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Tres Juicy

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Everything posted by Tres Juicy

  1. I would, In my infinite wisdom, go back to the very start of the universe and erase myself, knowing that I have caused nothing but trouble and that the universe is better off without gods and other such nonsense.
  2. Exactly. Does this point to holes in our understanding then? Something cannot exist without a space to exist in - at least not in this universe. Conversley, does the universe contain itself? If so, how can that be possible?
  3. So where is it? Does it contain itself?
  4. A countably infinite number of men went into a pub. The first one ordered a pint. The second ordered a half-pint. The third ordered a quarter of a pint ... The barkeeper, with a face full of disgust, finally poured two pints and put them on the bar and said, "It's good when people know their limit.

  5. Yes, but the universe as a whole must reside somewhere. If the universe is infinite, where does it reside? My observable universe resides within a wider universe but it all must exist somewhere. Where or what does the universe exist within?
  6. Hello Mr Nelson

  7. No, that's what I thought
  8. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/bang.php Hi all, Could I get your thoughts on the attached link? Just out of interest excuse the brevity of my post (sent from my phone)
  9. This is just bad design. I would simply suit up in bike leathers (bite proof) and walk to my destination with my sword.
  10. Just because we don't know how they did it does not mean they couldn't have done it. They would have invested a great deal of time and energy into learning how to do these things with the tools available at the time (something which we have not done).
  11. Have you correctly understood how liquids and gasses behave under these conditions? I suspect that tripling the height of the hill will result in more changes to the system than you have accounted for...
  12. Sorry guys! I wasn't quite sure - now I am...
  13. Sorry, do you mean continuing the discussion of the other thread in this thread would be thread hijacking? Not sure....
  14. I had a similar thought here: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/62480-objects-take-up-space/page__p__646544__fromsearch__1#entry646544 Might be of interest to you. Apologies if this is considered thread hijacking
  15. Lots of animals store food for the winter, this is planning for the future surely?
  16. What about some sort of flash fire that burns off all the available oxygen? Equivalent to the fire burning out naturally
  17. Not if it is caused my some sort of chemical. You're thinking of "old skool magic" zombies rather than the new "science zombie" of modern film.
  18. Would you like to hear my zombie apocalypse survival plan?
  19. It's not good science to say "I have discovered X but I'm not telling anyone how I arrived at X it's a secret"
  20. Briefly, in 1 paragraph explain your "cause" of gravity and back it up with some evidence. Also explain why your hypothesis is better than currently accepted science. Edit: Mooey does not need to supply you with any information as that has already been done by established science over many years. The balance is restored
  21. Then by this definition, life after death is impossible
  22. Define "life" Define "death" Without such definitions this conversation is not possible
  23. How much energy is produced and how much energy did it take to wind the spool? I would be willing to bet that the 2 (at the very least) cancel each other out
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