring-of-animals-and-humans Secret of natural selectionand reproduction of viable organisms: http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/720546 The mystery of the naturalselection and reproduction of viable organisms: http://www.ausanthrop.net/phorum/read.php?1,609 Method of Prevention ofIllnesses in Descendants: http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=27220 Method of Prevention ofIllnesses in Descendants http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/Method-Of-Prevention-Of-Illnesses-In-Descendants_27220.html Absence of thesubstantiation in laws of preservation and nature development http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1262215480 The law of confrontation thelevels energy: http://www.biology-online.org/biology-forum/about18606.html The method of preventingdisease in the offspring of animals and humans: https://www.usfarmer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3213 The mystery of the naturalselection and reproduction of viable organisms: http://www.ausanthrop.net/phorum/read.php?1,609,609 The lack of justification inthe laws of conservation and development of nature: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27521 The Law of Confrontation theLevels Energy: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27912 Absence of thesubstantiation in laws of preservation and nature development: http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=27215 Absence of thesubstantiation in laws of preservation and nature development: http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=126221548 Раскрытатайна естественного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов независимоот генетики!: http://www.geneforum.ru/topic658.html Критерийотбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54350 Способпредотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей: http://www.selskayazhizn.ru/showthread.php?t=4005 Способпредотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей: http://www.agroru.com/forums/forum10/topic3286/ СпособПредотвращения Болезней У Потомков Животных И Людей: http://forum.fermer.by/index.php?showtopic=6352 Способпредотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43641&sid=c5f4851436d514ee98d5f6f51366dc09 Национальныйпроект здравоохранения, способ предотвращения болезней у потомков (Авторисследований и обладатель патента Российской Федерации №2111660 ВалентинПавлович Долженко): http://www.nkj.ru/forum/forum12/topic11986/messages/ http://www.nkj.ru/forum/forum12/topic11986/messages/message63141/ Отсутствиеобоснования у законов сохранения и развития природы: http://www.mudrost.org/filosofiya-prirodq/otsutstvie-obosnovaniya-u-zakonov-sohraneniya-i-razvitiya-prirodq/ Отсутствиеобоснования в законах сохранения и развития природы: http://forum.academ.org/index.php?showtopic=640982 http://www.mudrost.org/filosofiya-prirodq/otsutstvie-obosnovaniya-u-zakonov-sohraneniya-i-razvitiya-prirodq/?wap2 Открытиетайны природного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов: http://forum.kpe.ru/showthread.php?t=14491 Выживаниесогласно открытию в области медицины и биологии: http://survivalist.ru/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2317 Способпредотвращения болезей у потомков: http://med.org-s.ru/index.php?topic=10509.0 Способпредотвращения болезней в потомстве: http://rmklub.ucoz.ru/forum/14-324-1 http://forum.allvet.ru/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=7736&sid=17a1a5269605415bc87e752f8b2b0591 Открытиетайны естественного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов: http://forum.syntone.ru/index.php?showtopic=19508 Новоемировоззрение в предотвращении болезней: http://forums.4medic.ru/viewtopic.php?t=118 Новоенаучно обоснованное мировоззрение: http://mosk-hav-hav.ucoz.ru/forum/33-835-1 Новоемировоззрение в здравоохранении и ветеринарии: http://prediger.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=4797 Новоемировоззрение в здравоохранении, ветеринарии, философии и науке в целом: http://www.philosophyforum.ru/topics/77200.html Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский» http://e-science.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=25584 Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский» Новоемировоззрение в биологии, здравоохранении, ветеринарии, физике, философии инауке в целом: http://zoometod.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=525 Новоемировоззрение в здравоохранении, философии и науке в целом: http://philosophy.3bb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=46 http://www.gumer.info/forum/showthread.php?t=799 Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия: http://vfc.org.ru/rus/forum/index.php?PAGE_NAME=read&FID=16&TID=257 Научнообоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский»: http://psyche.biznet.ru/topic38378.html http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290451930 Обращениек Президенту Академии Наук России Осипову Юрию Сергеевичу Спредложением создать центр предотвращения болезней в потомстве http://www.flb.ru/kompromat/688#comment/1.html Критерийздоровья: http://www.forum.nedug.ru/threads/771212-Критерий-здоровья Природныйкритерий здоровья: http://sportlib.borda.ru/?1-0-0-00000030-000-0-0-1323729456 http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=54349 Критерийотбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54350 Новоемировоззрение в естествознании: http://agroforum.su/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=54351 Новоемировоззрение в области естественных наук, здравоохранении, ветеринарии и медицины,философии и науке в целом: http://bono-esse.ru/forum2/viewtopic.php?t=4855 http://rsmu.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=8912
