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Everything posted by kumonokuma

  1. Hi Everyone! I'm not sure if it's alright to post this in this forum, but the topic matter definitely has connections to nuclear physics, so I'm going to try asking my question anyhow. I'm considering studying abroad in Japan next year, in Kyoto specifically, but I have been harboring doubts in regards to radiation safety. There isn't that much reliable information online, no so-called "radiation maps" showing levels in various regions of the country, so I don't have much to base my decision on. My question is simple: do you think that radiation levels are safe in the Kyoto area? Travel, of course, hasn't been prohibited, in fact, the government and Japanese companies are paying people to travel to Japan (and for good reason, too, after such a rattling incident), but this is no indication of safety. I mean, if food is transported across the country, then it could potentially absorb radiation and deliver it to calmer regions (though aren't they typically supposed to measure radiation before they put the product up for sale?). Additionally, I'm kind of curious as to why they haven't been able to turn the reactor off yet. This article makes me wary: http://blogs.discove...rent-disasters/ At this point, would you recommend travel to Japan, and if not, how long do you suspect it would take before the situation becomes friendlier? Thank you for your help! I admit to being no science major (though I used to be a biology major).
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