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Tres Juicy

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Everything posted by Tres Juicy

  1. This is not a question This is not an answer
  2. I would rather admit that I don't know the answer than make up a fairy tale
  3. Is that why your religion is so laughable? The more people laugh at your ridiculous beliefs, the more you are rewarded?
  4. What?! http://www.smarterthanthat.com/astronomy/top-10-ways-to-know-the-earth-is-not-flat/ Show me 1 piece of evidence that the bible is true
  5. I think there are certain people who should have this forceably inserted into their signature
  6. Happy birthday to me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zapatos


      Happy Birthday!! Try not to wake up tomorrow with a hangover!

    3. Tres Juicy

      Tres Juicy

      Way too late Zapatos...


    4. Appolinaria
  7. And yet tthegraviton is testable and falsifyable and therefore science - god is not. Perhaps further study is in order? No it's clearly not. "god did it" it not an explanation As I said before, for something to be factual it needs to be factual to everybody - You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts You can do so now if you like I don't think you are qualified to make that judgement. Why don't you try us? Whatever inspired Einstein, he still worked scientifically and searched for the real truth behind things instead of attributing things to "gods will" or some such cop out
  8. It would not work. If you think about how the field lines will interact you'll see for yourself
  9. Feel free to show predictive, testable, repeatable scientific evidence at any time
  10. I created the universe and everything in it. This is a fact. Everything happens because it is my will. I am your creator and as such I have done everything. I have spoken directly to you, I would say that in doing so I have already offered more proof than any false "god" has. Can you not feel that I am here? You are interacting with me after all. Maybe you should try harder You are wrong - Take it directly from the creator of the universe. Do not argue with my divine knowledge. You could not possibly compete with your creator and, indeed it would be blasphemous to do so Done
  11. We're going in circles.... How about you refresh your memory: http://www.scienceforums.net/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Either answer the questions you are being asked and back them up with facts or expect this thread to be closed Remember, we will require facts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact
  12. Yes, yes they have...
  13. But you are preaching, you only have to look back over your posts to see that What is it then? Agreed, you start
  14. So which part qualifies you to preach to everyone here that you know better than us? What is the point you're trying to make? All I see is someone who thinks they can say whatever they want without backing it up with any evidence other than "god told me" It's weak at best and I can see this thread being closed very soon because you are not saying anything, there is nothing to discuss, and whenever you are asked to back up something you've said you cite your imaginary friend "god" as the source. Pointless
  15. Rubbish! I could just as easily say "If you believe in the Big Bang theory then you must also accept the energy released was fairy dust."
  16. What exactly is it that you do?
  17. Ok, but can he break the sound barrier before the increasing air pressure slows him down too much? Obviously he will not remain at 36k above the earth for very long
  18. Hi all, I have just read this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-16908004 Is this possible from that height? I would have thought that he would be slowed by the increasing air resistance before reaching that kind of speed?
  19. It's about time!!
  20. I am the creator of the universe I used my magical powers to produce everything you perceive Prove me wrong
  21. What about the evidence of your own senses? What about your own powers of reasoning? Why would you discard so much in favour of so little? You're obviously not stupid, why take the easy option?
  22. Who says it's not true? My book would have just as much chance as the bible in 2000 years
  23. I could write a book saying I created the universe and then point to that book as proof What does it prove?
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