The Official "Introduce Yourself" Thread
Valentin Dolzhenko replied to Radical Edward's topic in The Lounge
Sayonara³ Doomy doom ♫Hello, my name's Sayonara and I'm a grumpy bastard. No really, it's true. ================================= Hello, Sayonara! My name is Valentine (Russian Ivan). Alas, I am much worse than you! ================================================ I see Down syndrome with the naked eye, i.e., without DNA! -
Opening of"Phenomena of the natural parabola" allows you to easily create amirror of any curvature and diameter of hundreds of meters and even a fewkilometers, reflecting the parallel light rays to a point, respectively, with achange in focal length and beam power. In order tostudy the universe through focusing parallel rays of light coming from distantworlds, Hyperboloid St. Valentine's will increase the remote objects a milliontimes, compared with a 6 meter telescope. Simultaneously,the mega telescope gives a ray of sunlight of high-energy, which is in contactwith the substance will cause disintegration of the atoms in the elementaryparticles, it will be much more powerful than a nuclear explosion. There is aneed for modern science to study the physics of elementary particles and on theprovision of energy by itself. Thediscovery allows you to create on Earth, the Moon and in space(Flying machineon its own energy supply) mirror parabola with a huge energy. Whiledevices such as the Hadron Collider and the Tokomak are NOT suitable forproduction, but only to absorb high energy expenditure of trillions of Financeat the expense of taxpayers. Method ofmanufacturing parabolic mirrors (one whole mirror) having a diameter of severalhundred meters and even a few kilometers, I propose for patenting. I cannot fix adhere to each other words in the process of placing the text on the forum. Regarding this error, you must contact a moderator. Amend dither text is difficult, because the text is dancing up and down. Probably a bad program at the forum. I cannot fix adhere to each other words in the process of placing the text on the forum. Regarding this error, you must contact a moderator. Amend dither text is difficult, because the text is dancing up and down. Probably a bad program at the forum. Missing an opportunity to highlight the proposal to delete it!
For the first time on an example of mammals is experimentally found,criterion of health according to which operates {work}: natural selection and areproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization ofinfinite variants of pathology. The establishedcriterion allows carrying out the control of parental levels of viability before the beginning of conception of descendants,and opens a new era in prevention of illnesses at people and animals duringtheir reproduction. As criterionof health or viability of organisms the found opposition of levels, i.e.parameters of speed of a nitrogenous (albuminous) metabolism is accepted. It isshown, that low levels of a metabolism belong to weak organisms and providerealization of infinite variants of pathology. And on the contrary, high levels in viable organisms which have contrastopposition concerning low levels - forbid realization of any pathology. Istracked the inheritance by posterity of parental levels of a metabolism.Prevailing influence of female levels on posterity is caused by pregnancy andintra-uterine development of a fruit. Bymeans of registration of levels of a metabolism at oarsmen, swimmers andfighters, to surprise of trainers, the blind method also shows, that oppositionof individual parameters during sports is naturally observed in conformity isindividual speed of metabolic processes of the sportsman. Also it is revealed, that at people the high level of ametabolism is historically lost, and that is why he requires restoration. Itcauses growth of a wide spectrum of the illnesses menacing by disappearance ofmankind. Results of the present {true} researches can be used also: - In prevention of illnesses at people and animals duringtheir reproduction, by means of the control of parental levels of viabilitybefore conception of descendants; - In a reproduction of new breeds and kinds ofanimals; - in epidemiology; - In the sanitary control of animals intended for thefood industry; - In selection of methods of treatment and theirforecasting; - In protection of motherhood and the childhood; - In perfection of criteria of viability; - In army; - In sports; Disclosing of secret of natural selection and reproduction of viableorganisms specifies interrelation between preservation and development of thenature and in particular, between a quantitative constancy of organisms andqualitative variability which is directed aside their perfection. Theestablished Law of unity of material transitions or the Law of indissolubilityof attributes of life radically changes representation about development andpreservation of the nature which by mistake, i.e. in absence of substantiationhave been erected by a science in a rank separated from each other andconsequently laws perverting a reality. With the purpose of prevention of illnesses indescendants is offered, to create the center, asthe control of viability is the necessity dictated by a life with the purposeof a survival and the further development of mankind in unity of organisms ofan environment. Realization of opening capable to carry out revolutionarychange in public health services and animal industries requires financialsupport from associates. It is known, that an infinite variety of organisms survives and prospersduring many millions years in absence of modern methods of