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Everything posted by coregazer

  1. just wondering why lavender flowers supposedly make you calmer... is it even a fact yet? iv always heard it does but never heard or seen any validation or scientific evidence to prove it. and im highly intruiged
  2. im interested in finding out more about ultrasonic & acoustic levitation. how mutch can it lift? what would it take to lift... say a glass?.
  3. iv also heard of varius validations that "fire breathing" dragons MAY of existed on an old childrens science programme known as "the big bang" or somthing similer. (This is much older than the comady programme, "the big bang theory". just so you are not mistake )
  4. okay, so hes using ultrasonic sound to levitate droplets of water... cool, is that because he thinks it looks cool or he cant levitate anything else without amplyfying the sound tenfold?... o_O... ie. what would be required to lift... i dont know... a.... glass?
  5. lol. sounds like a good idea for a whole new generation of trampolining XD. lol. im not that mad. dont worry. but a little more on the insane side, would a circle of inverted sound be able to hold an object in place? once more, if so, what would be required.
  6. oooh, cool. So... does this mean they would be able to lift an object? if so, how bigger speaker would you need/how mutch sound?
  7. i know this is like... kind of stupid... but is there any two waveleanghs of sound could create pressure? either on an object or on each other?
  8. okay, all of you here are trying to explain why it is possible/inpossible to travel at the speed of light however none of you, as far as i noticed, have talked about how traveling at light would most likely destroy you and most things that have "mass" because of a perticuler force, i forget which (g-force is it?)
  9. i was just wondering, despite sound not being matter, what happens when two similer sounds or identical sounds hit each other? and how would this inpact the sound?
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