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Tres Juicy

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Everything posted by Tres Juicy

  1. I'll do you a deal: Here is one way to calculate pi using maths Let's see your method
  2. In most places a sexual act performed on an animal will be illegal
  3. The moral point is debatable, but legally it's animal abuse
  4. The one I posted is the widely accepted version, that was the point of the post
  5. This is clearly wrong in so many ways The day/night ratio is not 50/50, again you are wrong. My question was related to your statement that "the heat from the sun is constant" which again, is wrong (otherwise we would not experience winter) Here I was alluding to the possibilty of you being a crackpot
  6. Isn't this the exact same thread as "question about 2012"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics Just out of interest run your posts through this: http://crackpotbingo.com/crackpotindex.shtml
  7. It's one thing to joke about it but if what you say is true then it's animal abuse which is not only illegal but morally wrong.
  8. From wikipeda: "God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions (and other belief systems) who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism.[1] God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the many different conceptions of God. The most common among these include omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. God has also been conceived as being incorporeal (immaterial), a personal being, the source of all moral obligation, and the "greatest conceivable existent".[1] These attributes were all supported to varying degrees by the early Jewish, Christian and Muslim theologian philosophers, including Maimonides,[2] Augustine of Hippo,[2] and Al-Ghazali,[3] respectively. Many notable medieval philosophers and modern philosophers have developed arguments for [3] the existence of God and in modernity against." This is the definition I think of. Interestingly, God.com has no answers.....
  9. That was my concern, but I thought it would be worth a go...
  10. I have read your threads (all of them) and I'm still unclear as to the point of them. I'm not being rude to you or trying to repress you or anything like that, I just want to know what you're talking about! Are you saying that you've calculated pi to an infinite number of digits?
  11. 1) If you expect any scientific input, you need to provide a case that science can measure. 2) there's no reason to get angry if someone points out the flaws in your theory, either. To mention just 2, but the red ones above were intended for you
  12. I think you'd be more likely to come out deaf than clean
  13. Yoga, prana and Nadi are not science and as such cannot be used to argue scientifically
  14. Surely Neil Armstrong would have brought some back for some after dinner analysis...
  15. My fault, I'm not thinking... The speed must increase not the acceleration
  16. But in order to maintain 1g on board due to acceleration surely it must increase?
  17. I think you've got it back to front as it were. To maintain a steady 1g onboard you would have to Increase acceleration as you travelled
  18. Good questions... I can't help you I'm afraid. But I'll stick around for someone who can...
  19. Nobody is attacking you here, we are merely trying to understand what is is you're doing in these threads. A discussion requires information to be shared by all parties involved, when you initiate a discussion you DO owe it to the other people involved to explain the purpose and goal of the discussion If anyone here understands this better than I do, please enlighten me If this thread is closed it will be as a result of you not giving us any means to discuss it further, not because anyone is closed minded Maybe you have given them a little more information than you have provided here? I'm not putting words in your mouth (or stealing your life!), I am trying to fathom what it is exactly you are trying to do. If you're not trying to prove something what are you doing??!
  20. Wish I knew everything....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tres Juicy

      Tres Juicy

      I was thnkng of a more conventional deal...

    3. Daedalus


      hmmm... to know everything just by giving Appolinaria my soul to be worn around her belt for all eternity, or risk going to hell for being ignorant...

    4. Tres Juicy

      Tres Juicy

      I would ask for half up front...

  21. What about putting it inside a bag and having it wrapped around the magnet?
  22. I would ask you to do the same and in my opinion the best way to do that would be to credit them with the intelligence to understand you, rather than say "you wouldn't understand" Nobody knows what you're trying to acheive in these threads, please give us something to work with It seems to me that you're just playing with numbers...
  23. Palmela Handerson?
  24. Well I'd like to know what the point of these threads is... I'd like you to explain what it is that you're trying to do/prove Without any explaination of this it's meaningless to anyone but you and that will result in this thread going downhill rapidly
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