diagnostics andtreatment of illnesses. Besides, the given process did not require theperverted substantiation of preservation of the nature irrespective ofdevelopment and, on the contrary, according to the laws thought up by ascience. The attempt undertaken by a science with the purpose of prevention ofindividual variants of a pathology in the environment of their infinitevariety, has inevitably generated impracticable for financing also infinitelywide variety of scientific institutes. In connection with absence ofthe criterion necessary for differential diagnostics and the control ofviability of organisms, the animal industries and public health servicesundergo huge expenses, and cannot restorehistorically lost viability: - Not by means of thefinance intended for it and auxiliary means; - Not bymeans of army of researchers and a wide structure of the scientificinstitutes, vainly trying to embrace separately an infinite variety ofindividual illnesses; - Not bymeans of set below and above the listed laws. Time has shown that we cannot get rid separately from parasitic,bacterial, virus, immune, allergic, neurological, mental, cardiovascular,oncological, endocrynologycal, etc. illnesses. So, for example, difficultly found out changesto structure of DNA and genes, as a rule, are expressed in ugliness resistantto treatment at organisms that is accessible to diagnostics and with open eyes. The given fact testifies that the moderngenetics cannot provide diagnostics and the control of set of changeable ortransitive levels of viability over absence of obvious attributes of apathology though she and tries to carry out it with an anticipation andpersistence by means of antiscientific lie and the advertising gimmicksintended with the purpose of expiation of unjustified hopes and wasted ofbillions. As an example, we shall consider pregnancy at healthy rats, in acondition of a half-starved albuminous diet which accompanies at children: adystrophy, caries of a teeth (at their occurrence), irreversible changes withanomaly in bodies and fabrics and reduction of concentration in cells of DNAnot without change of its structure. Having lost the way among two birches, inthe form of puryny and pyrymydyn the bases: adenyn - guanyn and tymyn - uracyl,genetics exaggerate value of DNA in an organism together with own applicabilityin a science and a practice. Consequence of it became below mentioned a realityperverted to the detriment of health of animals and people. In anxiety concerning what ugliness will be born in followinggeneration, We distinctly realize similar to researchers in the field of genetics anoutstanding role of surgeons in reproduction of cardio-defects, a harelip,blindness, absence in the newborn organism from intestines of the external aperture and so it isinfinite. In the field of experimental oncology it was possible to be convincedthat to researchers sometimes is possible to get rid of cancer cells and from atumor as from an alarm bulb by means of a hammer, but not from the reason whichhave generated illness, its{her} inevitable return after treatment and death ofan organism. Here itis possible to find out the way of prevention of illnesses at descendants. Readclause {article}: Opening of secret of natural selection and reproduction ofviable organisms. In English: http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/720546 It is mostcorrectly told In Russian: http://www.geneforum.ru/topic658.html I cannot fix adhere to each other words in the process of placing the text on the forum. Regarding this error, you must contact a moderator. Amend dither text is difficult, because the text is dancing up and down. Probably a bad program at the forum.
For the first time on an example of mammals is experimentally found,criterion of health according to which operates {work}: natural selection and areproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization ofinfinite variants of pathology. The establishedcriterion allows carrying out the control of parental levels of viability before the beginning of conception of descendants,and opens a new era in prevention of illnesses at people and animals duringtheir reproduction. As criterionof health or viability of organisms the found opposition of levels, i.e.parameters of speed of a nitrogenous (albuminous) metabolism is accepted. It isshown, that low levels of a metabolism belong to weak organisms and providerealization of infinite variants of pathology. And on the contrary, high levels in viable organisms which have contrastopposition concerning low levels - forbid realization of any pathology. Istracked the inheritance by posterity of parental levels of a metabolism.Prevailing influence of female levels on posterity is caused by pregnancy andintra-uterine development of a fruit. Bymeans of registration of levels of a metabolism at oarsmen, swimmers andfighters, to surprise of trainers, the blind method also shows, that oppositionof individual parameters during sports is naturally observed in conformity isindividual speed of metabolic processes of the sportsman. Also it is revealed, that at people the high level of ametabolism is historically lost, and that is why he requires restoration. Itcauses growth of a wide spectrum of the illnesses menacing by disappearance ofmankind. Results of the present {true} researches can be used also: - In prevention of illnesses at people and animals duringtheir reproduction, by means of the control of parental levels of viabilitybefore conception of descendants; - In a reproduction of new breeds and kinds ofanimals; - in epidemiology; - In the sanitary control of animals intended for thefood industry; - In selection of methods of treatment and theirforecasting; - In protection of motherhood and the childhood; - In perfection of criteria of viability; - In army; - In sports; Disclosing of secret of natural selection and reproduction of viableorganisms specifies interrelation between preservation and development of thenature and in particular, between a quantitative constancy of organisms andqualitative variability which is directed aside their perfection. Theestablished Law of unity of material transitions or the Law of indissolubilityof attributes of life radically changes representation about development andpreservation of the nature which by mistake, i.e. in absence of substantiationhave been erected by a science in a rank separated from each other andconsequently laws perverting a reality. With the purpose of prevention of illnesses indescendants is offered, to create the center, asthe control of viability is the necessity dictated by a life with the purposeof a survival and the further development of mankind in unity of organisms ofan environment. Realization of opening capable to carry out revolutionarychange in public health services and animal industries requires financialsupport from associates. It is known, that an infinite variety of organisms survives and prospersduring many millions years in absence of modern methods of diagnostics andtreatment of illnesses. Besides, the given process did not require theperverted substantiation of preservation of the nature irrespective ofdevelopment and, on the contrary, according to the laws thought up by ascience. The attempt undertaken by a science with the purpose of prevention ofindividual variants of a pathology in the environment of their infinitevariety, has inevitably generated impracticable for financing also infinitelywide variety of scientific institutes. In connection with absence ofthe criterion necessary for differential diagnostics and the control ofviability of organisms, the animal industries and public health servicesundergo huge expenses, and cannot restorehistorically lost viability: - Not by means of thefinance intended for it and auxiliary means; - Not bymeans of army of researchers and a wide structure of the scientificinstitutes, vainly trying to embrace separately an infinite variety ofindividual illnesses; - Not bymeans of set below and above the listed laws. Time has shown that we cannot get rid separately from parasitic,bacterial, virus, immune, allergic, neurological, mental, cardiovascular,oncological, endocrynologycal, etc. illnesses. So, for example, difficultly found out changesto structure of DNA and genes, as a rule, are expressed in ugliness resistantto treatment at organisms that is accessible to diagnostics and with open eyes. The given fact testifies that the moderngenetics cannot provide diagnostics and the control of set of changeable ortransitive levels of viability over absence of obvious attributes of apathology though she and tries to carry out it with an anticipation andpersistence by means of antiscientific lie and the advertising gimmicksintended with the purpose of expiation of unjustified hopes and wasted ofbillions. As an example, we shall consider pregnancy at healthy rats, in acondition of a half-starved albuminous diet which accompanies at children: adystrophy, caries of a teeth (at their occurrence), irreversible changes withanomaly in bodies and fabrics and reduction of concentration in cells of DNAnot without change of its structure. Having lost the way among two birches, inthe form of puryny and pyrymydyn the bases: adenyn - guanyn and tymyn - uracyl,genetics exaggerate value of DNA in an organism together with own applicabilityin a science and a practice. Consequence of it became below mentioned a realityperverted to the detriment of health of animals and people. In anxiety concerning what ugliness will be born in followinggeneration, We distinctly realize similar to researchers in the field of genetics anoutstanding role of surgeons in reproduction of cardio-defects, a harelip,blindness, absence in the newborn organism from intestines of the external aperture and so it isinfinite. In the field of experimental oncology it was possible to be convincedthat to researchers sometimes is possible to get rid of cancer cells and from atumor as from an alarm bulb by means of a hammer, but not from the reason whichhave generated illness, its{her} inevitable return after treatment and death ofan organism. Here itis possible to find out the way of prevention of illnesses at descendants. Readclause {article}: Opening of secret of natural selection and reproduction ofviable organisms. In English: http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/86/topic/720546 It is mostcorrectly told In Russian: http://www.geneforum.ru/topic658.html
To get acquainted with the material presented: over 80 found objects, 270 photos, depicting the products that made the man, as well as petrified during lifetime the remains of people, dinosaurs, other animals and plants. Here arephotos: http://picasaweb.google.ru/valentindolzhenko Herearticle: Thefossil of people is found together with dinosaurs: http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?control=msg&t=15558 http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?action=msg&t=13702 http://evolutsia.com/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,62/func,view/id,71/catid,31/ At a higher level of civilization compared to our time, shows found record of the foundation of Moscow in the era of the dinosaurs 1458-2358 (900 years of Moscow). The people, who lived thousands of years ago, saw many remains of previous civilizations. We are so wild, that have no idea about it. And nowadays you can find many such items in the presence of numeric and alphabetic characters. It is known that a large variety of fossils, which form the crust of the Earth many times,has undergone destruction and remelting. This fact indicates the unsuitability of the known methods used to determine the age of our planet. These methods aresuitable if, it is only to study crustal rocks belonging to the later period oftheir occurrence as a result of recent melting. Extremely old age, the stonesare located on the surface of our planet and, indeed, perhaps, are only 4.5billion years old, but not infinitely many trillions of years, truly inherentin the Earth and other planets, created through the synthesis of substances byorganisms and their subsequent mineralization. Do theythink Geophysics over such a fact as a fossil of the heart in the four-meterreptile that has antiquity 65 million years and was found in the U.S. state of Carolina? Or the fact of fossilized organisms that lived before in the oceanand was found in the same state in the U.S., on the tops of steep slopes of thecanyon? I doubt it. They Geophysics reasonably attempt to discuss the drift ofcontinents, about the collision and drowning convergent rock layers underneatheach other to melt into magma. They also suggest the disappearance ofcivilizations, which are replacing each other. On many ofthe found items, there is a digital and letter designation of the inscriptionwith the anniversary date, the foundation of Moscow (1458-2358). Throughdigital and letter painting, laser-created artwork: "The battle againstthe black dragon of St. George in the unity of the whole world of animals,including dinosaurs, mammoths, elephants, crocodiles, hippos, bears, wolves,bulls, lions, boars, and so on. Above hishead, George holds a two-handed grip spear in the form of two-headed eagle. In order torestore history of mankind, which existed hundreds of millions of years ago, inthe unity of many species of flora and fauna on Earth, used the opening ofalphanumeric labels marked by a laser beam on products manufactured by man, inthe presence of a specific, spikes, characteristic of certain species ofdinosaur teeth. Simultaneously with the reasonable person, there were also more primitive forms of people.This is evidenced by the trace of rasp in the petrified brain of the savage. In thecourse of studying of the bitten subjects the trace of thorns which correspondsto the form of the flower petals located on a surface of a jaw of a dinosaurhas been found out. The giventest is absolutely specific to identification of a teeth of a dinosaur atpresence transformed in a stone of its saliva and blood, in case of damage ofown cheek. Besides during optical increase each thorn again forms a similarflower, but consisting of spikes of smaller, size. A seal ofthese teeth were kept on subjects made by the person, and also on fragments ofthe bodies transformed into a stone, people, animals and plants. Andconsequently as in the nature there is nothing except its inconsistent forms oflife, a teeth of dinosaurs not only has erased a civilization in a powder, butalso has allowed us to open it. The setbelow the listed subjects, confirms a variety of levels of a civilization,since the tool of the Stone Age irrigated by blood, up to the iron weight andthe parts of asphalt bitten by a dinosaur. Please payattention to the bodies that have undergone mineralization, instantly, that is,in a short moment of life: Mushrooms; Pears ripefruit; Of bakedpumpkin; Petrifiedhoney comb; Fragment ofthe mammary gland of an animal with its internal structure; Separatedfragments of the head severed by an ax, in the presence of a trace from humanfingers. Tooth,turned into quartz; Head of abird; Fossilizedegg belonging to a female dinosaur, extracted surgically; Fossilizedbones of the left tibia, which was owned by a person; Petrifiedwood sharpened portion for processing the skins; Smoked boneepiphysis converted into a stone, which has red hematopoietic marrow and theblood vessel wall; Animal'shead is roasted on a fire in the presence of teeth, tongue and blood vessels; Fossilizedbrain in the presence of worms, blood vessels, and print dinosaur teeth; Fossils:the heads of men and dinosaurs; Bread thatis baked in the shape of a dinosaur paw; Also notethe color and the internal structure of the stick (cookies; cake), in whichinvolved egg yolk; Thepresence of print and slip teeth dinosaur on metal objects, glass and ceramics; A trail ofblood to the point of attachment of the cervical vertebra decapitated womandinosaur paw prints in the presence of its claws; Head, thenewborn human, dissected with a scalpel. In the context of this head is present structure of the brain, If youknow her anatomy: Plexusalong and across the digital and alphabetic inscription on the surface of metaland pottery, generates images (pictures), while we are only just mastered thedigital photo and video recording. In particular, through an alphanumeric labelof a larger font, there is an inscription, fine and super fine print. We werenot able to understand it in recent decades in the absence of representation oncomputer-laser holography, which we do not yet possess. This method wasintended to mean 900 years, the foundation of Moscow 1458-2358, on objects madeby man in the age of dinosaurs. By the way a complete lack of willingness todecrypt it is absolutely inexcusable for feral community, "modernscholars" who are dreaming to look into the distant worlds of theUniverse, without even a notion of a higher level of civilization, whichreached our ancestors; And so on.
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